It's outrageous.

The corners of Zhang Tianle's mouth twitched slightly.

The Ten Hall Yama who was seen by him showed an embarrassed but polite smile to Zhang Tianle.

Silently approached Zhang Tianle's back.

The other nine Yama kings looked at the Wheel King.

The Wheel King's face froze.

These bastards, without explaining themselves, threw him out.

He floated to Zhang Tianle's left side, and moved away from the Haoran Ring Ruler with white light on his right hand: "Little Daoist, the power of your Haoran Ring Ruler is a bit great, and we are also thinking about our poor cultivation, you don't have to think too much." Let's go in first. I heard Xiao Lu say, your apprentice is still waiting for you to save him, we have been delayed for a long time, let's go and take a look first. "

Let's go. Zhang Tianle went into the cave first.

As he entered the cave.

The Haoran Ring Ruler emitted a white light.

Wherever the white light passed, the white mist with the aura of silence completely dissipated.

The Ten Palaces of Yama King behind Zhang Tianle, as well as Lu Wuchang: "......"

must have a good relationship with this little Taoist friend in the future.

Twelve people all the way forward.

All the way through.

But the white mist where Zhang Tianle passed was evaporated by the white light emitted by the Haoran Ring Ruler.

And the light emitted by the Haoran Ring Ruler, which had evaporated the white mist, became more and more brilliant.

The Wheel King, who was following Zhang Tianle, glanced at the Haoran ring ruler in Zhang Tianle's hand.

I screamed outrageous in my heart.

He found that as they advanced, the Haoran Ring Ruler in Zhang Tianle's hand was actually getting stronger!

That's right

! He was very sure!

Before, he thought it was a delusion.

But looking at the Haoran ring ruler in Zhang Tianle's hand, which had grown a few millimeters longer and emitted a richer white light.

He made the most certain judgment that his instincts were not wrong.

This is outrageous.

This Haoran Ring Ruler is actually destroying the Qi of Silence to grow itself.

He had never heard of anything like it.


In ancient times, it seemed that those bigwigs' magic weapons had this function.

So ......

The Wheel King swallowed.

He seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

He won't be killed, right?

Quietly glanced at Zhang Tianle.

Just when the Wheel King was guessing, Zhang Tianle had already led them out of the long corridor in the cave.

As soon as he came out of Yongdao, Zhang Tianle narrowed his eyes.

In front of them was a large natural cave.

It's the size of twenty or thirty football fields.

In the middle of this football field there is a ten-meter-high altar.

The altar is a bit far from them.

It seemed that there were many people lying on the altar.

This large cave is filled with runes.

The rune extends all the way to the altar.

And each of these runes emitted a faint red light.

It's still a scene, and he's really familiar with it.

Zhang Tianle was really speechless at the moment.

And the Ten Yama Kings and Lu Wuchang, who came in after Zhang Tianle, when they saw this scene, as if these runes would burn their feet, they withdrew their feet at the moment when they were about to touch the runes.

Zhang Tianle, who noticed the sound behind him, turned his head to look.

Looking at the Ten Hall Yama King and Lu Wuchang with a vigilant face: "......

can you be so careful?"

"This is a sacrificial formation, and it has restrained us. The Wheel King touched Zhang Tianle's puzzled and inquiring gaze, and immediately explained to him: "If we go in, our cultivation will be eroded and transformed into the power of this sacrificial formation, and I will eliminate the other's strengths, which is very unfavorable to us, if we are not forced to do so, we will try not to end up."

As soon as the Wheel King finished speaking, he saw that Zhang Tianle's whole person was wrapped in the white light emitted by the Haoran ring ruler.

At the moment when the white light enveloped Zhang Tianle, the red light in the cave also emitted a dazzling red glow.

Along with the red glow, there was a terrifying and rich white mist.

Ten Hall Yama and Lu Wu often saw this scene, and almost ran away.

The fog of silence itself had a restraining effect on them.

When the red light and white mist surged towards Zhang Tianle and them, the ring ruler in Zhang Tianle's hand shook slightly.

Zhang Tianle, who noticed the vibration of the ring ruler, lowered his eyes and looked at the ring ruler in his hand.

I don't know if it's his delusion, but when this Haoran Ring Ruler saw these red lights and white mist, it was like a hungry lion seeing its prey.

I can't wait to pounce on it and fight hard and have a full meal.

Just when Zhang Tianle's expression was subtle, an extremely small voice sounded in Zhang Tianle's mind: "Master, I want to eat!]

This voice is very small.

But urgently.

If it weren't for the fact that this voice appeared directly in Zhang Tianle's mind, he might have ignored it directly.

Accompanied by the sound, Zhang Tianle's hand was constantly vibrating, and he even wanted to break free from Zhang Tianle's hand.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Tianle looked at the Haoran ring ruler in his hand.

Is this ruler refined

? What if it is said that it will not become a fine after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Zhang Tianle also opened his hand.

As soon as he opened his hand, the Haoran Ring Ruler in his hand flew into the sky, exuding a brilliant light.

At this moment, the Haoran ring ruler is like a bright sun.

After the countless swarms of white mist collided with the red and white light, they completely dissolved.

Behind Zhang Tianle, the Ten Hall Yama King and Lu Wuchang: "!"

Before he could shout a national curse, he disappeared directly at the entrance of the cave.

The King of the Ten Palaces of Yama and Lu Wuchang hid out and returned to the Yongdao until they couldn't see Zhang Tianle.

The other nine Yama kings surrounded the Wheel King: "Where did you get such a child who doesn't speak martial arts?"

Just now they were photographed for a moment, and the three hundred years of cultivation were illuminated.

And Lu Wuchang is even more pitiful.

His cultivation is lower than them, and his resistance to Haoran's righteousness is weaker, just like that, his six hundred years of cultivation have all been wiped out.

Now that the original shape is extremely thick, Lu Wuchang, who will soon be able to enter the ghost king, looked at his thin and transparent body: "......"

He was really going to cry and faint in the toilet.

He has now gone from a half-step ghost king to a ghost general in the early stage.

I really can't live this day.

Who did he offend?

It was irradiated by the light of Haoran's righteousness, and his cultivation fell directly for 600 years.

It's too difficult!

"Wheel King!" Lu Wuchang looked at the Wheel King with a cry: "My cultivation is ......"

If Lord Wheel King doesn't give him a subsidy, he really can't get better.

The Wheel King heard Lu Wuchang's shout.

Turn your head and look.

Good guys!

This impermanent figure is much thinner.

He also knew that he was at a loss.

With a wave of his hand, a ghostly aura enveloped Lu Wuchang.

After this ghost qi was injected into Lu Wuchang's body, Lu Wuchang went from the early stage of the original ghost general to directly enter the hall and enter the realm of the ghost king.

Lu Wuchang: "!!"

still has a future with the Wheel King!

In the future, he will only look forward to the Wheel King.

He "snapped" to the ground, knelt down for the Wheel King, and hugged the Wheel King's thigh: "Your Royal Highness the Wheel King, you are such a good person, you are simply my reborn parents!

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