Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 983: Unbalanced balance

The war is fought economically. Although such remarks may ignore the subjective initiative of the participants on both sides of the war, it does point out the nature of some problems objectively.

The war between Lu Yuan and the Ascharlotar doglegs was no exception.

The main line of Luyuan’s side is the powerful spider mechanical leg chassis, which is equipped with a turret structure such as the T72A main battle tank, and strengthened the automatic loader and the main battle tank with electronic systems such as the fire control system. .

This spider-type main battle tank sounds like science fiction.

Although its combat power is not as sci-fi as the name sounds, it is at least at the level of main battle tanks at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century.

However, even so, in the face of the more than ten-ton behemoth enemies of the Tyrannosaurus family, and the medium-sized beast enemies of the Trisaurus family with the characteristics of warhorses and werewolves, although the advantages of one-on-one are obvious, they are on the many-to-many battlefield. , Still capsize the gutter from time to time.

After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and a single barrel cannot point at two enemies at the same time.

Therefore, even though Luyuan’s spider-type main battle tanks seem to surpass many dinosaur legions that are primitive carbon-based animals in terms of style, they are actually only a technical level of crushing, and they cannot be absolute in reality. Crushed.

In the final analysis, although the so-called thick skin of these big guys is not effective when facing 125mm smoothbore guns, their speed and power, especially the bite force of a big mouth, can still cause enough for the armor plate of the main battle tank. Threat.

On these foundations, plus the dinosaur legions occupy an absolute numerical advantage.

Each of the three armored brigades of Luyuan is approximately composed of four to five armored battalions plus some other support units such as air combat drones and reconnaissance drones.

Ignoring other support units, there are more than 300 spider-type main battle tanks alone.

And the Tyrannosaurus behemoth that chased every armored brigade was about three hundred.

However, in addition, there are several times this number of Chilongke light cavalry.

As mentioned before, the dinosaur legions have an absolute advantage in numbers.

In this way, even if a Tyrannosaurus rex and three to six Deinonychus with three to six heads exchange their wounds for their wounds, and die desperately for a spider-type main battle tank, even if the final result is that all of these participating units are destroyed/dead, the ultimate Victory will also belong to the Dinosaur Legion.

Because Lu Yuan’s strategic purpose is to reach Chicxulub, and the other side’s purpose is merely to prevent it.

Eliminating all the troops sent by Lu Yuan was also a kind of prevention.

This technique is quite familiar with Lu Yuan, who is not used less in Luo Sheng.

So if the lizardmen legion with an absolute number of advantages, it can exhaust Lu Yuan's troops by just desperately dying, then how did Lu Yuan persist until now?

This is the economic account mentioned earlier.

Because Lu Yuan’s losses are always less than his gains.

Or to put it more clearly, the time and space points that a spider-type main battle tank contributed to Luyuan by killing the enemy before it was destroyed are higher than the price of this main battle tank when it passes through the store, so Luyuan’s economy Won't crash.

He can make up for the previous wear and tear by purchasing a new tank directly from the crossing store.

Of course, in fact, the harvesting efficiency of the main battle tank is actually not high.

After all, the firing rate of the main gun is about six to eight rounds per minute, with a maximum of ten rounds.

With a hit rate of 80% and a fatal rate of 80%, the number of kills per minute is only about four.

In other words, even if each tank attacks a different enemy, each tank can only kill four dinosaurs per minute.

If these four heads are all Tyrannosaurus giant beasts like Tyrannosaurus Rex, of course it can kill Lu Yuanmei, but in fact, most of them are light cavalry Velociraptor Deinonychus of the Trichosaurus.

If this tank can attack at full capacity for ten minutes without being damaged, then its kill points and purchase points are almost balanced.

But in fact, in the assault warfare, the killing efficiency and survival time are inversely related.

In other words, if the gun is always fired at full load, it is basically impossible to live longer than ten minutes.

If you only care about the impact, you can easily live for ten minutes or even longer, but the firing efficiency will also drop significantly.

So in fact, Lu Yuan's overall "economy" can be balanced because of the artillery and rocket launchers that can "stand at stake."

So, now, there are some problems.

The first is that the large force is broken into pieces and divided into four brigade-level combat teams. In the early stage of the operation, because of the decrease in the frequency of artillery attacks, the point harvest rate of the entire force dropped significantly.

Although the dispersal action also reduced the opponent's attack efficiency, and the loss rate of Lu Yuan's troops also decreased, the rate of decline of the two numbers was not the same.

The former is about 80% or more, while the latter is only about 50% or even smaller.

As a result, Lu Yuan's wartime economy, or his point wallet, has a tendency to make ends meet.

Of course, with the dispersion of the ten brigade-level combat teams, especially the three armored brigades took away most of the Tyrannosaurus Kochisaurus fast dinosaurs, the seven artillery-based brigade-level combat teams can open for harvest again. This struggling to make ends meet has returned to a balanced state.

However, the seven artillery brigade-level combat teams have Turner in charge and can replenish their combat damage during the movement, but the three dispersed armored brigades cannot compensate for their combat damage.

The obvious thing is which of the three armored brigades can replenish the lost troops in the fierce battle, and which unit is Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan has clearly learned from 1234's memory that the opponent regards Lu Yuan's ability to replenish troops as a magical ability similar to the teleportation array.

If Lu Yuan has a way to make all three armored brigades enjoy replenishment treatment, then there is no big problem.

However, the fact is that only he and Turner have this ability.

Therefore, in order not to actively expose the key points, and to prevent the opponent from confirming the location of Lu Yuan, and then adjust the force, send large troops to carry out targeted encirclement and suppression of the armored brigade where Lu Yuan is located.

Even forcing the situation to change back to the original fist-to-fist brute force competition, Lu Yuan could only completely stop replenishing the armored brigade.

However, because the Lizardmen Legion fights for life and the armored brigades cannot be replenished, the strength of the three armored brigades is visibly reduced.

Of course, correspondingly, because the consumption here is reduced, Turner can appropriately supplement the main battle tanks from the large troops in the rear.

If you look at it from a macro perspective, it may even give people the illusion that the three armored brigades that charge towards the northeast of the Yucatan Peninsula are teleporting back to the large forces in the northern isthmus bit by bit.

It seems that Lu Yuan is not at a disadvantage.

But the problem was that the spider tank he was driving could not be teleported back.

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