Originally, he decided that after completing his grandmother's dream, he would continue his studies and not be the only one in his life who did not become a doctor.

Who knows, not long after this grandmother's dream was fulfilled, his grandmother pestered him again.

These days have been more serious, and Grandma Tai not only cursed at him, but also whipped him with his crutches.

That's it, he also found that during the time that his grandmother was looking for him, his luck was very bad.

Kong Xuan, who loves to eat Gu Yuan ant wine, looked at Zhang Tianle and smiled bitterly: "Master, what is going on with my grandmother? I obviously did everything according to her request, why did she still come to me?"

Zhang Tianle glanced at him and said lightly: "Because your grandmother's urn exploded."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could my grandmother's urn blow up? Master, you probably don't know. I just sent my grandmother's urn into outer space this year. There was absolutely no way her urn would have exploded.

Speaking of this, he hurriedly looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and hurriedly added:

"The reason why I sent my grandmother's urn to outer space is because my father said that before she died, she had always had a wish, and she wanted to see it in outer space."

No, a few years ago, there was a company abroad that said that it could carry things to space, and after discussing it with my family, I unanimously decided to send her ashes to outer space in order to fulfill the old man's last wish.

So the anchor

, it's absolutely impossible for my grandmother's urn to blow up! I've checked this company, it's very secure, and it sends me photos of my grandmother's urn every month. This is guaranteed to be repaired.

Twenty days ago, they sent me a picture of my grandmother's urn.

Kong Xuan, who loves Gu Yuan ant wine, looked at Zhang Tianle blankly: "Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the anchor's urn of my grandmother to explode."

Kong Xuan, who loves to eat Gu Yuan ant wine, directly made the entire live broadcast room lively.

[Can there still be this operation?Send the urn of the grandmother to outer space,What kind of fairy operation is this?I just want to double-click 666 now!]

[Ahhhhh Let her old man see it.

[I originally thought that the doctor's family would be very rational, but I didn't expect it to be so dehumanizing.

[No wonder the grandmother said it's cold, this goes to outer space, you go and you are cold.]

[So Kong Xuan, who loves to eat Guyuan ant wine, should burn the space suit to the grandmother, instead of burning the ordinary granny Xiang, because Grandma Xiang is good-looking, but she doesn't keep it warm

!] [Grandma: You are all filial sons, but you are about to die of filial piety, and I will not be able to live in peace when I die!]

Kong Xuan, who loves to eat Guyuan ant wine, looked at the barrage and was silent.

When Kong Xuan, who loves to eat Gu Yuan ant wine, was silent because of the words of the sailors, Zhang Tianle spoke: "The space station where your grandmother is located has exploded." Even the ashes of your grandmother were lifted. Your grandmother's ashes are still floating in outer space.

Zhang Tianle's words came out.

Kong Xuan, who loves to eat Gu Yuan ant wine: The

water friends who are still playing their small essay writing in the "???" live broadcast room:

[???] [

I thought I was already very good at using my imagination, but I didn't expect that my brain limited my imagination. Originally

, the grandmother could lie in her grave and spend the blessing of her long sleep after her death, and by the way, she blessed her children and grandchildren, and the result was a good fellow! Her filial grandson dug her out of the grave, sent her all the way abroad, and then launched into outer space, and then the grandmother exploded.

[Therefore, it makes perfect sense for the grandmother to trouble him, a filial descendant, and there is cause and effect at all

!] [Premature life, the world is too milky!]

At this time, Kong Xuan, who loves to eat Guyuan ant wine, received a text message.

The content of the text message can be roughly summarized as: The items he deposited in the space capsule were damaged by a meteorite impact in the space capsule, so the insurance he had previously reported was claimed.

So, in short, it was really an accident with his grandmother's urn.

In order to confirm the message, he looked at the information on his phone several times.

After reading it, he almost knelt down for Zhang Tianle on the spot.

Originally, he thought Zhang Tianle was talking nonsense.

Who knew that what Zhang Tianle said turned out to be true.

"Master, you're right! My grandmother's urn really exploded. What am I going to do now? My grandmother is still floating in outer space. This

time, Kong Xuan, who loves to eat Gu Yuan ant wine, is really panicked.

He is now a sinner in his family.

When sending Grandma's ashes to outer space, the family also sat together and studied it, and they also knew that if Grandma's urn was stored in outer space, such a thing might indeed happen.

And at that time, their family thought that in order to fulfill Taima's last wish, even if Taima's urn blew up, Taima would understand.

After studying all aspects, the family also bought insurance for Taima's urn, and customized a special urn to seal it, striving to protect Taima's urn in the event of a meteorite impact.

As a result, who knew that the space capsule where the grandmother was still exploded, and the urn of the grandmother was not saved.

And he was also entangled by his grandmother.

"There are two choices: the first is that I will overtake your grandmother's soul and send it into reincarnation, so that your grandmother's soul will not be consumed by the absolute temperature of outer space. I won't be bothering you anymore. "

Second, I'll get a special custom talisman for your grandmother, so that your grandmother will continue to float in outer space. It's just that maybe your grandmother will come to you from time to time to hang out and share with you the scenery of outer space.

Zhang Tianle gave the choice back to Kong Xuan, who loved to eat Guyuan ant wine.

Kong Xuan, who loves Gu Yuan ant wine, frowned, and was a little embarrassed: "These two choices are quite good. It's just that I don't know what my grandmother's opinion is. I don't dare to make decisions for my grandmother now. "

This has already made a mistake of making a decision for the grandmother, blowing up her urn, and being beaten by the grandmother, and it can't be done again.

Zhang Tianle affirmed his thoughts and nodded: "Of course, you can also listen to your grandmother's thoughts." I'll invite her old man over for you

?" Kong Xuan, who loves Gu Yuan ant wine: "Huh?"

And this operation?

He was immediately excited: "It's a good feeling! I also ask the master to invite my grandmother over to see what she thinks." "

Then he can help from the side.

Anyway, this time it was the grandmother's own decision, so you can't blame him, right?

Zhang Tianle immediately drew a talisman and invited Kong Xuan's grandmother, who loved to eat Gu Yuan ant wine, back.

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