Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 959: Still these three roads

Just as the Lizardmen Legion dispatched troops, the mechanical armored troops also gradually changed.

Before, the main battle tank unit under the command of the surge suddenly discovered that the composition of the lizardman army in front had changed.

From the original Lizardman infantry cannon fodder as a supplement, Tyrannosaurus Kochisaurus fighting dinosaurs as the main form of composition, suddenly changed to only Lizardman infantry, and the bottom cannon fodder type no longer appeared, basically high-level elite infantry.

After Rosecuff's airpower reconnaissance, Lu Yuan believed that this change was due to their entering a special alert range of 150 kilometers around the command center of the observatory.

With this judgment, they did not choose to bypass the enemy's elite troops, but corrected the direction of advance and went straight to the northeast of the observation platform command center resembling the Mayan pyramid.

This is where the commanders of Loki's clone are located.

I will not mention how the lizardmen legion changed for the time being, just talk about Lu Yuan's side.

When Rosecuff Air Combat Troops discovered the command center of the opposing observatory, they actually found the waters between their own forces and the observatory.

However, unlike the Lizardmen Corps, which had been grazing nearby for a long time, Rosecuff, who relied on high-altitude reconnaissance drones to obtain ground intelligence data, did not know the specific conditions of the waters at the time.

However, according to normal logic, this area currently belongs to the Yucatan grassland and the savanna.

The reason why the tropical grassland can be formed is because the precipitation here is not too low, but not high.

If it is lower, it will be further inclined to deserts, even deserts, such as the most famous Sahara Desert, a representative of tropical deserts.

Higher levels will form tropical rain forests, such as the Mesa Plateau at this time, especially on the windward slopes.

In addition, Lu Yuan had been around here on this plane in 2013. It was because there was no such a piece of water here, so even if Rosecuff discovered this place at first, she didn't care too much.

On the other hand, in this system where Turner is in charge of heavy armor, Swallow is in charge of air combat, and Eliza is in charge of supporting this system, Lu Yuan is in charge of logistics reconnaissance and explosive firepower.

Explosive firepower refers to the rocket artillery force, currently under the command of Shiafe.

Reconnaissance refers to various types of reconnaissance aircraft, including fixed-wing mid-high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and low-altitude rotary-wing unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, that is, unmanned reconnaissance drones.

This part is now also under the unified command of Rosecuff.

In fact, Lu Yuan personally commanded the logistics unit.

In addition to the supply support sequence, the logistics unit also has an engineering support sequence.

Work content such as mine clearance, obstacle clearance, bridge erection, etc., and equipment such as combat engineering vehicles.

In fact, even if the tasks are divided according to the abilities of the four human commanders, the command tasks of units such as engineering support can only be arranged on Lu Yuan, who has the most field engineers or combat engineers among the four.

It was with the help of this part of his unit that the whole army was able to climb the mountains without any disadvantage.

Including the rainforest swamps on the Mesa Plateau, as well as the creeks and creeks on the grasslands after going down the mountain.

Although the water body discovered this time was large, Rosecuff did not consider it for a while at first.

However, the problem quickly became larger.

Just as the Lizardmen Legion was suddenly busy gathering forces while trying to change formations, the Luyuan Mechanical Armored Unit, which had continued to advance for dozens of kilometers, gradually saw that piece of water.

At this time, the reconnaissance range of the unmanned reconnaissance helicopter accompanying the army can also cover that piece of water.

As a result, after the sonar detector was thrown into the water, Rosecuff's detection result immediately changed color.

Not only did the waters hold much more water than she had previously acquiesced, but the conditions under the waters were very complicated, not to mention wide or narrow changes, and the distribution was quite fragmented.

Faced with this situation, she didn't dare to be sure whether the engineering support troops could let the large troops pass quickly, so she had to call out Lu Yuan, who had just gone to make up for sleep after the shift.

Lu Yuan has just fallen asleep, not an hour before and after.

But fortunately, it was a rest during the march, and he couldn't sleep as well as normal.

Although it was still uncomfortable, at least I didn't get up much gas.

After seeing the water body data sent back by the reconnaissance helicopter, Lu Yuan made some calculations and came to a conclusion similar to that of the 2234 in the enemy camp on the opposite side.

Of course, it is the version without the interference of Lizardmen forces.

After all, he can't guess what the other party will use to deal with him.

It is not a logical impossibility, but a logical impossibility.

Because the opponent's tactics were too erratic, Lu Yuan didn't know what they were doing.

How should I put it, as a normal person, Lu Yuan does not have the ability to grasp what mental patients are thinking at any time.

Moreover, the opposite is still a group of mental patients.

He concluded that if a large force is forced to pass through multiple points at one time with the help of the engineering support unit, the workload of the engineering support unit will be very high, and the forward force responsible for protecting their safety will be under great pressure.

As the forward force, the main force is the amphibious armored force that can forcibly cross the water body by its own performance.

Because Luyuan’s combat vehicles are mainly based on six-claw and eight-claw spider mechanical leg chassis, the chassis itself has good adaptability to complex terrain, so if the water depth is within two meters, most combat vehicles have the ability to directly pass through.

But the problem is that after close-range reconnaissance by helicopter, most of the core area of ​​this water area is more than two meters deep.

Of course there are places with shallow water in the marginal area, but what is the difference between crossing the river from there and bypassing the water body directly?

In this case, the tanks that can really serve as the front-line test support force are mainly lighter infantry tanks and self-propelled mortars.

Let them face the enemy's elite infantry alone regardless of the impact of casualties. Lu Yuan believed that the loss would be large and it was unnecessary.

Forcibly crossing the river on a large scale was temporarily denied.

Then it is to choose the shallow part to pass through.

Compared with the previous plan, in this case, the workload of the engineering support troops can be greatly reduced, which means that they can complete bridge erection and obstacle removal tasks more quickly, and the time for the forward troops to undertake absolute protection can be greatly shortened.

But at the same time, this will also cause our troops to be too concentrated in some areas, and it will also create conditions for the opponent to gather more superior forces in a small area. As a result, the forward force will face greater pressure per unit of time.

If neither road is chosen, then the only way is to bypass the water body.

In general, Lu Yuan can choose the three that he said when he was fooling people before 2234.

So, which one will he choose in the end?

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