"Then what happened later? How did my daughter get out?"

The father hurriedly asked nervously.

He was afraid that his daughter would be hurt a little bit.

After she realized that she had met a human trafficker, she began to use her brains and directly told the trafficker that she still had five good girlfriends and wanted to find a job in the city, and she could trick her good girlfriends into coming, so the female trafficker followed her from the city back to your county seat.

When she arrived at the county seat, on the way to the station, she met a one-eyed strong man with a fierce face and stepped forward to talk. After

knocking on the side, she learned that the man had no wife, and she flickered again, and she sold the woman trafficker to the one-eyed man for five hundred yuan.

"After selling the traffickers, she had the money to buy a ticket to get back to the town from the county seat.

After hearing this story, everyone in the live broadcast room deducted one after another: [???]

is full of question marks.


[From now on, I don't think college students are clear and stupid anymore.] I feel like if I run into this little girl, I might be sold.

[I just want to say this operation: 666

!] [Please note that the nickname of this girl's brother is too suitable for this story, right?]

They are really stunned!

As the parents and brother of the parties, they were also stunned when they heard this.

His daughter/sister met the traffickers and sold them


? Is this still their daughter/sister?

"People don't sell me, I don't sell people" At this time, they also parked the car in front of the station.

As soon as he stopped the bus, he saw the bus to the county seat stop at the station.

The parents of "people don't sell me, I don't sell people" opened the car door and rushed to the bus.

The bus door opened, and a young and beautiful little girl was the first to get out of the car, and at the first time she got off the bus, she looked left and right, and at this look, she saw her parents running towards her.

Tears flowed down her face at once, and she rushed over and hugged her mother: "Mom, woo wow...... I almost won't see you! I'm scared to death! Woo woo woo ......

" "People don't sell me, I don't sell people" parents: "......" just parked the car, and came over with a mobile phone, "People don't sell me, I don't sell people", hearing

this: "......" The sailors in the live broadcast room: [???]

If they hadn't heard Zhang

Tianle's statement, they would have thought that this little girl was frightened and had feelings.

Now they say

, "Brothers, is there something wrong with me?" I always feel that this little girl is shedding crocodile tears now! It's over, brothers, I'm done! How can I guess a person so maliciously

!] [Brother upstairs, don't panic, you're not alone!] I think so too! Even now I make a goose cry, and my parents are now looking at me with neurotic eyes!].

Now she is crying, I should have sympathized, but when I think of the trafficker who was sold, instead of sympathizing, I laughed out of tears.

When the sailors in the live broadcast room laughed, "People don't sell me, I don't sell people" has already walked in front of his sister: "Sister, what have you been doing these days? Do you know that my parents and I are worried about you."

Although he knew what happened from Zhang Tianle's mouth, everything Zhang Tianle said was very different from the character of the sister he knew, so he wanted to hear the truth of the matter from his sister's mouth.

Perhaps, everything is just a rumor spread by the anchor for a gimmick?

He has selectively forgotten that Zhang Tianle accurately calculated his sister's whereabouts for him at the moment.

"Brother, I was almost sold by human traffickers! I almost couldn't come back! Woo woo woo ......

" Hearing the voice of "people don't sell me, I don't sell people", the sister who "people don't sell me, I don't sell people" immediately turned into her brother's arms and whimpered again.

"People don't sell me, I don't sell people" swallowed, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

He pulled the corners of his mouth and asked dryly: "What about the traffickers?"

The sister who "people don't sell me, I don't sell people" heard this question, and instantly burst into tears and laughed: "Hey, hey, hey...... Brother, I won't cry when I talk about this, do you know what I did?"

"After I realized that I had been deceived by human traffickers, I lied to them that I had five good girlfriends at home who were going to work in the city, and those traffickers believed me, and then I asked the trafficker who lied to me to come back with me to fool them.

"I originally wanted to trick her into going to the town, after all, we are all clansmen in this town, and if they dare to come, I just need to shout in the streets of the town to ensure that the trafficker has nothing to hide."

"It's just that later, I endured it, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and the more I thought about it when I took a step back, the more I lost, when I was in the county seat, I saw a very vicious one-eyed strong man at the station, so I tentatively asked if people were short of wives, and I could find one for her.

"Who knew that the one-eyed brother said that he was lacking, so I led the woman trafficker to him, and the big brother was so weird! and gave me five hundred dollars. I knew that the accomplices of the trafficker would definitely not let me go, so after selling the man, I hurried to buy a ticket and came back to you.

"People don't sell me, I don't sell people" was stunned for a while.

So...... Did his sister really sell the traffickers?

This is outrageous!

The sailors in the live broadcast room still didn't hold back when they heard the same story again.

[Hahahaha...... I'm laughing to death!]

[I'm afraid this trafficker didn't expect that he was planted in the hands of a little girl.]

[This is really the best joke of the year!No, I can't laugh all my nose!]

Just as these people were expressing their opinions, a group of police officers came to their family of four.

Now Zhang Tianle's live broadcast room is guarded by police 24 hours a day, so as soon as such a case occurred, there were relevant police officers who notified the relevant local units.

"People don't sell me, I don't sell people" The police here came to them as soon as they were notified.

In fact, even the police officers are speechless in their hearts at this moment.

Who would have thought that a high school student would actually play human traffickers.

The case of No. 159

is really too complicated, so complicated that even the CPUs of the police officers who handle many cases have been burned out.

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