Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 939: Who is the alien?

Moreover, judging from the situation observed by the reconnaissance aircraft, the cold lizards temporarily named by Lu Yuan as Velociraptors seemed not afraid of pain.

But after smelling the smell of blood, they will be extremely excited, or be aggressive.

After entering this state, no matter what passes by them, they will instinctively tear it apart.

At first, it was some daring, outrageous or mindless rainforest animals, such as those large bugs that lay on the trunk and sucked on the branches and leaves.

Then there is the shell of the warhead that is discarded when the rocket projectiles the ball. Because there is still some residual temperature on it, these guys also regarded it as a living body.

These are still barely normal.

However, when a lizardman rider who had bad luck on his mount was killed, but he was quite lucky, when he retreated to the vicinity of these cold lizards, he was torn into several pieces by them in twos and then swallowed in his stomach.

This gave the audience a deeper impression of the cruelty of this creature.

And when some of them left their own large forces and were scattered and incorporated into this cold lizard army as the auxiliary scorpion cavalry with the army's sonar detectors, when they passed around them, they were also swarmed up and torn and eaten, Lu Yuan waited for the spectators. Adapted to the character of these cold lizards, it is no surprise.

However, because of this, the Yanzi still complained, "Hey, the beast has a temper, and violent the heavens, and even killed the last hope of survival. It's not saved."

Hearing this, everyone including Lu Yuan nodded silently.

In fact, even though this raptor light cavalry was crippled without being able to truly show its excellent combat power, Lu Yuan and others have gradually realized their avant-garde through their subsequent performance.

But from the very beginning, the focus of Lu Yuan's and Xiafei's attacks was not on them, but on the parasaurus and the dinosaur version of the mobile sonar.

Compared with forces that have been attacking powerful forces, this primitive air force that can turn the Lizardmen Legion into a precision strike force allows other ground forces to accurately find the best course of action in the lush rainforest and firmly lock the long distance. The functional units at the enemy's position are more valuable.

More annihilation value.

Without the help of these guys, the bombing accuracy of the air raids in the sky will be greatly reduced, and the cavalry units on the ground will also lose their direction. They can only rely on instinct to explore, and the efficiency is naturally much lower than before.

The most important thing is that if there is no parasite, these cavalry units deep in the dense forests of the plateau will probably lose contact with most of the lizardmen army behind.

When the time comes, what method will be used to deal with them, no matter how far away, it is just a lone army without assistance, where can it be more powerful?

Unless one of them suddenly becomes a traverser, they also pull up a huge force in a mobile war like Lu Yuan.

The reason for this judgment is that apart from the reconnaissance drones recording some voiceprint information near them, it is also related to their formation changes.

When the two light cavalry first entered the dense forest on the plateau from the northern slope, although they were two independent units, a closer look would reveal that in fact, in the cold lizard cavalry team, they had already been incorporated into some deputy ctenosaurus in advance.

The main force of the deputy chrysanthemums other than the independent and cold lizard troops is faintly divided into two parts, one is relatively backward, and from time to time it will emit low-frequency or high-frequency sound waves to the surroundings, and the other part strives to advance, even the frontmost unit. Already ahead of the cold lizard cavalry regiment.

This division of forces may not be obvious in the battlefield, but for drones that can observe them from the sky, it really exposes its role.

Obviously, the front team of Deputy Chrysanthemum is responsible for guiding the entire ground force, while the rear team is to give directions to the air force and may also have the function of keeping in touch with the rear.

As a result, the first wave of Siafee's steel ball rain attack was the rear team of Vice Chrysanthemum.

In fact, those who first hit the cold lizard cavalry regiment can be regarded as missed.

Cold lizards: MMP! This XX is called a miss? Then you can check one out for me to see?

Siafee: Good.

Therefore, after confirming that the Vice-Chrysanthemum Queens team was almost no longer threatened, the second wave of rockets passed through a modified trajectory, and this fiercely penetrated into the cold lizard force area.

Then, the cold lizard army knew what it would look like if it were really aimed at them.

Of course, in fact, the attack came to a halt soon.

Because as the rear troops were annihilated, the Deputy Chrysanthemum Front Team showed signs of dispersing and fleeing.

Although these guys lacked combat power, it would be really a headache if they were dispersed and sneaked around Luyuan's troops and reported reconnaissance data to the army of lizardmen from time to time.

As a last resort, Xiafee, who wanted to kill the cold lizard directly, had to change his formation again and set the main attack target on the deputy ctenosaurus that had begun to scatter and escape.

This is the situation where the cold lizard remnants fight in various dens before.

Fortunately, Siafi’s rocket launch vehicle was also divided into two teams. When the first team launched an attack, the second team was still loading shrapnel ammunition.

When the first team started the third wave of attacks, the new force of the second team also joined the battle in due course. In the end, they rushed to annihilate them before the brigade's deputy chrysanthemums escaped.

Even so, there were still a few sporadic parasitons escaped from the battlefield.

However, the work of dealing with them was taken over by the reconnaissance helicopters.

And when Xiafei once again set the main target on the cold lizard remnants, the outcome of these guys was doomed.

On the other side, the Lizardmen Legion Observatory Command Center, where the Legion Commander, Rocky Clone 1234, sometimes gritted his teeth to look at the sand table, and sometimes cursed loudly, obviously dissatisfied with the current situation.

The other avatars around him watched their noses and noses, and no one made a sound, as if they were afraid of being angered by the previous 1234.

It's not that no one wanted to speak out, but when he was about to stand up and say something, another person next to him caught him in time, and pointed his finger at the ground near 1234 on the other side of the sand table.

There, a corpse of a lizardman warrior wearing a colorful feather suit collapsed to the ground in an extremely distorted posture, bleeding from under the broken head.

Seeing the corpse, the clone who was about to make a sound recalled the fact that the colorful feather lizard warrior had sent frontline news to everyone, but was crushed by 1234, swallowed his saliva, and stood honestly back. .

Obviously, the look of 1234 here is very similar to the boss behind the black armor forces of Los Santos.

It's a pity that he is the same as the man back then, nominally the commander-in-chief, but in fact he is not the real master, and he is also working for others.

"Dead? Are they all dead?" The commander was so angry that he almost broke his teeth.

"how is this possible!"

"XX Who is the alien?"

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