Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 913: The original maid

"It's not surprising that they first arrived in this era near Los Santos." Lu Yuan continued.

"After all, their main base in Santo Los Angeles was once under the Thousand-Year Mountain in the north of Santo Los Angeles."

"At this time, North and South America has not over-squeezed each other, and many future mountains have not yet formed, and it is not difficult to understand."

"So, they have an advance base near Los Santos, and it's normal to stock thousands of lizardmen soldiers."

"But, again, if my assumption is correct, then they will definitely put the main base on the ship near the Chicxulub crater. Well, it's likely to be built inside!"

"Remember? The Green Mayflower UFO was under the sea outside Wispucci Pier."

"And the Chicxulub crater center in the northwest of the Yucatan Peninsula is not too different from there. They are all shallow seas near the land."

"Why did the Green Mayflower move from the Millennium Mountain base to the sea? I guess, they probably have already set the current plan, so they are doing early adaptation training!"

"Wow, isn't it? This is really a big plan!" Although Yanzi said so, he was a little bit dissatisfied with Lu Yuan's forced connection.

But Lu Yuan didn't care.

Because his hypothesis was originally used to explain to the swallows why they did not try to wipe out the lizardmen legions before, but went to the Yucatan Peninsula.

But if Yanzi believed him or not, she wouldn't stop Lu Yuan.

Because, the more time Lu Yuan wasted, the more he owed Yanzi nominally.

Even if the relationship between the two is just a small joke, Yanzi can convert this unnecessary loan contract into other conditions at any time.

After all, she doesn't suffer.

As for Lu Yuan's real plan, in addition to verifying his guess, he also wanted to go to several old places along the way.

For example, to gamble on whether there will be oil fields in 50 million years, whether crude oil can still be extracted now.

After all, textbooks say that oil can be formed in about two million years, but not all oil fields on the earth are so young. It is said that the oldest oil mines are 500 million years old.

In addition to oil, there are many mineral deposits on this section of the road that can be used by Luyuan.

For example, the copper mine in Sonora State where the head of the Maiheikou carp is located, the state and its neighbor Chihuahua to the east, the gold mine in Durango State, the southeast neighbor, and Zacatecas State in the southeast. Of silver mines.

Of course there are lead, zinc, molybdenum, tungsten and so on.

In general, because of the geographical location of the Maiheikou carp, there are really a lot of mineral deposits in the country, which are long enough to be mined all the way.

And once he had these things, Lu Yuan could do more.

Whether his wishful thinking can finally start, it will take a while.

But at the moment, someone's wishful thinking is lost.

Not to mention that before dawn the next day, the sun went up and down ten back and forth in the blink of an eye. The pterodactyl knights of the Lizard Legion of Los Santos even stretched the search range to 500 kilometers away, but they still failed to catch the group of people who were far away. Shadow.

After receiving such a blow, the new Loki clone also knew that this matter could not be solved by himself, so he wisely gave up his dream of solving the enemy and went back to claim credit, obediently reporting the unfortunate news.

On the other hand, after Lu Yuan's many transformations, it was beyond recognition whether it could still be called a tank on the ground armed vehicle, and Yanzi received Turner's call message for the first time.

"Master, are you here?" Yanzi opened the intercom in surprise.

"Are you really near here?" Turner's unique magnetic voice came across, "Why can't the radar and thermal imaging on the drone detect you? Don't you drive T72?"

"Hey, you don't want to praise him anymore. If you praise him again, you have to go straight to the sky!" Yanzi said with a smile, "Yes, it is possible to change the appearance of this tank, add radar stealth and infrared stealth, but also solve it. He’s pretty terrible about the track marks."

"But hasn't he always been like this?"

"I call myself a ranger, but I actually do all the work of a mechanic?"


"Hey, the big deal, can I call myself Alloy Ranger, okay?" Lu Yuan hurriedly said, then leaned close to the walkie-talkie, and said to Turner on the other side, "How is it, Turner, everything is going well on your side?"

"Everything went well." Turner understood that Lu Yuan was asking not only the present, but also questions such as Alexios's knot, so he could not help but replied with some emotion in a firm tone.

"That's good." Lu Yuan also understood the profound meaning of Turner's words, and said with emotion, "Welcome back."

"Uh, by the way, Siafi is all right?"

"I'm okay, sir." Shiafei's voice came over.

"Great." Lu Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief. "You don't know. In the past few days, your sister poked me in the face when she got the chance, so she almost poked me into pockmarks."

"There's me, and me, I'm here, sir!" The voice of the eldest boy was also heard.

"Ha, so are you."

"Just come back. Well, I will send you a coordinate for you to land. We will meet there."


After many years, Lu Yuan's three core team of three electronic life finally got together again.

It's just that, seeing Lu Yuan's weirdly transformed tank with spider-like mechanical legs, not only Gushing and Shiafei wanted to try this strange body in the past, and Turner was also moved with emotion.

And Lu Yuan stared at the second figure coming down from the giant dragon drone in a daze, completely unable to understand why she also appeared here.

"Why, don't you welcome me?" The man smiled at Lu Yuan.

"Just don't welcome you!" Without waiting for Lu Yuan's answer, Yanzi stepped between the two of them and said cruelly with his arms around his chest.

"Yet I came anyway." The man replied with a smile.

"Huh, it's up to the uncle's face!" Yanzi snorted, "I can't keep you from completing the task and staying here and not going back, right?"

"That's really thank you for your generosity!" The man's tone began to become bad.

"Of course, I am the most generous!"

"Really? You said that the most generous is that to be alone with someone, the other people are assigned to another team, almost besieged by the enemy because of lack of manpower?"


"Wait!" Lu Yuan was quarreled with Maimang's two women so loudly, "What are you talking about? What mission? Why can't you go back?"

"Cut!" Swallow snorted at the man harshly, and before the man could speak, explained first, "Do you remember when Cassandra explained why she didn't deal with this face personally? Give me an example?"

"That's the one when she saw something dirty near the window when she was a senior manager in a meeting, so she couldn't stop the meeting and get a rag to clean up by herself?"

"That's right, she said what she should do is let the maid do these things." Lu Yuan nodded, "That's us."

"Who told you that it was us?" Yanzi said in an angry voice, "We are amazing as passers-by who accidentally strayed into this place." Then she raised her finger to the red-haired young woman on the opposite side, "She, is the real maid." ."

"These things should be handled by her!"

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