Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 963: Generous? Played it a long time ago!

After all, Luyuan’s Dragon UAV was developed based on a two-person heavy-duty aircraft as a prototype. From the beginning, it could accommodate more crews than these combat UAVs.

At this time, the swallow jumped over with teleportation, and there was enough space to accommodate her.

Upon receiving the swallow, the Dragon UAV at the far road rolled sideways, tracing a graceful and fast arc in the air, and quickly moved towards the west of the shallow lake under the thrust of two turbofan engines that had been strengthened many times. Fly away at the side boundary.

The swallow’s drone, which lost her own weight at this time, was under the electronic life control of her subordinate's command-type drone, and the heavy machine gun pod that had just been mounted on the belly of the swallow was directly abandoned and reduced again. After the heavy load, the fighter was finally able to break through the speed of sound again and quickly drove away from the vicinity.

Seeing that all the nearby aircraft should be hiding, Lu Yuan also had a brain collapse for the swallow, who was moving around to find a comfortable position behind him, and asked her to calm down. Then he said in the team channel. "Siafi, let's get started."

"Yes, sir!"

Siafi, who had already completed the preparations, immediately let the ready-to-deploy rocket artillery units start a "carpet bombing" on the target area again.

However, the rocket fired by him this time was neither a conventional high-explosive fragmentation type nor a napalm bomb that had been used many times before.

At this time, the time is 360:05:43:XX.

It will take about an hour before the sun officially rises.

But because of atmospheric refraction, the east of the horizon has faintly shed light.

Although these lights have limited effects, the natural infrared vision of the lizards allows them to quickly perceive the changes around the battlefield.

Those short javelins (rockets) with the thickness of the tree trunks roaring from the sky, although there is no accuracy at all, they always fall into the lake in the gap between the teams, but before falling into the lake, they are still sprinkled from the top. Pieces of smoke with strange shapes and unsteady smell.

The smoke not only quickly spread to all corners of the battlefield, but also scattered in the air for a long time without falling.

With the IQ of these mass-produced Lizardmen infantry biochemical fighters, even if they have become elite, they cannot understand what is called aerosol, what is meant to be hovering for several days or even months.

"Could it be that this is a weapon that wants us to breathe hard and suffocate to death? Isn't it underestimating us?"

For a time, there were not a few lizardmen infantry who thought this way on the battlefield.

But soon they knew how absurd this idea was.

Well, although the awake time is only a fraction of a second.

It turns out that although a considerable part of the previous rockets fell directly into the bottom of the lake in the air made up by this special aerosol, the rocket engine actually only works for a few seconds, after which the fuel will run out and the engine will stop working.

But at this time, its flying distance is less than half of the maximum range.

Next, it will rely on inertia to continue flying towards the target.

Therefore, when these rockets fell into the lake, there was no open flame.

However, just when the lizardmen were more or less confused about the aerosol that had covered the entire shallow lake, another "iron javelin" was thrown over for some reason, but this time, it couldn't escape. It's no longer the kind of smokey thing.

Rather, the high temperature flame!

And not long after this high-temperature flame flashed out, the smoke in the air was instantly ignited.

Not even a second was used, and the smoke over the entire lake area was quickly ignited.

The rapid combustion consumes all the oxygen in the surrounding air instantly, and the detonation shock wave also spreads around along with the combustion explosion.

A considerable part of the lizardmen with their heads exposed above the water surface had been shattered by detonation shock waves to most of their internal organs before being burned by the high temperature, and almost died of bleeding from the seven orifices.

If the lizard people also have seven tricks.

However, with the release of the burning high temperature, the lake water on the surface of the shallow lake is also rapidly evaporating, not to mention that due to the detonation shock wave, most of the lake water is shaken out of the water body, dispersed in the air, and even the lakeside extends, making the lake water deeper. dissipate.

After a while, when the water surface generally stabilized, the area of ​​the entire lake was reduced by at least two-thirds, and most of the shallow water area had almost become a swamp.

The lizardman infantry in the lake, under the continuous detonation shock wave, high-temperature gas, and even the hot lake water that is about to boil, not only do not survive, but I am afraid that they can reach one in a thousand.

Even the prehistoric giant crocodiles who acted as fast assault boats for the lizardman infantry in the water, except for the few rough and thick skins that have not been cooked, most of them have followed the lizardman infantry's footsteps.

But these few survivors, because the oxygen in the air was consumed by the rapid explosion before, will soon die from suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

Therefore, the initial guesses of the Lizardmen infantry, despite the wrong guessing principle, unexpectedly coincided with the results. Although it is just one kind of result.

And the lizardman infantry and even the giant crocodile assault boat on the lake covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers were instantly wiped out (actually not), immediately providing Lu Yuan with a massive amount of time and space points.

It’s just that, looking at these points that are not much more than the investment, and still observing the battlefield in the dragon drone high in the sky, Lu Yuan could not help but shook his head reluctantly, and sighed that it was going to cross again this time. Part-time job in the shop.

Although not pure white workers.

However, looking at the battlefield impact data returned by the reconnaissance aircraft troops, Eliza, whose positive pressure was also reduced due to this change, instantly became the one with the most emotional fluctuations in everyone.

"This, this, what is this?" The redhead was once a master at playing with flames or explosions, but she has never seen such a horrible picture, literally a picture of purgatory on earth.

"This is your plan? You, have you done this before?"

"This, this is a thermobaric bomb?"

"That's right!" The swallow's expression at the moment was a smug, and his old lady looked more knowledgeable than your little kid, "Huh, what is this, the power this time has been much lower, last time we directly put A swamp has become a plain!"

"God, my god, you guys, if you are so big, you are not afraid, you are not afraid..." Eliza actually wanted to say, aren't you afraid of God's Scourge?

In the middle of the result, she suddenly recalled that if she wanted to talk about the condemnation of the gods, it was the condemnation of the gods, and without the gods, it was the condemnation of the planes.

But these two guys, in this world, are basically disciples of the Supreme God, the darling and hope of the plane, how could it be possible that God's condemnation fell on them?

To say that the previous time is still possible, but seeing the posture of the Swallow, Eliza can understand that the last time they said that the swamp was turned into a plain was mostly on the main plane of Swallow.

Although Eliza doesn't know much about them, she also knows that the swallow itself is actually the descendant and spokesperson of the supreme **** and even the will of the plane of her main plane.

Oh my god! Is this what it looks like with a backstage?

Oh, I really want to do this once too!

Eliza was so excited that she almost burst into tears.

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