Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 968: Change again

At this time, Lu Yuan's goal was very clear. It was to take advantage of the opponent's tactical gap to push the battle line to the vicinity of the observatory command center in one fell swoop, at least allowing that place to enter the strike range of his own long-range firepower.

Although at this distance, air combat drones can already hit there in front of them, but the firepower of those fighters dominated by air combat cannot completely destroy there.

This also means that if the Rocky clone there were to flee at this time, the combat power of aerial combat drones would not be enough to harvest most of them.

Yes, although Lu Yuan also thinks that the ideal result is to capture a few Loki clones so as to get some core intelligence of the opponent, but he also knows that the chance of achieving such a result is not high.

Therefore, the next best thing, he set the mission goal to kill the commander who may exist Loki clone.

However, as commanders, none of the Rocky clones had the interest to go to the front-line battlefield to personally direct the battle, and would rather hide in the command center on the observation platform to play the absurd game of honest struggle.

As a result, despite slowly adopting various methods to increase the coverage of our reconnaissance drone to a radius of 50 kilometers, so far, the Luyuan party has still not been able to capture any rocky from the battlefield. Doppelganger figure.

This smooth and flat offensive posture lasted for a long time.

However, this state cannot last forever until a real victory is achieved.

The first change that took place on the battlefield was that the enemy at the front of the team changed from the elite infantry form to the original armored cavalry again.

To put it simply, the Tyrannosaurus behemoths and the Chisaurus light cavalry, which had disappeared for a long time, reappeared.

And the number is quite huge.

Needless to say, this is the main force that was transferred back from the Mesa Plateau by 1234 with the teleportation array.

Obviously, the 05 boss who succeeded in taking over not only fully took over the entire army, but also got the ability to use the large-scale teleportation array mastered by 1234 that once shocked everyone, especially 2234, and changed the course.

With this huge number of heavily armored troops joining, the spider chariot troops who were still on the march suddenly suffered a loss.

Fortunately, not to mention that Lu Yuan's team has expanded several times since the war has been fought, and even the electronic life learning database of each unit has been enriched by several orders of magnitude.

In addition, these electronic life on the same vehicle can also share learning databases with each other, similarly forming a set of distributed supercomputers, so the progress is even more rapid.

It's as if the entire army had only the highest command level with rich experience before, or had experience at the company platoon level, and the other units were all recruits.

Then, after a series of growth and promotion, even with multiple additions and expansions, up to now, the entire unit that has reached the level of the trumpet army is already in the state of all veterans, at least at the level of the squad leader.

The same weapon is controlled by all recruits, and the same weapon is controlled by all veterans at least under the leadership of the veteran squad leader. Naturally, the battlefield effect is different.

Therefore, even though the opponent's reloading main force suddenly appeared and suffered some losses, the battle line itself did not collapse, and there was no annihilation of all members of the company or more.

Moreover, when the problem of the sudden increase in the enemy's combat power is discovered, the veterans can quickly find a way to deal with it, and then adjust the position and even the tactics to stabilize the front again.

So soon, the battle situation gradually stabilized.

However, this change is not entirely without other effects.

One of the most intuitive is that the travel speed of the road far away has to be lowered again, and even signs of having to withdraw locally have already appeared.

This time, simply increasing the force is no longer a good choice.

At this time, the increase in the strength of each unit has approached the control limit of several commanders.

Turner has mastered the number of spider tanks and artillery, each has reached the brigade level.

It is also because this is not a unit with manpower as the basic combat unit. In fact, the organization only needs to consider the command and not the personnel requirements of the personnel, so it can always survive like this.

It is also precisely because the combat unit is an electronic life form, which is very suitable for the command information system and has extremely high individual tactical quality. It may be as early as when it descended from the East Madre Mountains that this unit had reached the upper limit of its establishment.

It can be said that if you deal with the Lizardmen Legion on the Mesa Plateau, it is still a team that uses Turner’s Marine Corps experience and Lu Yuan’s materials to learn from each other and train for high-intensity, high-intensity, and low-intensity continuous warfare. The combined battalion or battalion-level tactical group.

Then when it rushed down the East Madre Mountains, in order to continue advancing from the enemy's Yucatan grasslands, this force had to revert to the traditional world war mode of steady, steady combat and continuous advancement.

As a result, a fairly advanced modern battalion-level tactical group slowly had to increase its troops into a trumpet army with mid-Cold War equipment and tactical thinking in World War II. Although it is the kind of fashionable group army organized by the whole brigade that looks relatively advanced.

But if Turner is chosen, he is more inclined to think of it as an armored division that has strengthened artillery units and increased air force, um, marine divisions.

It doesn't matter, anyway, the reason why different military establishments are different is because the requirements at the time of formation, resources, and historical inheritance, etc., are not exactly the same.

In this way, it can be said that it is quite normal that the organization of this unit, which has been expanded from the battalion company, has both similarities and differences with others.

What's more, Lu Yuan's army does not need to consider issues such as the rank and position of the officers or even the salary.

The organization is different from others because of these reasons, so when the mission objectives change, the organization or tactics must be changed accordingly.

When the establishment is closer to the large-scale frontal army, the tactics will inevitably have the same trend.

And evenly matched frontal attack, um, evenly matched frontal attack with rich tactical technology content, you still have to learn the experience of world war tactics.

After all, Lu Yuan, a unit that can add a data package to basic combat units, can easily share the collected world war tactics experience with each unit in the form of a database.

It is better than nothing to let the recruits who have just entered the battlefield be thanked for their experience in historical warfare.

In short, in the face of a sudden increase in the enemy, Lu Yuan's simple army expansion will not be very effective.

So as a last resort, Lu Yuan could only accept the reality that his progress was once again blocked.

However, in the face of the enemy's command center that can be said to be close at hand, Lu Yuan's heart of special forces, who could be buried under the command of large-scale operations, was finally ready to move again.

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