Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 948: New changes

As the front-line battle situation became more and more advantageous to his side, Lu Yuan finally freed himself from the heavy task of rushing around to supply rockets. He had enough experience and the result was that Shia Fei summarized the current battlefield information, and speculated that the enemy might be the next step. Trends.

In fact, if modern warfare were to be really fought, he would rather watch his frontline troops be wiped out than run out to do logistics.

Being able to be a mobile logistics vehicle with unlimited supplies is mainly because after the opponent turned to attack from the lizardmen legion that had been ordered to retreat, there was nothing decent and a huge threat to this side.

The most dangerous one was when the opponent gathered a large tyrannosaurus dinosaur behemoth in the rear assault force, and under the cover of the theropod medium-sized dinosaur cavalry, it launched against Turner’s tank battalion. Surprise attack.

That time the other party did take a lot of advantage.

As mentioned earlier, Turner’s first two tank battalions had a total of 152 tanks, but more than one hundred were destroyed.

Among the more than 100 vehicles that were destroyed, at least 30 vehicles were destroyed in that surprise attack.

It was a force of hundreds of giant beasts that were 6 meters high, 15 meters long, and weighed more than 10 tons like a Tyrannosaurus. It launched at a speed of at least 50 kilometers per hour, under the cover of several times this number of medium-sized dinosaurs. The charge.

Responsible for commanding the surge of battle, learning from Turner recently has really improved a lot.

After discovering the intention of the opponent, he immediately broke his wrist and let the first-line command vehicle control the remote control unit to countercharge. He would rather commit suicide and limit the speed of the opponent's charge. Otherwise, perhaps this round of impact could allow this Tyrannosaurus reloading unit to directly charge. Rush to the position of the self-propelled artillery.

At that time, it would be difficult for the front on Luyuan's side not to collapse.

Fortunately, the critical moment of the surge is indeed very reliable. Not only did the tank battalion try to stabilize the battle line regardless of casualties, but also immediately manipulated the artillery to adjust the angle, and carried out intensive fire strikes on the charging area, and finally the heavy armored beast was completely destroyed. Annihilate.

At this time, nearly 20 other main battle tanks that used to be spider-type rebels were completely destroyed by this round of shelling.

If the commander at the time was Lu Yuan, with his character, he would probably choose to retreat quickly and exchange space for time to resolve the opposing heavy-armed stormtrooper.

But the price is that if joining is not stabilized, the entire army will have to be beaten back to the East Madre Mountains.

On the contrary, it is surging, and he would rather sacrifice himself and stabilize the line as soon as possible. It is quite the style of Turner and even Alexios, hard and bold, and full of male hormones.

So this time I don’t know that Lu Yuan, Turner and others have gathered up this guy, even Rosecuff, who was changed to the ground again to make corrections, rarely said a few words of praise to this little brother who has been fighting with him all the time. .

As a result, someone, um, a command vehicle was so beautiful that it basically turned into a snake shape.

If you just ignore the toughness of the casualties, that's the case.

But what Lu Yuan was most satisfied with was that he did not blindly let his unmanned tanks go to death.

On the contrary, the surge is to allow those self-conscious command vehicles to retreat while suspending the command of the remote control vehicle to continue firing, thereby freeing the command vehicle's computing power and giving them the ability to command the remote control vehicle to stop the enemy.

In this case, using a tank gun with a rate of fire of less than ten rounds per minute is indeed not as effective as directly using the body as a horse.

And if the command vehicles are allowed to simultaneously take care of the three tasks of retreating themselves, charging the remote control vehicle, and aiming and firing the tank gun, it will only fail to do the three tasks.

The perfect completion of two tasks at the same time should be the limit of the computing power of this batch of command vehicles.

Under this circumstance, Surge chose to abandon the firing of guns, which not only preserved its most important intelligent commanding force, but also completed the interception of the enemy, which was the best choice.

However, Lu Yuan later realized from the surge that he chose to protect the commanding tanks as the top priority, more or less because he had tasted the lack of wisdom to help in the logistics work, so he valued these self-reliance. The smart combat power of consciousness.

But as far as Gushing was the only existence in the team that was essentially an electronic lifeform, the commanding tanks were all his real people.

Although these people are all underage, or are born with mental retardation.

Surging may not be fully aware of this incident, but Lu Yuan, who had been thinking similarly, was aware of it.

For now, Lu Yuan does not think this is a bad thing.

Generally, when the electronic life's self-consciousness is awakened, some people will think about the end of the artificial intelligence apocalypse.

In fact, generally speaking, it is because people have brought the way of thinking into the ditch.

As far as Lu Yuan is concerned, he is not a member of the barbaric race that has habitually exterminated other races from the very beginning of its creation, but the descendant of the Huaxia race who may be the best at all-inclusive on the planet. Share heart.

What are you worried about? There are too many extinct races, and Tian Tian also worries about being extinct by other emerging races one day.

There are too many bad things, so I'm afraid of hell, it's not new.

Everyone knows that the villain's kinship race has done bad things in the Americas, so they often mistakenly think that they are thieves on their own.

But in fact, as early as more than a thousand years before they entered the British Isles, what they did to the American Indians a thousand years later was actually done to the British Isles Celts and even the Romans a long time ago.

So these guys have not been worried for hundreds of years, but worried for a thousand or hundreds of years, fearing retribution one day.

The worry about artificial intelligence actually stems from this.

And not only for the artificial intelligence race, they are worried about other human races, extraterrestrial races, and later intelligent creatures formed by other animals.

To some extent, I’m afraid that only by using that kind of stuff to scare oneself from time to time and scare the people, can you justify your own extermination of so many races, right?

Why don't I kill him, he will kill me...

In the words of Chinese people, friends come and have good wine, jackals come and have shotguns.

Why were they shot with a shotgun raised by their landlord back then? Some jackals really didn't have any AC numbers in their hearts?

In short, this kind of rogue race had better be punished earlier.

As for the large-scale awakening of artificial intelligence, that is, with a soul similar to human consciousness, Lu Yuan also believes that with Huaxia's wisdom, he can come up with a way that is much more clever than those rascals.

For example, the artificial intelligence is directly absorbed into the Chinese civilization system as a new nation. Or other similar methods.

So he now sees the surge of gradual learning progress as if he sees his own children, no difference.

It is not in vain to call him a father when he was just born.


In addition to the surprise attack by the Tyrannosaurus large heavy armored dinosaur, the Lizardmen Legion has also made other attempts, but it is not so easy to make some big moves on the stalemate battlefield that needs to be filled all the time.

A surprise attack of the previous level can appear once, and it is already considered that the opposing commander is very capable.

With that experience, Lu Yuan asked the reconnaissance drone to expand the reconnaissance range again, and never let the other party organize a raid of the same scale again.

But the struggle has continued.

Slowly, the front was pushed to the eastern border of the later Veracruz state.

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