Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 979: Tyrannosaurus Assault

Because the opponent didn't care about it, some problems in Lu Yuan's team were not exposed, and he didn't care too much when exposed.

Now that the new commander on the opposite side took heart, he immediately showed Lu Yuan his long-range precision strike capability.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but arouse Lu Yuan's attention.

Although the opponent’s hand was extremely expensive, those flying birds that rushed to the center of the battle formation like moths, braving the dense air defense firepower of the road far away, died in just half an hour, compared to the entire battle before. Many died.

However, the effect, or the result of the battle, should not be underestimated.

After being hit with a stick in the head, Lu Yuan quickly learned from his experience, checked and corrected himself, and replaced all the vehicles in the convoy that seemed quite special.

The new type of vehicle that was replaced is just like his command vehicle, which can be mixed with other conventional vehicles around, making it difficult for the enemy to distinguish.

The first among them is the Yanzi's air combat drone, which is widened and widened in order to retract and widen, and the launch vehicle that has to be enlarged in different proportions.

Yanzi is of course very dissatisfied with this, but since she has been banned from flying for three months, it doesn't matter whether she has this car or not.

In addition, the so-called replacement is not to destroy, but to no longer use these vehicles for their original purposes. In fact they are still in the team.

To a certain extent, they are now the same as the body of the 1234 Titan Python, and they are also bait.

The so-called virtual reality.

However, the opponent didn't seem to want to assemble the charge again in a short time.

In this way, the most important question before Lu Yuan and the others was the Tyrannosaurus Heavy Armed Corps, which was infinitely approaching four digits.

A Tyrannosaurus rex is already terrifying.

Putting ten heads together is simply a nightmare.

But if there are a hundred heads, most of them will inevitably fall into deep despair in the face of these behemoths.

However, a thousand heads...

Well, what I said above is based on the single-person infantry perspective.

If you are a member of a modern armored division, it feels completely different.

For example, according to public information, the First Armored Division of the US-Qatar Army has more than 1,400 various armored vehicles including tanks, more than 120 helicopters, nearly 200 artillery pieces, and several other support units.

With this size, although it cannot be said that a thousand Tyrannosaurus rex can be easily wiped out, at least there will be no such deep sense of powerlessness.

Indeed, if you are approached by a Tyrannosaurus rex, the M1A2 frontal armor may be able to withstand the big guy's ten-ton bite force, but the lateral armor, especially the weak point above the turret, can be easily torn apart by the opponent.

In other words, even if the main tank of the US card like M1A2 is close to the Tyrannosaurus rex, it will be rubbed against the ground.

But the question is, why do we have to be close?

Use the tail wing stabilized armor-piercing projectile to explode the head of Tyrannosaurus rex at a distance of four or five kilometers, or just give it a few shots in the viscera area of ​​its abdomen.

Why do we have to use our shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths?

To understand this, as a member of the human armored division, although facing the terrifying behemoth, there will inevitably be a sense of fear from the racial nature, but it will certainly not be as helpless as a single soldier.

And Lu Yuan’s mechanical spider army at this time, whether it is tank artillery or air force, is far more than an armored division of the US-Canadian Army, and even more than it has reached the level of the group army.

He who was in the formation, of course, would not be powerless to fight against some Tyrannosaurus Legion.

However, in order to maximize the strengths and avoid weaknesses, his dispatch is naturally the same as the US-Canadian Army with M1A2. He must also retreat to avoid the charge of Tyrannosaurus, while looking for opportunities to use the 125mm smoothbore gun to give them the key to their weaknesses.

This kind of play is said to be a strategic retreat, but if it is to escape, it is not easy to say.

After all, with those heavy armored tyrannosaurus biochemical beasts charging faster than the original 60 kilometers per hour, the spider tanks far away have to drive to the maximum speed and retreat to escape.

In this way, the self-propelled artillery and rocket launchers at the rear of the battlefield, such as units that require preparation before launch, can provide a significant reduction in the fire protection they can provide while they are moving or retreating.

Without long-range fire suppression, the heavy armored tyrannosaurus rushes more fiercely and unscrupulously, and the spider tank can only increase its speed again.

If it's been just such a simple fight, waiting for the tyrannosaurus units of the Lizardmen Legion to be consumed seven or eight eight, it is the time for Lu Yuan to counterattack.

However, the problem is that the battlefield situation is not that simple.

Lu Yuan descended from the middle section of the East Madre Mountains, passing five stages and cutting six generals all the way, but did not clear all the lizardmen troops on the road before.

Most of the units in the Lizardmen Legion were actually burned out of the original ambush by the first fire.

Now the whole day has passed. Although the fire has not stopped and is still spreading to the east, the grasslands under the mountains to the west have basically been burned by the fire once. At this time, the fire has been far worse than before because of fuel consumption.

As mentioned before, although the East Madre Mountains roughly separate the Mesa Plateau in the west from the Yucatan Prairie in the east, there is actually a long and narrow coastal plain to the north of the Mesa Plateau.

There are also troops from the Lizardmen Legion.

The fire that was set before Lu Yuan went down the mountain did continue to burn eastward on the side of the Yucatan steppe, but in the north, because of the abundant precipitation and humid air in the coastal plain, it was extinguished early by the lizardmen army there.

In other words, Lu Yuan’s troops are now retreating to the west, keeping a distance from the Tyrannosaurus army attacked from the east. However, in this situation, except that most of the enemies on the south side have been cleaned up by them, the density has dropped a lot. , The number of enemies on the west and north sides is still terrifying.

Even waiting to retreat and cross the border of the grassland fire to the west, even the number of enemy troops on the south side will increase sharply.

To put it simply, if there are no other enemies, Lu Yuan uses kite-flying to kill the opponent's Tyrannosaurus Legion, it is only a matter of time.

But the problem is that apart from the east direction where the Tyrannosaurus rushed, there were not many enemies belonging to the Lizardmen Legion in the other three directions.

In order to increase the attack power against the Tyrannosaurus Legion, there must be too few tanks on the east side of the battle line.

At the same time, because the troops are moving at a high speed, the fire support efficiency of artillery and rocket launchers is greatly reduced.

Then there is a serious problem, that is, what happens to the enemies in other directions when retreating?

Initially, when the enemy began to increase in the retreat direction, Lu Yuan's method was to transfer a part of the spider tank to form a front and rear dual front situation.

Anyway, when fishing with Titan Python, he has replaced Eliza's former support forces with spider tanks.

But as the pressure on the left and right sides began to increase, this created new problems.

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