Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 942: Spider goes down the mountain

Previously in the Mesa Plateau, Lu Yuan’s army of unmanned chariots with a mechanical spider chassis was able to press against the Lizardmen army. The main reason was that the former was much more mobile than the former in the highlands and mountains covered by the rainforest.

I attacked you from behind you, and when you finally turned around and rushed to my original position, I had already circled behind you again.

In such a situation, it is indeed impossible for the lizardmen on the opposite side to travel far.

However, this is the case in dense mountain forests, and it is completely different in flat and open grasslands.

First of all, there is no dense forest shelter. Even if the pterodactyl troops are completely wiped out, the Lizardmen Legion has no high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, but those brontosaurus and other diplodocus behemoths that can be more than ten meters high by simply lifting their necks are completely The watcher on top of their heads can be used for reconnaissance.

As a result, Lu Yuan's ground troops wanted to lie in ambush, fire a wave of rapid fire and run away, and it became very difficult.

Secondly, on a flat grassland, the maximum moving speed of the mechanical spider chassis is only about 80 kilometers per hour.

This speed is of course extremely fast in the dense forests of the mountains, and in fact it can't be achieved, but it is almost meaningless on the grasslands. And this is also the maximum speed, and it cannot last for too long.

Now the normal cruising speed of these mechanical spider chassis is between 40-55 kilometers per hour. If the speed is too fast, the wear rate of the mechanical foot joints will increase sharply, and it will be completely damaged in about half an hour.

Not to mention the damage of key parts, because the instantaneous imbalance caused by the damage of the parts is likely to cause large-scale damage to the entire chassis, which is basically equivalent to scrapping.

On the other hand, for example, war horses can generally run for more than ten hours at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour, even when they are loaded.

Under extreme conditions, it is not uncommon to run to 80 kilometers per hour in a short period of time, such as three minutes.

This is just a natural war horse that has not been transformed by biological modulation technology.

Like the prototype of the cold lizard cavalry that appeared before, Deinonychus or Velociraptor, the extreme speed can easily reach this level. It is not uncommon for medium-sized dinosaurs to achieve this speed.

After being strengthened by Aschalotar, the heavy-armored assault units in the Lizardmen Legion are likely to increase their maximum speed to this level.

For example, the members of the Tyrannosaurus family with amazing explosive power and equally amazing fighting power. Perhaps the most famous of these is Tyrannosaurus Rex, or Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In addition, there are some similar in body to Tyrannosaurus, which also belongs to the sauropod suborder, but it belongs to the Abelisaurus. The head skull has a pair of carnotaurus that resemble horns.

This unique shape, but also a large dinosaur with a height of 4 meters and a length of 8 meters, could easily reach a speed of 60 kilometers per hour before it was modified. It was once considered to be the largest carnivorous dinosaur with the fastest running speed.

Relatively speaking, the speed of a heavy armored unit transformed from a herbivorous dragon like a triceratops or an ankylosaurus may not be fast enough, but the limit speed can also be transformed to about 60 kilometers per hour.

Therefore, it can be said that Lu Yuan’s mechanical spider chariot occupies an absolute speed advantage over the Lizardmen Legion in the dense forest of the plateau, but when it comes to the grassland, the speed of both sides will basically be leveled.

Two huge advantages, concealment and good mobility, no longer exist on the grassland, and only the short-term long-range firepower is left as a killer. Lu Yuan hesitates and understands the hard-rushing grassland lizardmen units. .

However, after the previous serial air battle on the North Slope and East Slope, the situation on the Luyuan side was really good, and there seemed to be some problems if we didn't seize this advantage.

Tianyu does not take the blame.

Finally, when Lu Yuan changed his clothes, the Swallows completely replaced Rosecuff’s second brigade to take over the air combat mission. At around 09:36, Lu Yuan finally made up his mind and began to let the ground troops in the middle of the mountain move towards the east of the mountain. attack.

There was no rocket fire from the previous guess that fired dry powder, and there was no isolation zone from the fire to force it through. Turner’s main battle tank battalion was guided by reconnaissance drones and air combat drones from the south of the mountains. The section where the fire is relatively small is forced through.

Anyway, the fire in this area was mainly caused by combustible materials such as ground rot, and there was no napalm.

When the chariot is forced through, there is no fear of being put on the car body by napalm.

Turner’s tank battalion is close to the tank battalion of the US-Ka Marine Corps Marine Division he is most familiar with. However, he didn't know that within a few years, the Marine Corps tank battalion and even the artillery battalion would be abolished in order to target the opponents whose forms have changed.

Of course that matter has nothing to do with him.

This kind of establishment was used purely because Lu Yuan himself was not from a professional class, and Turner, the front-line commanders, could adjust the establishment according to their own habits.

What's more, what Turner initially commanded was just a battalion tactical group. Now only the main battle tanks have been expanded to the battalion level. Of course, that's how comfortable it is.

At present, his tank battalion has four companies in addition to the company directly under the battalion. Each company has three platoons. Each platoon is not four but five main battle tanks with spider chassis.

The command mode is the same as that of an air combat drone. An electronic lifeform platoon vehicle that is endowed with a certain degree of self-awareness by Lu Yuan's tinder box commands the other four remote-controlled combat vehicles.

However, at the company level, because of the heavy command and combat tasks, two additional command vehicles were added to the company headquarters. One was responsible for communicating with the superior and lower platoon leaders, and the other was responsible for real-time data exchange with reconnaissance units and timely adjustment of operations. detail.

So a tank company has a total of 3X5+2=17 spider tanks.

There are 68 cars for four companies.

The battalion company was supposed to provide communication and logistics support for the entire battalion, but because it was an unmanned remote-controlled combat vehicle unit, it became a logistic mechanical unit mainly composed of on-board maintenance robots.

But there are also three command tanks and five tanks from a guard platoon, for a total of 8.

Therefore, the entire tank battalion is counted down to a total of 76 main battle spider tanks.

The organization of the self-propelled artillery battalion is similar. It’s just that the command task of the self-propelled artillery and the main battle tanks responsible for front-line combat are relatively easy, so a platoon of artillery at the grassroots level has six self-propelled artillery instead of five.

In addition, the biggest difference between the two is in number.

Turner currently commands two tank battalions, but there are as many as five self-propelled artillery battalions.

No way, Lu Yuan’s earliest heavy weapon was a tank, but it was the self-propelled artillery that really made his firepower soar.

This guy's preference for plowing with heavy firepower is already in his genes.

Upside down effect, that's it.

Well, Turner expressed dissatisfaction with this statement.

As if he had no opinion on what to do and what to do.

Obviously, it was the guy who controlled the production line of the mechanical unit, who was just arbitrary.

In short, two battalions with 76 spider tanks, five battalions with (3X6+2)X4=80 122mm self-propelled artillery and (3+6)=9 152mm self-propelled artillery, and seven battalions in common Formed the Turner version of the heavy-fire brigade combat team.

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