Is there any comparison between the Shenni and the Guanyin Relic?

Not at all

! The Flesh Tower, if it is gone, it will be rebuilt!

As for the gossip of the outside world, it doesn't matter! The

main one is willfulness.

The nuns present immediately panicked: "Abbot, don't be impulsive! This is the physical body pagoda of the Jinghai Shenni. If it is pushed, it will be a major damage to the reputation of our Qingxia Ancient Temple, and it will even be despised by the entire Buddhist world.

"Abbot, you must

think twice!" "Don't think twice! Is reputation or Guanyin relics important? Don't give me that whole set of fame and reputation." The abbot sneered: "I have made up my mind." That's it. Soon

the craftsman was called, and under the order of the abbot, the body of Jinghai Shenni was invited out, and the body tower was knocked down as soon as possible.

At the moment when the Flesh Tower was toppled, the Jinghai Shenni opened his mouth.

Colorful light poured out from the open mouth of the Jinghai Shenni.

The abbot looked at the Guanyin relics in the mouth of the Jinghai Shennu, and then looked at Zhang Tianle.

She was directly speechless by Zhang Tianle.

He said that as long as he got rid of the relics pagoda of Jinghai Shenni, he could find the Guanyin relics, and he really found them.

That's outrageous, isn't it?

The bhikshunis around "this ......" were also shocked by this scene.

"Found it! Really found it! Oh my God! Amitabha Buddha! The Buddha has appeared

!" "This is amazing!"

"But this body tower needs to be destroyed before it can be entered, how did

this Guanyin relics get into the mouth of the Jinghai Shenni?" "No one doubts it, the person who said that the Guanyin relics are in our Jinghai Shenni body tower?"

When the little nun said this, the people who were still talking about it suddenly fell silent.

Everyone instantly moved away from the little nun who said this, and revealed her directly in front of the abbot's eyes.

The abbot looked at the little nun deeply, and the little nun shuddered: "Abbot, I ......

" and "Go to the fasting hall to copy the scriptures yourself." The abbot frowned.

At this moment, those who were working in the direction Zhang Tianle pointed out shouted.

"Damn! Who the is so lacking in morality! Why did you bury so many things, it stinks to death. "

I'm here too!"

"it, why do I have so many bones here?" "

I'm missing a lot of virtue! I'm a baby bone here." "

The directions where the Qian, Wu, Jia, and Zi of the territory that Zhang Tianle pointed to before exploded one by one.

The abbot was also stunned.

She hurriedly led someone over to see.

The first one is a bunch of snakes, as well as some snake bones.

The second place is the bones of foxes and weasels.

The third place is a pile of adult bones.

The fourth place is the baby bone.

It's all piled up.

At this moment, the abbot's whole body was numb.

When they chose the site to build the pure place, they definitely did a sweep, so it was impossible for these things to exist during the construction of the temple, and even if there were, they would build a shrine for these things to worship.

She couldn't help but look at Zhang Tianle.

"These things have been brought in in the past 100 years, and some have been brought in in more than 20 years. Take this baby bone, for example. Zhang Tianle pointed to the sub-position where the baby's bones were located.

The abbot frowned.

She has been the abbot for nearly 30 years, and in the past few decades, there has been basically no big move, except for the time when she repaired the floor tiles of the Daxiong Treasure Hall 20 years ago.


She looked in the direction where the baby's bones were, and then at the Mahavira Temple.

At that time, it was a convenient toilet for tourists, but it was said to be unsightly, so it was demolished and the flower garden was rebuilt.

And the person in charge of repairing the floor tiles of the Daxiong Hall and building the flower garden was Mrs. Huiyu.

Could this matter have something to do with Master Huiyu?

"How should we deal with this?" The abbot thought about these things in his heart, but he didn't show it at all, but looked at Zhang Tianle, this matter must not be simple.

If you act rashly, you may fall for the scheme.

Zhang Tianle took out the Haoran ring ruler from the toolkit: "I'll solve it." I

saw Zhang Tianle come to these potholes, and poke here and there with the Haoran ring ruler.

The Haoran Ring Ruler emitted a milky white light, enveloping all the bones.

When the milky white light enveloped the bones, a purple-black aura emerged from the bones, and at this moment, everyone around heard the sound of the bones grinding together and the terrible screams.

As soon as this voice came out, everyone present covered their ears and showed pain on their faces.

After a moment, the men let go of their hands.

They saw Zhang Tianle change places again, and repeated the action just now.

After a total of four times, Zhang Tianle returned to the abbot who was covering his ears: "Okay, you can let people dispose of these bones."

The abbot frowned: "The source of these things is unknown, do you need to call the police?"

Zhang Tianle glanced at those bones: "These are ownerless bones, and those baby bones are mostly aborted and died in vain." As for the animals, there are some ways to do it. It's a pity ......

" The abbot nodded: "Okay." "

That means you don't have to call the police. Even if you call the police, it's useless.

Let a sleeping dog lie.

The abbot said to the people behind him, "Go to the bone collector and put away these bones and build a spirit bone tower, and we will recite the scriptures for them day and night in the future." Master Zhang, in which direction do you think this Spirit Bone Pagoda should be built? Don't worry, money is not a problem, just ask. The

abbot kicked the question to Zhang Tianle again.

Now she is extremely convinced of Zhang Tianle.

If you're not convinced, you can't.

Everyone helped them find all the lost Guanyin relics.

People are so capable.

Zhang Tianle stretched out his hand to the southwest: "Ten meters away, it's enough." "

OK. The abbot instantly figured out, "Can you start construction today?"

She remembered that these feng shui masters needed to choose auspiciousness.

Zhang Tianle used the Heavenly Dao Technique to choose an auspicious day and auspicious time: "Ten days later, it will be 3:15 in the morning.

"Okay. The abbot kept the time Zhang Tianle said in his heart.

It was just after the two of them chattered.

A few bhikshunis came running over in a panic: "The abbot is in a bad situation. Elders, they are all in trouble now because you want to demolish their meditation room. Do you think it's going to be solved?"

As soon as the bhikshunis finished speaking, several old nuns came over with a black face in their arms.

Before they even got closer, they heard their angry voices: "Sure enough, after you became the abbot, you don't take this senior sister seriously? Now you dare to ask someone to demolish my meditation room? Do you want to demolish the spirit bone tower dedicated to the master next?"

Elder Guocheng walked over, pointed to the abbot's nose and began to jump to his feet.

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