Lu Yuan's current goal is very clear, which is the center of the Chicxulub crater on the seabed to the north.

At this point, the memory of Loki clone 1234 is temporarily useless.

Because according to his memory, after he was manufactured inside the flying saucer, he was sent from the Green Mayflower flying saucer after a short-term adaptation training.

The first station that was teleported out was the teleportation array behind Lu Yuan at this time.

1234 knows nothing about how to get to the flying saucer from here.

Fortunately, although 1234's memory is not even sure whether the Green Mayflower UFO is on the ground, in the sea, or in the sky, this problem does not exist in Lu Yuan.

Since he determined that the main base of Ascharotar was located near the Chicxulub crater, Lu Yuan has been 100% sure that the place where the meteorite fell is the base of these green light devil void flying insects. Where.

Although it now seems that the real Aschalotar, there is probably only Evelyn Loki left.

This meteorite is said to hit the ground as an explosion of energy. According to the calculation of TNT yellow explosive, it is about one million tons equivalent.

"Well, it's three times the thermonuclear warhead I just used before." Lu Yuan muttered while looking at the data in the system panel.

"Will it be so small? Didn't it mean that the first impact crater found was 180 kilometers in diameter?"

However, as the system highlighted a word in that number for him, he realized that he was sloppy and lost an important word.

100 million.

It is the equivalent of one trillion tons of TNT, and it is only an approximate number, not a definite number.

So not three nuclear bombs of that kind, but 300 million nuclear bombs of that kind exploded at the same time.

Just now that thermonuclear weapon defeated home once, and it was a long way to create a big firework, and suddenly I felt insignificant again.

300 million W78 warheads are 100 million one-minute land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Even so, the mainstream scholars of later generations still believe that the impact of this meteorite on the earth alone is not enough to directly destroy the global dinosaurs.

There should be other reasons to participate, and the whole process of extinction is longer than human imagination.

Looking at these materials, especially the eye-catching word "100 million", Lu Yuan suddenly thought of a famous saying that mankind's nuclear weapons are enough to destroy the earth several times.

Ha ha, how many times have destroyed the earth?

The nuclear weapons of several nuclear powers combined, even if the equivalent of many warheads is higher than a mere 300,000 tons, can they be worth 300 million 300,000 tons?

Destroy the earth?

I'm afraid that even the human species can't be destroyed, it just destroys the existing civilized order.

As long as you prepare in advance, build underground bunkers far away from the place directly hit by a nuclear bomb, prepare enough supplies, and escape a world-destroying global nuclear war, which is easy for some people.

Only ordinary people are bound to be the biggest victims.

Lu Yuan, who was suddenly worried about the nuclear doomsday, shook his head quickly, trying to get his energy back to the things at hand.

The Chicxulub crater is not small because of its huge explosive equivalent. The 180-kilometer diameter crater is only the most obvious trace at first.

Fortunately, there is no need to travel a radius of 90 kilometers to get to the center.

Because according to the calculations of later generations, the center of the crater is near the small town of Chicxulub, so it is the name.

In fact, the distance between the center of the sea and Lu Yuan should be less than 15 kilometers.

Of course, it is still calculated according to the spherical distance.

If you take into account the depth of the sea and the possible seabed sediment coverage, this distance has to be added at least one kilometer to 1.5 kilometers.

This means that Lu Yuan needs to dive for at least one kilometer.

However, when Lu Yuan tried to dive into the water with the most pressure-resistant single-man diving device, he found that his previous calculations were wrong.

After all, that is geographic information 50 million years ago.

In fact, 50 million years before the impact of the meteorite, the depth of the water at the center of the impact is not so terrifying.

Lu Yuan’s submersible is enough.

But the problem is that a bigger trouble appeared in front of him.

No, not one, but a group.

Those underwater ancient giants that are at least fifteen meters long and weigh at least fifteen tons, with sharp teeth and scaly armor, are the Mosasaurus Legion.

In fact, the guards of the giant beasts vary in size and shape, and Mosasaur is just one of the most terrifying and largest representatives of them.

Like the crocodiles that had been encountered in the shallow lake before, they also reappeared under the sea.

"Oh, oh, why didn't you come here directly by the water, just to hide your stuff." Lu Yuan reluctantly controlled the diving suit that looked like a space-powered armor and slowly leaned toward the shore, muttering in his mouth.

However, at the same time, his hands did not stop, and the mechanical power arm was looking for something from the backpack behind the mecha while manipulating the extension.

"Fortunately, I knew I was going to dive, and I also prepared gifts for you!"

In the past, such big things were usually placed in Luyuan's work space.

After entering the time loop, the workspace was unavailable, and he was at a loss as to what to do.

But when he got here, he had found a set of compromise methods. Although this method was very flawed, it was at least usable.

That is, he first uses materials to make finished products, and then sells the finished products to the cross store. In this way, it is equivalent to uploading his own products as store products.

When it's time to use it, buy it back from the cross store.

Moreover, I don't know what sweatshop is behind the store. In addition to the price changes, the supply of these uploaded or unlocked goods is actually sufficient.

At least Lu Yuan’s self-made spider-site chariots, including battle damage and consumption, bought thousands of vehicles, far more than he sold, but there is still no goods to sell out through the store.

In that case, Lu Yuan made this diving suit for himself using this compromise method with confidence and boldness.

The only problem, of course, is the price.

Inside and out, with this diving suit alone, he would have at least lost thousands of points, not counting his own design costs and manual costs.

However, for the last ten kilometers, it was worth it.

After cheering himself up so fiercely, Lu Yuan finally took out what looked like a portable speaker behind his back.

Pointing the thing at the group of giant animals in front of him, he smiled and muttered something, and then pressed the switch of the device.

"Dance, big guys!"

Then, then it's nothing then. It was nothing more than the smaller ones being driven away by his ultrasonic weapon, and although the Mosasaurus seemed a little uncomfortable, they still rushed towards him tenaciously.

"Cut, it turns out that there is a difference in physiology between marine species and lake species. I had known that I should find a beach to do a few more corrections!"

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