Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 934: Welcome and send to

No, as the igniting substances that were also dropped ignited those black viscous liquids, those gadgets showed far more flammability than ordinary heavy crude oil, and quickly ignited the entire forest area.

Those things are not pure crude oil, but fuel that has been deployed by the Lizardmen Legion.

The commander of the Lizardmen Legion said that he would treat his body by his own way, but it was also a fire bomb bombardment to Lu Yuan's rocket launcher position?

However, watching Lu Yuan, which sent back the video from the front of the command vehicle a hundred kilometers away, looked at the front position that was ignited, and suddenly laughed after a while.

"Hehe, this is the command of a Scorpio? The revenge is really heavy!"

The joke is a joke, but Lu Yuan himself has no right to make fun of others in terms of the necessary reports.

Lu Yuan: "Swallow, it's your turn!"

Yanzi: "I know!"

Lu Yuan: "However, don't rush too far. The other party will definitely not only send bombers and not **** fighters. Right now, there are only these big guys, which are clearly deceiving!"

Yanzi: "I know. Big deal, let Rose go first!"

"Then I'm welcome!" Rosecuff said, rushing out with her own air combat formation.

"Hey! I'm just talking!" Yanzi was a little uncomfortable, but seeing that his partner had rushed out, even if he was reluctant, he could only suppress his anger and began to move the position together with the ground troops.

There is a bit of Rocky clone who guessed it right, Lu Yuan really arranged the main force in the north-south central area of ​​the East Madre Mountains.

The previous rocket plowing was just trying to stun the snake and see where the other party would reveal its flaws.

And he will change the formation according to the situation, choose the next step of play.

Of course, he had seen the pterodactyl forces a long time ago, and guessed that the opponent's first counterattack was probably these guys.

The only thing I didn't guess was that the other party actually had incendiary bombs, uh, it should be said that the other party actually used incendiary bombs.

It's not that Lu Yuan looked down on the opponent and felt that they couldn't use this high-end weapon. On the contrary, in Lu Yuan's view, the opponent would not use this kind of technology with low-cost weapons.

You must know that he used the napalm to see that most of the Lizardmen Legion are organisms. If this thing sticks to the body, this force is useless.

But the opponent uses this weapon to attack their own mechanized units. Not to mention those unmanned combat units that do not need air and are extremely airtight, they are the command vehicles of themselves and Turner Eliza. They are not only complete. The nuclear, biological and chemical three defense system, as well as air-conditioning.

Coupled with the heavily armored airtight structure, as long as the tank is not covered with napalm and burned weapons, it is impossible for these metal monsters to lie down.

In Lu Yuan's view, using incendiary weapons on the opposite side is not as efficient as directly using high-explosive disc weapons.

Of course, if only from the perspective of the rocket launcher, using incendiary bombs is also not bad.

After all, the warheads of the rockets that are put into the simple launch nest are still napalm, and they are relatively easy to be destroyed by high-temperature combustion.

It is a pity that after the third round of rockets were fired by each vehicle, those launch vehicles had already withdrawn from the ridge launch position. At this time, more than half of the vehicles were more than ten kilometers away from the position bombed by the pterodactyl. .

Although there are some slow-handed guys who were accidentally splashed with black oil from the sky, they were burned by the ensuing fire and exploded with rockets that had not had time to empty, but this kind of unit with bad luck did not. not much.

At least, the points harvested by Lu Yuan in the fire just now were enough for him to make up for these losses dozens or hundreds of times.

At this time, the air combat drones commanded by Rosecuff, who flew to the large pterodactyl bomber units that were going to retreat after the dive bombing, would probably earn him another military expense.

As mentioned earlier, although Lu Yuan had allowed the rocket troops to launch an attack on the northern part of the mountain range, the main force was lying in ambush in the middle of the mountain range.

But that refers to Turner's heavy equipment and Eliza's support force.

Although the speed of these ground forces is not slow, they are a bit worse than the air force, so the marching distance can still be saved.

But Rosecuff and Swallow’s aerial combat drone launch vehicle was arranged in the dense western forest in the northern section of the mountain range.

Air combat units are fast. Even with this arrangement, even if there is a need for air force support in the southern section of the mountain range, an air combat drone that needs to fly a diagonally longer distance to reach it will not waste much time.

Separating them from the main force on the ground can reduce the chance that the enemy will find the location of their main force.

You know, the area of ​​the East Madre Mountains is not big, and it is definitely not small when it is small.

Lu Yuan’s ground troops are hidden here, and if they are not carefully searched, it is unlikely that they will be found in this mountain range that stretches for hundreds of kilometers.

Therefore, even if the enemy commander sees through Lu Yuan’s intentions and guesses that the area where the air combat troops are located is not likely to be the place where the main ground forces are located, there are still dozens or hundreds of possible places left. Information is equivalent to no.

On the contrary, if you are playing with virtual reality, the most dangerous place is the safest place. Putting the launch vehicle that will inevitably be exposed when launching the drone with the main force on the ground is equivalent to increasing the enemy’s guessing of its own troops. probability.

Assuming that there are 100 hiding points, if the drone and the main force are not placed together, the chance of the opponent guessing the position of the main force is almost still about 1%.

The location where the drone is located, if the other party tries or does not try, has little effect.

But if the drone and the main force are put together, the other party must have mastered the position of the drone.

Then, the probability of searching or not searching for this location is basically the same as the probability of discovering or failing to find the main force on the ground.

This probability has become one-half.

Therefore, although black under the lights is a well-known judgment that exploits human psychological misunderstandings, almost no one has succeeded in actual warfare.

And what happened afterwards proved that in the face of the deceitful god, even if it is only in name, it is best not to have that kind of thought.

Because, just as Rosecuff’s drone troops rushed towards the pterodactyl bomber group, they unexpectedly rushed out another group of pterodactyl troops on the north side of the mountain along the mountain, and went straight before the drone launch vehicle. The area where you are.

It should be noted that the East Madre Mountains are not completely true north and south. It and the West Madre Mountains on the west side of the Mesa Plateau are like two walls, running parallel to the east and west sides of the Mesa Plateau.

The whole carp is in the same direction as the Maihekou, but it actually extends from the northwest to the southeast.

It's just that when it comes to the junction with the Yucatan grassland, the mountain's trend is slightly biased toward the south.

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