The Wheel King looked at Kong Xuan's grandmother, who loved to eat Gu Yuan ant wine.

Raised eyebrows.

This is really an old acquaintance.

He was very impressed with her.

After her death, because she had great merit, she was personally greeted by him.

But she chose to stay in the yang world to consume her merits and protect her children and grandchildren.

Over the years, he would come to ask her to go down almost every ten years.

It's just ......

"Your merits ......"

Why is there so little?

The merits around her before were a little frighteningly bright.

Now it's bleak.

After all, the magic medicine she developed before had saved many people's lives.

Saving a life is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter.

The golden light was about to blind his eyes.

When the Wheel King mentioned this topic, Kong Xuan's grandmother, who was eating Gu Yuan ant wine, became angry and glared at her good grandson viciously.

"It's not because of him!" the

Wheel King coughed in embarrassment.

He kind of knew why.

"Then I'll go pick him up. The Wheel King said to Zhang Tianle.

"Okay! Zhang Tianle nodded.

"No trouble! I am very happy that you can be the first to think of this thing. In this way, he can brush his presence in front of Zhang Tianle more, and he can also brush his good impression in front of so-and-so, which is only good for him, not bad.

After greeting Zhang Tianle, the Wheel King pushed open the bronze door.

At the moment when the Wheel King pushed open the bronze door, Kong Xuan, who was eating Gu Yuan ant wine, also appeared on the bronze door at the same time, and the Wheel King appeared in another live broadcast room with Lu Wuchang.

Sailors in the live broadcast room: [the ancestors, I'm out, I actually saw the king of Yama.

[Shocked! King Yama actually appeared in the live broadcast room of millions of anchors!]

[The friend upstairs will come to UC to work tomorrow. [

It's really amazing, is this the teleportation technology of the underworld? The camera in the live broadcast room here also saw the feet of the Wheel King, and I saw the Wheel King appear over there.

When the water friends were discussing in the live broadcast room, Kong Xuan's grandmother, who ate Gu Yuan ant wine, looked at the juniors who surrounded her and showed reluctance: "I will not be there in the future, you have to work hard, don't lose my people." "

Got it, Grandma/Grandma. Tears welled up in the eyes of these people.

Kong Xuan's grandmother, who was eating Gu Yuan ant wine, smiled at them, and when the Wheel King and them completely stepped over from the bronze gate, she waved her hand and evenly distributed the last merit on her body to the descendants in front of her: "This can be regarded as my last gift to you! The

Wheel King who just walked over: "......"

He was shocked by this little old lady.

If this is replaced by other ghosts, there is a little bit of merit and gold, the treasure has to be like something, and this merit and gold light will also be of great help to their reincarnation in the next life, and this little old lady knows that in this case, she also gave her last bit of merit to her children and grandchildren, this little old lady is really a little too self-sacrificing for future generations.

"Lord Wheel King, let's go. After evenly distributing the golden light of merit to the offspring, Kong Xuan's grandmother, who was eating Gu Yuan ant wine, turned around and looked at the Wheel King with a shocked face with a smile on her face.

"Okay, let's go, please. The Wheel King reached out and pulled it through the bronze door.

The sailors in the live broadcast room were shocked to fly when they saw the golden light of the grandmother's merits for their offspring.

[This is too milky operation...... No! The cheating anchor is lying to my tears again! I live in Bengbu! Family

!] [This is the older generation, always so selfless to dedicate themselves!really!cry to death!] [


At this time, a familiar name appeared in the live broadcast room.

[Ouch, isn't this upstairs the Lady of the Rhine Dao? Your body is well raised

?] [Hmm? is the big guy who fought the six female ghosts? I just want to say awesome, big guy!] [

I'm new here, didn't I miss any wonderful moments. Ahh

Zhang Tianle took out the merit seal given to him by the Wheel King, drew out a small half, and landed on Kong Xuan's grandmother, who was eating Gu Yuan ant wine.

He had smallpox as a child, and it was because of the medicine she developed that saved him.

He owes Kong Xuan's grandmother who ate Gu Yuan ant wine a life.

He also wanted to give her more, but unfortunately, there was only so much merit she could afford to give.

At this moment, Kong Xuan's grandmother, who was eating Gu Yuan ant wine with merit, was stunned and turned to look at Zhang Tianle.

"I owe it to you. When the bronze door was about to close, Zhang Tianle said to Kong Xuan's grandmother who was eating Gu Yuan ant wine. Kong Xuan's grandmother who eats Gu Yuan ant wine.

Kong Xuan, who ate Gu Yuan ant wine, was too stunned.

She didn't remember saving the child.

The Wheel King on one side seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Zhang Tianle with complicated eyes.

Just then, the bronze door shut.

The Wheel King, Lu Wuchang disappeared from everyone's sight with Kong Xuan's grandmother, who was eating Gu Yuan ant wine.

"Grandma!" Kong

Xuan, who was eating Gu Yuan ant wine, shouted at the bronze door that closed and disappeared.

Just no matter what he shouted.

His grandmother had completely disappeared from his life and would never come back.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted it.

I regret why I sent my grandmother's ashes to outer space, which caused my grandmother to be hurt unexpectedly, and also caused everyone to completely lose my grandmother.


, the moment the bronze door was closed, the memories of the grandmothers imparting their knowledge in their dreams suddenly flooded into their minds.

It's as if it just happened.

So clear, so real.

It turns out that behind their twenty doctors, it is because of their grandmother's tireless dedication in their dreams, simplifying the complex in their dreams, and imparting knowledge to them in a way that is more acceptable to them.

And even if they go out into society, their grandmother is still working tirelessly to help them.

But all this, after their grandmother imparted them knowledge, their grandmother immediately erased all memories of her, and instead imprinted the memory of knowledge deeply in their minds.

Anyway, in order to avoid her from having a bad influence on them, be smaller, and highlight their own excellence, and do their best to help them.

At this moment, the family members of Kong Xuan's grandmother, who ate Gu Yuan ant wine, after receiving the information that had been blocked by their grandmother, one of them was counted as one, and they all cried into tears.

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