Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 950: Legion configuration

To be honest, if the Lizardmen Legion is not facing Lu Yuan's heavy-armored and heavy-fired electromechanical units, but for example, the Spartan Army when Alexios was born, then the hard one is almost certainly the Lizardmen Legion.

Moreover, if it is to deal with pure infantry, the ones that cause the most damage to infantry enemies are probably not the behemoths of the Tyrannosaurus, but the number of Deinonychus who are fast, fast and agile.

Their offensive power is higher than the infantry defense power, which is cheaper in number and speed.

It's a pity that the enemy they are facing now is an unreasonable guy like Lu Yuan.

There is no infantry in this guy's army.

Most of the first-line combat units have higher defensive power than Deinonychus’ attack power. Although some are not much higher, their attack power is also high. Even if they are at a disadvantage in speed, they only need to be attacked before the first round. Without being scrapped, the Deinonychus are not their opponents.

The relatives of Deinonychus Velociraptors were restricted by Lu Yuan's troops and did not exert their due combat effectiveness, but there were other superior units in the Lizardmen Legion.

For example, the Triceratops Ankylosaurus and even the Stegosaurus Thunder Dragon have amazing defenses and large tonnages. The tonnage alone can pose a huge threat to the enemy.

It's a pity that their amazing defensive power is comparable to infantry troops like the Spartan Army.

No matter how high their defensive power is, they have been strengthened, and they will not last long under the repeated attacks of rocket launchers, self-propelled artillery and self-propelled mortars on the far side.

How do you say that, there is no triceratops that a rocket can't solve. If there are, then two.

If two rounds fail, then three rounds, five rounds and ten rounds.

However, Lu Yuan's triple firepower pours out more than a thousand firepower every minute.

After all, the rough-skinned guys like Triceratops Ankylosaurus are powerful, but the speed is still too low.

Although this low is not an absolute low, it's just relatively low, failing to reach that standard. But this is the way things are in the world, just a little bit, it's a scourge.

So what is the criterion for determining life and death?

In fact, it is the ratio of defense power to speed.

As long as their speed can rush to the opposite side of the main battle tank before the defensive power is wiped out by the firepower,

In other words, their defensive power can sustain until they rush to the spider tank at their speed before being penetrated by Lu Yuan's heavy firepower, and they can pose a threat to Lu Yuan's troops.

The two expressions actually mean the same thing.

Unfortunately, even after being strengthened, these triceratops ankylosaurus still failed to meet this standard.

The larger dinosaurs of the Diplodocus family actually did not meet these standards.

But because of their tall and long necks, they can't be stormtroopers, they can also be observation towers. The result is that, except for the unlucky ones who rushed to the front line at the beginning, most of them did not rush to the front line later.

Although the rocket launcher on the other side has an attack range of up to 20 kilometers, it is not completely impossible to attack these big guys.

But because the pressure on the front line is greater, there are countless other dinosaurs attacking the spider tank line, and the limited firepower must be given priority to the first line of pressure, so seeing these big guys didn't mean to rush over, they didn't attack them much.

In addition to these terrifying lizards, large and small, the Lizardmen Legion has other types of units, that is, the infantry type that Luyuan lacks.

In the final analysis, the absolute main force of this lizardmen legion is the lizardmen with a tall green scaled head and a variety of simple weapons in their hands.

However, the simple infantry is just pure cannon fodder in the face of heavily armored and heavily fired mechanized troops and lacks anti-armor weapons.

Even if these lizardmen infantry increase in size, their outer armor has become thicker and more fancy, and the weapons in their hands have become more sophisticated.

But even if it is more than three meters high, the color feather monitor lizard warrior with a sturdy and sharp bone spear is rare to face machine guns, mainly when the firepower of the Luyuan mechanized unit of various artillery is still cannon fodder.

Cannon fodder in the literal sense was blown into fly ashes by artillery.

After all, the overall defensive power of the Lizardmen Legion could not withstand the heavy firepower of Lu Yuan's attack, and their attack power was not superior to the defensive power of Lu Yuan's armored forces.

Their biggest advantage, the large number, was also eliminated by Lu Yuan's cheating behavior of coming to the front line in an instant replenishment.

It has become inevitable to compete with the frontal hard power to fall into the disadvantage.

But even so, they are not without chance.

The so-called Zhenghe, Qisheng. Said another surprise victory.

This stalemate in the frontal battlefield is not an absolute end, as long as the auspicious soldiers are used well, there is a possibility of victory.

When a frontal battle is a heavy infantry formation versus a heavy infantry formation, the light infantry that can go around the weak point of the opponent is a surprise.

This was the case when ancient Greece, Athens, Sparta and other Greek coalition forces fought the Persian invaders.

In a frontal battle, when infantry vs. infantry, the cavalry that can hit the weak point of the opponent is a surprise. Most wars in the feudal era were like this.

When the frontal war is the army vs. the army, the naval fleet that can be supported by ship-borne guns on the water is a surprise. This is after the opening of the Grand Voyage.

When a frontal war is a plane force against a plane force, the air force that can provide one-dimensional support in three dimensions becomes a surprise. Since World War II.

And when the frontal war is the 3D force versus the 3D force, the electronic warfare unit that can disrupt the opponent's layout in the information field becomes a surprise. This so-called information warfare.

In ancient and modern Sino-foreign wars, there are indeed a lot of head-on battlefields. It is like beast chess or even points. One side is two to three, the opposite is 144 to six, ten to eleven, and eleven wins.

Waiting for more is like Tian Ji's horse racing.

However, the Lizardmen Legion failed to use the auspicious soldiers even when the frontal stalemate was already disadvantageous. In other words, they failed to use them well.

Especially in the initial mountain surprise attack, the two surprise soldiers, the cold lizard and the deputy chrysanthemum light cavalry, were completely wiped out by Lu Yuan, and the problem of insufficient surprise soldiers became more serious.

This situation continued, and even Lu Yuan felt vaguely, could it be that the opposing commander really gave up?

Or do they think that at the current speed, even if Lu Yuan can win the final victory, they have achieved their goal?

Just when Lu Yuan started to have energy to diverge thinking because he was idle, and the result became more divergent and uncontrollable, the opponent's battle formation finally had a new change.

The first change that Lu Yuan noticed was the adjustment of the composition of the infantry units in the Lizardmen Legion, that is, the cannon fodder units.

In the previous battles, every one hundred lizardmen infantry appeared, of which at least 70 were the lowest-level type with almost no armor, relying only on their own scales for defense, and the simplest weapon with a stone-pointed wooden spear less than two meters high. Green Scale Lizardman.

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