"You get up first. Zhang Tianle said to the kneeling "don't want this life".

Sailors in the live broadcast room also began to post barrages.

[This close friend, our master, doesn't like others to kneel on him, you better get up quickly. The

master doesn't care about these red tapes, aren't you looking for a child? But it's a waste of time, hurry up and let the master calculate!]

This life doesn't have to get up from the ground, and his tired face is full of anxiety: "Anchor, please! The police have been helping me find my daughter for more than a day, because our monitoring here is not popular, and there are relatively few related chains, so it is difficult to find my daughter." The police also said that the longer the time drags on, the more dangerous my daughter will be, so please help me!"

Zhang Tianle activated the Ying Tianxin method: "You go to 202, Building 3, Xingfuyuan Community, Guangming Street, in your town." Your daughter is there, try to get there within an hour, otherwise your daughter is in danger of her life. "

Don't let this life change his face, grab his phone, pick up the motorcycle key and rush out.

"Before you go, you'd better get the police to accompany you. Zhang Tianle spoke again.

As soon as Zhang Tianle's voice fell, a barrage of official verification of the name of V popped up on the barrage: "Anchor, we have sent colleagues to rush over." Please tell the anchor so that he doesn't have to worry too much, and we recommend asking someone else to bring him over, he is prone to accidents when he is in a state of confusion now. "

As police officers, they have seen too many similar cases, and parents have learned that their daughters are in danger, and there are many accidents in the process of rushing.

They don't want the same misfortune to befall them.

And at this time, the younger brother, who didn't want to die, collided with him at the door, and the two fell to the ground.

He hurriedly got up from the ground and helped him up, seeing that he was about to walk to the motorcycle at the door, he grabbed him: "Big

brother, has Linlin found it? Where are you going in a panic?" "Third brother, Linlin has found it, don't stop me, she is in danger now, I want to save her." Seeing

that his condition was not right, the third brother couldn't help but drag him towards his car: "I'll go with you! I'll drive, you can go in my car! The speed of the car is faster than yours." "

It's not polite to be this life: "Then I'll trouble you."

Now his hands are still a little shaky, and he knows that he can't drive steadily.

It doesn't matter if something happens to you, it would be too much of a sin to delay your daughter.

So he got into his third brother's car.

All the way to town.

By the time they arrived in town, the police had already set up the Xingfuyuan community and were preparing to save people.

Because it has been controlled a long time ago, when the brothers came over, and because they were in the live broadcast, they received the attention of the people, and the above intended to publicize their deeds among the people, so they were not stopped by the police who were secretly watching them as usual, and the two of them came directly to the door of Room 202, Building 3, Xingfu Yuan.

At this moment, there were already police officers standing in front of the door of room 202.

Seeing that "this life is not enough", they slammed open the door and rushed in.

When they rushed in, a strong smell of Chinese medicine came to their faces.

It's just that the taste of this Chinese medicine is a little different from the taste of normal Chinese medicine, and it is mixed with a disgusting fishy smell.

As the police rushed in, a weak man in a striped shirt walked out of the room coughing.

When he saw a group of police officers breaking through the door and breaking into his house, he was stunned for a second.

Then he turned and rushed into the room.

"Stop!" the

cops followed.

The locked door was again slammed open by the police.

Inside the door, the man's face was full of madness.

He was obviously very cautious, how could these police find out about his head.


to the sound of banging on the door, the expression on his face suddenly became fierce.

He rushed to the bathroom and pulled out a little girl with a look of madness on her face.

Looking around, when his gaze saw the fruit knife on the bedside table, he rushed over and scooped up the fruit knife and placed it across the little girl's neck.

At this moment, the door was also smashed open by the police.

As soon as they rushed in, they saw the man grabbing the little girl.

"We advise you not to be impulsive. The policeman pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the man.

"Don't be impulsive? hahaha...... You say I don't want to be impulsive? Where am I impulsive, I just want to live, why are you forcing me to die!"

The man's expression became more and more frenzied: "Why! You tell me why? Is it wrong for me to want to live?"

It's not wrong that you want to live, but what you're wrong is that you're using the wrong method, and if you're sick, you go to a regular hospital for treatment, instead of hurting others to save yourself through some so-called folk remedies or even some vicious and nonsense remedies at all.

Zhang Tianle's voice came out of the mobile phone of "Don't want this life".

"You fart!" The

man was angered by Zhang Tianle's words, and yelled at them excitedly: "Why don't I have treatment, it's their waste, and I can't be treated well." So I'm on my own. Who else said that home remedies have no effect, haven't I already gotten better? I haven't had epilepsy for a long time, this is the power of the earthwork, you just can't see me!"

The police were a little confused about the conversation between Zhang Tianle and the man.

This weak man, skinny, and his cheeks are fleshless and gray, like a addict who smokes duke, but he doesn't look like he is seriously ill.

But how to listen to Zhang Tianle's conversation with him, he seemed to have some incurable disease.

Thinking like this in their hearts, the guns in their hands were firmly pointed at the man.

If something goes wrong, they shoot and get the little girl back from him.

"Epilepsy is not an incurable disease in itself, and now the hospital has a way to treat your disease, and the reason why you were not treated by the hospital back then is purely because your local medicine has not reached that level, and there is no way to treat it. "

I don't believe it! I don't believe what you say! You are all liars! Liar!! I have already asked, there is no way to treat my hereditary epilepsy!" The man roared madly: "I just want to kill nine children according to the medicine book, and suck their brain marrow to cure my epilepsy, now I will send him this one, I will be fine immediately, why do you want to stop me!"

As soon as the man said this, the faces of everyone present changed.

They really didn't expect the man in front of them to be so frustrated.

He has already killed eight children, and the purpose is to cure his own disease, he is really crazy!

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