Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 986: Road far, bow in hand

Time went back a little bit. Just when Luyuan’s large forces were dispersed into ten brigade-level units, the swallows dressed up as Luyuan and commanded a breakthrough in an armored brigade, while the real Luyuan was in another. In the convoy.

However, compared with the swallows who can sit in the cabin, the situation on Luyuan's side is far worse.

Because he hung himself on the belly of a drone.

And as ten brigade-level combat teams scurrying around on the north side of the Tehuantepec Isthmus, with the lizardman legion commander busy arranging troops to pursue the gap, Lu Yuan regarded himself as an aerial bomb and threw it into observation. Near the station command center.

The Lizardmen Legion, who was already familiar with Lu Yuan's drone combat methods, could not find him as an uninvited guest at all.

Lu Yuan, who has the complete memory of Rocky clone 1234, killed two color-feathered monitor lizards casually, and from their chests and abdomen, they dug out two dark greens that are the same as the dark green magic energy used by Aschalotar. Magic stone.

With these things and the memory of 1234, Lu Yuan is not without mastering the use of magical energy. He can naturally use 1234 to freely enter and exit the Mayan-like pyramid observation platform.

But at this time, he was not interested in the trouble of going to the top of the observation platform to find the Rocky clones.

He had only one goal, and that was the teleportation array in the middle of the hall at the bottom of the observation platform.

As for the lizardmen guards inside the observatory, under his terrifying keel bow, there is no one at all.

Even, because of the low noise of the warbow, no one can even yell half a syllable before death.

For stealth and stealth, as long as he can use a bow, Lu Yuan is the best candidate for the task.

Although he couldn't be like a ghost, he walked back and forth without being noticed. But he can make everyone who might be aware of him disappear first.

Although he can't do the "disappear first" thing now, but "kill it first", there is still no problem.

But even so, in the enemy's hinterland densely covered by police posts, his infiltration operation would last for a few hours.

Fortunately, in the end, before Yanzi was about to be wiped out, he finally came to the bottom hall.

Correspondingly, with the exception of the two uppermost levels in the entire observatory, and a limited number of communication observation structures, most of the lizardman guards in the observatory have become his dead souls under the arrow.

But Lu Yuan has something to say about this, because his goal is to use the teleportation formation in the bottom hall to directly teleport himself to the Chicxulub camp on the Yucatan Peninsula.

From near La Venta, where the command center of the observatory is located, to Chicxulub on the Yucatan Peninsula, the straight-line distance is not easy to calculate, but it takes at least 700 kilometers to pass from the ground along the coastline.

For such a long-distance transmission, the energy required is naturally quite high.

In order to be foolproof, Lu Yuan had to clear out some lizardmen guards and get their magic stones as energy reserves.

Although, only after reaching a certain level, one must be a lizard man wearing a colored feather outer armor, can he be given a magic stone.

However, in order to purchase goods from them, Lu Yuan also had to clean up the other lizardmen around them.

In short, when Lu Yuan carried a sack of magic stones into the lobby on the ground floor where the teleportation array was located, the enquiry from the swallow came from the earphones.

After saying a few words, he threw the magic stone out, and pierced the heads of the last group of lizards in the hall with arrow feathers. Then, using the memory of 1234, he adjusted the other side of the teleportation array to Xicxulu. Bo camp.

After finishing this, he put a parting gift in the hall. Lu Yuan ventilated with Yanzi again. After the gift entered the countdown, he ran the teleportation array and spread himself seven hundred kilometers away.

His front foot left, and the left foot of the parting gift was blooming in front of the world.

That thing was not obtrusive, it was the thermonuclear warhead that Lu Yuan had participated in the "Doomsday Crisis" series of missions in Los Santos.

Of course, it was bought back from there after being sold to the cross store.

W78warhead, there are three of these on every one-minute Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.

The theoretical explosive equivalent of each is about 300,000 tons of TNT.

Of course, the explosive equivalent at the time of real detonation generally does not reach the theoretical value, but there are still more than 50%.

150,000 tons or even 170,000 tons of TNT explosives.

According to the 122mm howitzer’s shells of 4 kilograms per explosive, this is also tens of millions of shells.

Even if it is calculated with 122mm rockets, it is only one drop from the upper level, that is, at least one million rockets.

Although the explosives used in the two types of ammunition are not original TNT, each kilogram equivalent of TNT is more than 1.5 kilograms of TNT, but this has not changed much in the order of magnitude.

With all of Lu Yuan's current firepower, he wanted to shoot out so many ammunition, relying on self-propelled artillery, and had to fight for two days at every moment, 24 hours a day.

However, what kind of artillery fired like this, let alone fight for two days, even if it fired for two hours, it would have to be bombed.

In accordance with the normal fighting rhythm, these ammunition will have to last ten days and twenty days or even longer.

This is based on the simultaneous consumption of hundreds of self-propelled artillery.

Just judging from this figure, the explosive effect of this warhead should be very terrifying.

The results are indeed terrifying.

The apocalyptic explosion that occurred in the direction of the observatory 20 or 30 kilometers away by the swallows was the effect of the explosion of this warhead.

Although Yanzi didn't react much, in fact, the chilongs around her who hadn't had time to be slaughtered by her had already started to scatter birds and beasts as early as the first discovering that they were not good.

The animal's instinct tells them that the explosion over there is far more terrifying than the human-shaped butcher with the head of his compatriots falling with a sword in his hand.

Even so, there were quite a few dinosaurs and lizardmen who were close to the observatory in Swallow's field of vision, and found out that they wanted to escape. They were eventually engulfed by the tumbling black haze, and their lives came to an abrupt end.

Because it was detonated at the bottom of the observatory pyramid, most of the fire was covered by the smoke and dust generated after the structure of the building was destroyed. The lethality is not compromised.

The power of the warhead is not terrifying.

Just how to say it.

Lu Yuan walked out of the teleportation formation, judging the surrounding direction, and smoothly cleared the lizardman guards on the teleportation formation.

Then the whole person turned his back to the southwest, making a look like "real men never look back at explosions", and took a selfie of himself.

As a result, let alone an explosion behind him, even the changes in the clouds in the sky can't be seen clearly.

No way, after all, it is an explosion with a straight line distance of at least 600 kilometers away. Well, it should be called the shortest distance between two points on the surface of the sphere, the spherical distance.

At such a distance, the explosion effect is normal.

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