As long as the anchor is still around, he has nothing to worry about.

Do you guess I guess that I reversed the lens of the mobile phone with one hand, longed for the gradually extinguishing street lamp, and tightly grasped the token of the Wheel King with one hand, and the palm of my hand was full of sweat.

His body was still trembling uncontrollably.

Seeing that the street lamp in front of him was dark, only the nearest one remained.

The rest of the people shrank behind the fat man and trembled.

Some friends even said in a loud voice: ", this scene, why is it so much like the picture of those powerful ghosts appearing in a ghost movie."

As soon as these words came out, the already lively live broadcast room suddenly

[Don't say it! Don't say it! And it's intense.

[My mother asked me why I hid in the quilt in the early morning and shivered, I said that I was watching the scene of the ghost appearing in the live broadcast room, and now my mother is chasing after me with a hanger. Oh! I was caught up by my mother!]

At this moment, the street lights near the hearse went out completely.

Inside and outside the hearse, all that was left was the screen of the mobile phone in your hand lit up.

"Da ......"

A group of neat footsteps came from far and near.

Hearing the footsteps, I shuddered.

But he still gritted his teeth and turned on the light of the flashlight on his phone.

Then he saw in the distance, a group of soldiers with red eyes and ancient armor walking towards him.

That's ...... speed

In just the blink of an eye, it spanned a distance of 100 meters.

You guess I guess I don't guess I looked nervously at the live broadcast room, and asked in a low voice, "Anchor, what should I do now?"

The anchor only gave him a token, but didn't teach him how to summon the Wheel King!

The next moment, this group of soldiers appeared outside the car.

"Throw it out! Smash the token in your hand at the soldiers. Quick!"

Zhang Tianle was holding a piece of rune paper in his hand when he said this, and there was thunder and lightning surrounding the rune paper.

Do you guess I guess that at the moment when Zhang Tianle's words fell, he threw out the token to the soldiers.

The moment the token smashed into the soldier, a bronze door appeared in front of the soldier.

The soldiers who were about to come into contact with the hearse suddenly braked suddenly.

Immediately followed by regression.

Constantly going backwards.

The cold and expressionless faces of the soldiers were even more frightened at this moment.

At this moment, the bronze door was completely opened.

The Wheel King appeared in front of the fat man with Lu Wuchang.

After the Wheel King appeared with Lu Wuchang, Xi habitually searched the next four weeks, and after not seeing Zhang Tianle, a flash of disappointment flashed under his eyes.

The last time he was in Qingxia Ancient Temple, because Zhang Tianle's junior sister summoned him with spiritual power, after not summoning him, he was afraid that Zhang Tianle would hate him, so he quietly moved his hands and feet on the token, and now as long as someone shakes or throws this token, he will appear as soon as possible.

After all, he didn't dare to let that one's own son hate himself, and his own son hated himself more than he hated himself.

He quickly regrouped his expression, and his gaze fell on the group of regressing ghost soldiers.

"Since you're here, don't go. With

a wave of the Wheel King's hand, bronze doors appeared around the hundreds of ghost soldiers.

The bronze door opened, and the mighty ghosts walked out of the bronze door and surrounded the ghost soldiers.

Soon, this group of ghost soldiers was captured by the ghost and sent into the bronze gate.

The surrounding yin qi dissipated, and even the weather that had been changed on a small scale returned to normal.

Outside the hearse, the sun was still shining and there were no clouds.

Guess I guess the friends behind him saw the sun shining outside and immediately peeked out from behind him.

When the sun comes out, it means that they are fine.

It was only the next moment that they saw the Wheel King standing at the door of the hearse, dressed in a black dragon robe and wearing a black crown on his head.

One counted, and the other froze in place.

Lao Lin, who had just woken up, saw the moment he saw the Wheel King, and said, "Oh, buy it." He rolled his eyes and fainted again.

Some friends pushed Lao Liu out for the first time: "Lao Liu, this one is probably looking for you." "

Dead friends don't die poor.

The king of Yama has personally come to the door to ask for someone, but they don't have the courage not to give it.

Lao Liu, who was pushed out: "???"

These are his friends who are blessed and share hardships?

If they are in trouble, they will really block him in the front!

As for the blessings, they will enjoy them themselves.

At this moment, do you guess I guess I caught Lao Liu, who was pushed forward: "Why are you going?"

Lao Liu was moved.

Finally, there is a friend who loves him.

It was he who blamed the fat man before.

He pointed to his friends who were pushing him behind him: "It's not that I want to move forward, it's they who push me forward." The

old friend behind Lao Liu: "Fatty, let it go!" Don't you want to be taken away by King Yama together?"

This group of friends is somewhat seriously ill.

"The Wheel King is the big guy invited by the master in the live broadcast room, and he came to save us, not to take our dog's life. "Do you guess I guess yes, this group of fox friends and dog friends are really speechless.


As soon as these words came out, the friends suddenly stood up straight and stopped pushing Lao Liu.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's a coincidence, isn't it! If that's the case, then it's fine. Lao Liu, you weren't scared, were you?"

they began to shush at Lao Liu.

The Wheel King picked up the token on the ground and came to the front of you to guess it or not.

Do you guess I guess the group of people in the back took a step back in unison.

Including Lao Liu.

Sensing that there was an empty area behind him, he turned his head and looked at his friends who were hiding far away, and his cheeks twitched slightly.

If it weren't for the wrong atmosphere, he would have wanted to take off his No. 43 shoes and call them in the faces of these fox friends.

It's so immoral.

But in reality, his chubby face was full of smiles, and he said to the Wheel King: "Your Highness the Wheel King, I didn't mean to throw your token just now, and I solemnly apologize to you here." He

didn't want to be taken away by the Wheel King just because he threw the Wheel King's token.

The Wheel King pointed to the mobile phone in his hand: "Child, let me have a chat with Xiaodaoyou?"

With a wave of his hand, a ghost aura shot out, holding the phone in the air.

He faced Zhang Tianle: "Little Daoyou, good morning." If you let me come over this time, won't you just deal with that group of Yin soldiers?" Those Yin soldiers

, Zhang Tianle can clean them up by putting a Zixiao Heavenly Thunder Talisman in the air, and he doesn't need to ask him for help at all.

Just as he finished asking Zhang Tianle, he caught a glimpse of Lao Liu out of the corner of his eye.

He let out a startled "huh".

He was all focused on how to talk to Zhang Tianle just now, and he didn't notice Lao Liu at all.

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