Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 976: The situation changes again

"you're awake?"

As soon as he turned over from the cot of the command car, Lu Yuan heard the sound of a swallow coming from the door of the car.

Under normal circumstances, the combat command vehicle on the battlefield should be made as ordinary and inconspicuous as possible. This is the same as that of commanders in modern warfare.

This can prevent our commanders and locations from being easily controlled by the enemy.

However, the enemy Lu Yuan is facing now is obviously not very concerned about this matter, or he may just underestimate Lu Yuan’s ability to act. In short, where the Mayan pyramid-shaped observation platform stands abruptly, it’s just like A live target.

Because of the enemy's situation, Lu Yuan also felt that there was no need to embarrass himself, so instead of transforming his command vehicle based on the most common infantry fighting vehicle, he used the style of an air combat drone launch vehicle.

The size of this thing is between the mobile operations center in Los Santos and the Terrorist electronic warfare truck, similar to the truck he and Gunther used to transport goods, the MAN TGS6X6 Adventurer truck.

Of course, the chassis of the car has been modified, and six spider mechanical legs have replaced three pairs of wheels.

A carriage of this size can just fit all the electronic command system equipment in it, but also leave a certain amount of space for beds and the like.

However, in order to make a reasonable arrangement, the distance between this bed and the sliding door of the carriage is slightly longer.

So, until Lu Yuan got up from the bed completely, the swallow near the car door did not notice him.

"Well," Lu Yuan nodded immediately when he heard Yanzi's inquiry, and then asked, "How is the situation now?"

"This, this..."

Seeing the swallows hesitate, Lu Yuan probably guessed that the situation was worse than before. He rubbed his neck and asked, "How bad is it? Turner's heavy armored troops lost more than 30%? Or did they retreat more than 50 kilometers? inside?"

"That's not true." Listening to Luyuan took out the worst results in the rehearsal, Yanzi didn't have the difficulty to say at first.

"It's Eliza's light armoured unit. Because of the tight battle conditions, we had to let her support troops go up. As a result..."

"As a result, the damage rate of Eliza's light tank is much higher than you think?" Lu Yuan said.

"Yeah." Swallow nodded.

"How much is the loss? Fifty percent?" Lu Yuan sighed.

This time the swallow didn't even make a sound, but just nodded slightly, and finally he said, "The loss is still rising."

"Oh, this was seen through by the other side." Lu Yuan sighed helplessly, and hurriedly walked to the command vehicle information system in two steps.

In fact, from the first time Yanzi mentioned Eliza's light armour unit with a drooping face, Lu Yuan had guessed that it would be the case.

The matter is not too complicated, because the only people who can buy the finished product directly from the crossing store are Lu Yuan and Turner.

Lu Yuan wanted to go to the God Realm Stone to "interrogate" the prisoners, and only Turner himself had the ability to supplement the war-damaged troops.

According to recent combat experience, the Eliza light armour unit, including the mortar howitzer, has little combat effect on the grassland landscape.

Therefore, in order to relieve Turner's pressure on replenishing battle-damaged troops, Lu Yuan arranged that he did not need to replenish light armoured troops before he returned.

With the previous light armor damage rate on the second-line auxiliary front, even if the damage is not supplemented for ten hours, the problem will not be too big.

It's just that it was established on the basis that these light armors won't run to the front line in a hurry.

In the current situation, the battle damage rate of the light armor can reach 50%, indicating that the lizardman legion has found the weakness of the light armor, and may even want to wipe out this part of the unit directly.

After putting on the headphones, Lu Yuan hurriedly accessed the team channel and asked about the battle.

Hearing that he had come back, Turner on the channel was deeply relieved, and after an apology, he told Lu Yuan about the situation.

In fact, Lu Yuan was also curious about why Turner would let Eliza's light armor go to the front line. Based on his experience, he should be able to infer that it will eventually become like this.

After listening to him, Lu Yuan realized that things were not as simple as he had thought before.

Of course it is not complicated.

In the final analysis, it was just one sentence. The opponent dispatched special units. In order to stabilize the situation, she had to ask Eliza to attract firepower.

As for supplementing the battle damage, Turner is not yet pedantic in Lu Yuan's orders before he leaves.

He failed to make up for Eliza's battle damage, simply because it was too late.

Yes, it's too late.

Because this time the opponent's attack method has gone up to a higher level.

The galloping light cavalry, who could launch long-range energy weapons, appeared once again on the battlefield.

These guys are also quite agile. They didn't mean to fight with Turner's heavy tank troops. Instead, they bypassed the battlefield and went straight to the artillery positions behind them.

At the speed of the spider main battle tank, although they could barely catch up with these powerful light cavalry, while the galloping cavalry charged, the tyrannosaurus heavy armor also increased the offensive pressure on the front line.

No way, the front-line main battle tanks were unable to withdraw, and the rear artillery positions were facing serious threats. Even if Lu Yuan came in person, he could only choose to let Eliza's light armoured units to meet the galloping dragoons.

Then, the light armoured unit will naturally increase the battle damage rate due to the extraordinary combat power of the galloping cavalry.

However, this is not at least something wrong with the command.

In fact, it is very likely that the other party discovered that Lu Yuan had captured the lonely Titan Python, fearing that there would be some changes here, so they had to increase their attack force, and even high-level troops were sent to participate. Surprise attack.

After all, according to the memory of 1234, these treacherous Rocky clones have discovered one thing in the battle of the past year, that is, the Rocky clones killed by Lu Yuan can't be removed from the body like before. Resurrection, but will die forever.

Because of this, the new commander did not kill him himself after seizing the command of 1234. Instead, he took out his consciousness and threw it into the biological weapon, and shot him to the front to die.

This is to stop 1234's chance of resurrection, so that he can't die anymore.

It's a pity that the new commander did not expect that 1234, who was thrown into the Titan Python, would be mentally controlled by the female Python because of the resistance in his heart. Instead, he sobered up and escaped the battlefield alone.

Even, he will eventually be captured alive by Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan could even imagine how wonderful the face of the new commander on the opposite side was when he found that 1234's python body was captured alive by him.

This really feels like being clever or being mistaken by cleverness.

Obviously, he wanted to use Lu Yuan's hand to kill 1234 once and for all, so that he would never stand up. In the end, I didn't expect to send the intelligence to the enemy by myself.

How could the new commander on the opposite side dare not remedy such a serious mistake?

As a result, the high-ranking galloping cavalry who had been held in their hands for an unknown period of time were sent out again.

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