Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 957: Rein in the cliff

With his wisdom, combined with the previous information, when he heard the term Teleportation Array, he immediately noticed something wrong with the speed of the previous Tyrannosaurus Reinforcement Rangers too fast, and he also understood the reason for 2234's change of attitude.

Even after 2234 finished speaking, he inadvertently glanced into his own eyes. He can also know that this is 2234 deliberately taking the opportunity to remind himself.

This shows that 2234's choice is not to help each other, instead of completely reversing the muzzle and aiming at itself in turn.

This made a avatar in the crowd slightly relieved.

Compared with these two people, 1234's mood is even more complicated.

When he heard the word "Transportation Array", he also suddenly realized the transformation of 2234.

However, if he could mobilize the teleportation formation to transport the Dragon Tyrannosaurus Legion, it would be able to deter 2234 from continuing to trouble him, then what kind of force is supporting him not to change his course immediately, kneel down, crying for his forgiveness? ?

He is now in this state, not so much leaning towards himself, as it is just becoming neutral!

If the strength shown by himself only makes him change from focusing on himself to being neutral, then simplify the change process and only consider the final state. Judging from the simplified force analysis, he is still receiving at least one force from himself. The influence of forces of equal magnitude and opposite directions.

In other words, his side still has a strong force, fighting against himself.

And the strength is at least comparable to the strength of his own control of a large teleportation formation.

At least 2234 thinks so.

Who will be the master of this power?

Will it be 2234 himself? He also hides clumsy?

It's not impossible, but the probability is too small.

I know my own business, since 1234 itself is a four-digit number clone, theoretically, the energy it can mobilize is not much higher.

The reason why he can mobilize the teleportation array is because he used a hole card allocated to him by the body.

2234 is not the commander-in-chief appointed by the body, and it is unlikely that he will also have a hole card of this type.

Therefore, most of the huge power that allows 2234 to remain neutral even when he knows that he has huge energy cards, is mostly imposed on him by others.

In other words, among these guys near the sand table, there is also a guy who is eager to try his position and who also has a big energy hole card.

who can that be?

Just as the so-called wrestling parties both murmured, 2234 who got them into this situation with a word, seeing their expressions, finally heaved a sigh of relief.

After successfully passing these careful thoughts out, he was finally able to withdraw a little bit from the battlefield where the gods fought before.

Even if either of them wins in the end, they will not remember their own good, and will only put a small black account on themselves, but at least they will not be broken because of standing in the wrong team.

Then, then, you have to build enough merits, so that the ultimate winner is not blatantly troubled by himself, at least so that he dare not dare for a short time.

So 2234 waited after everyone had digested their previous guesses, and continued, "If my guess is true, those guys really have the same ability as our teleportation array, and can mobilize the combat power from a distance to continuously supplement the front line, then we You have to think of other ways."

"If they compare their combat power to the water in a stream, our goal was to destroy the snow-capped mountains at the source of the stream, or at least to block it."

"But if they have a teleportation array, it would be equivalent to adding water to this creek by an underground river besides the snow on the top of the mountain. We want to pinch the water of this creek from the source. possible."

"But that doesn't mean we can't do anything with it."

"Our task is to prevent this stream from flowing into the sea, at least for a period of time."

"If you want to cut off the source and turn it into a source of water, the road that dries up on its own is not working. With our strength, we can't stop it by building a dam. Then we can go another way!"

"We help it widen the river, let its water overflow, and its flow rate will naturally slow down!"


Once 2234's words were finished, the avatars were in an uproar again.

What he said sounded like a cloud of mist, but even if the people present were not all human beings, they had similar ways of thinking, plus they could discuss with each other, and soon understood the meaning of his words.

That is to say, the method of completely destroying Lu Yuan's logistics production base by drawing a salary from the bottom has failed. It is impossible to stop him with frontal forces alone, but he can still find a way to disperse his forces.

Disperse the mechanical armored units on the opposite side, not to mention the way the Lizardmen Legion used to hit the superior force locally and annihilate the enemy's vital forces. Just let them separate, and their advancing speed will inevitably decrease.

It is possible for the clones to complete their tasks.

This idea is indeed feasible in terms of strategic thinking.

But the problem is...

"You said that no one doesn't know this, it's all on paper!" A avatar didn't have the courage of 1234, but not only had the courage of 2234, but also very big.

"Speaking of being so lively, how can it be achieved?"

"Yes, yes, everyone knows the truth, mainly the specific methods!" Others also echoed.

Looking at the triumphant face of the person who was **** him, 2234 felt bad when he wrote down a note to this person in the little black book in his heart.

Well, how much I want to kill this **** now, wouldn't 1234 want to kill myself more?

No, no, reining in from the cliff is not enough, you have to make up for it.

After searching for a moment, I accidentally saw a special area on the sand table map. 2234's eyes lit up, and he pointed there and said, "Everyone, please look!"

I saw that in the middle of the sand table map that included the entire Tehuantepec Isthmus, there was a large area of ​​water in an area less than 100 kilometers south of the command center of this observatory.

Because of the relatively low-lying terrain, there will be a lot of precipitation nearby, and it will slowly gather there, forming a shallow lake wetland in a grassland, and there is even a river tens of meters wide, winding along the terrain. After turning a few zigzags, it finally poured into the sea on the north side of the mainland.

In fact, the landform of the Yucatan steppe at this time is not so different from that of fifty million years later.

The biggest difference, as mentioned before, is the landform of the hilly mountains in the southern part of the Tehuantepec Isthmus. At this time, because the corresponding crustal plates have not yet squeezed into each other, they did not form.

But even so, the general trends on land in other locations still have similarities.

For example, this area of ​​water is not far from the Malpaso or Nezahualcoyotl dam reservoir of the later Maiheco.

Including the river next to the waters, flowing, a considerable part of the river is highly coincident with the Grijalva River, which is connected to the Malpaso Dam Reservoir.

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