Zhang Tianle followed King Qin Guang back to Shundao Hall.

King Bian Liang and the others continued to uproot the dens of the other four with Haoran Ring Ruler.

Zhang Tianle returned to Shundao Hall, and as soon as he came out of the ghost gate, he saw a couple kneeling in front of Liu Yiyi.

"Miss Liu, please be sure to say a few kind words to us in front of Master Zhang, my son is afraid that only Master Zhang can save him now.

At this time, Liu Yiyi also saw Zhang Tianle, and her eyes lit up: "Senior brother, you are back." You can watch and deal with this. In

just half an hour, her head was bigger.

As soon as the couple came in, they fell to their knees, didn't say any information, and turned over and over to save her son.

Although she could tell from their faces that something might be wrong with their son, she couldn't tell what was going on.

The biggest headache for her was that as soon as she asked about the situation, they fell on their knees and begged her to save their son.

Zhang Tianle glanced at the couple: "I can't handle this matter of yours, so please be smart."

As soon as Zhang Tianle's words came out, the two couples knelt down for Zhang Tianle: "Master Zhang, we have found several masters, and they all recommended you to me, and now you are our last choice, please, save my son." All Feng Shui masters say that you are the most capable and only you can save him.

Zhang Tianle avoided the couple's kneeling: "He himself knows the consequences and still goes to die, who is to blame?" He said that you don't have to worry about it, I advise the two of you to go back to eat and drink, take care of your body, the tuba practice is wasted, and it is not too late to practice the trumpet. The

middle-aged woman in her forties who knelt on the ground shed tears on the spot: "Master Zhang, my son was just used by others to do those stupid things, he didn't really want to do this, he ......" "

I signed a contract with the ghost, and in order to avenge my girlfriend, I sold my body to the ghost." At first, he was forced to do so, but he gradually lost himself in that powerful force, and now he is helpless. I'm afraid you, as parents, have heard of what he did?"

the couple fell silent.

They all saw the look of shock in each other's eyes.

How could he know so clearly?

The masters who didn't take their son's case just said that they couldn't do anything, and recommended Zhang Tianle to them, and asked them to come to Zhang Tianle for help.

"Master, please save my son, his nature is really not bad!

When his girlfriend Wanru was defiled by the rich second generation, he was killed and thrown into the wilderness, and finally the rich second generation's father used money to buy off those who were officials, and finally the rich second generation was acquitted in court and was at large.

My son has a good relationship with Wanru, and Wanru has our little grandson in her belly, so she embarked on that extreme path, which is really not to blame him. He just wanted revenge.

"What about after revenge?" Zhang Tianle looked at the couple: "According to the agreement, he should send away the ghost, and give up part of his life to the ghost, and he still needs to do good deeds in the rest of his life to repay." But how did he do it?"

the couple were dumbfounded by Zhang Tianle's question.

They were tempted to tell Zhang Tianle that they didn't know.

But their conscience does not allow it.

So they lowered their heads and didn't dare to answer Zhang Tianle's question.

Zhang Tianle didn't think that they would answer, and continued: "As a result, instead of inviting the ghost away, he also used the power of the ghost to do whatever he wanted, and through the power of the ghost, he plotted to rob the rich second-generation father's family property, making the family bankrupt, and using the same means to deal with the rest of the rival merchants.

These are just small evils, then he indiscriminately kills innocents, which is the biggest evil he has done, this kind of person, I don't want to save. The

couple who heard Zhang Tianle's words glanced at each other, stretched out their hands to hug Zhang Tianle's thighs, and were just about to cry, but saw Zhang Tianle take a step back and avoid their hugs.

"Master Zhang, you can give our son another chance. He is still kind by nature! Everyone can make mistakes, and this is certainly not his intention, it is the evil ghost that has influenced him! Yes! It is the evil ghost that has influenced him! Master, I beg you......"

At this moment, Liu Yiyi, who heard this, still didn't understand the thoughts of the couple.

To put it simply, my son is not at fault, it is all the hardships of life that are imposed on their son.

After all, their son is pure and flawless.

But they don't want to think about it, there is some credibility in this statement.

This is purely a high degree of filter that parents automatically put on when looking at their children.

"Come back, you two! This man is hopeless. At

this time, their son must have been deeply affected by the ghosts, and even on the verge of separating people from ghosts, and when they are successfully separated from each other, it will be the end of death, dissipation of souls, and exodus of evil spirits.

Anyone who uses ghosts to plot for themselves will eventually die at the hands of ghosts.

Seeing Zhang Tianle, they were still unmoved.

The couple stood up, and the man yelled at Zhang Tianle: "You masters, it's really funny, aren't you all only serving the rich, and are not willing to help us poor people, aren't you just two stinky money? You said how much money you would like to help us, and we will give it to you."

His wife fell to the ground and kicked her feet around, wailing and crying: "There is really no way for the poor to live these days! What is wrong with our son? He is just to avenge our daughter-in-law, my son used to be such a good and kind person, but now he has become like this, but you masters only have ......money in their eyes"

Liu Yiyi frowned and looked at the couple.

She smelled a hint of intrigue.

As the couple began to cry, someone immediately looked outside into the Shundao Hall.

When he saw the couple, one pointed at Zhang Tianle and scolded angrily, but the other fell to the ground and cried.

This scene, no matter how you look at it, looks like Zhang Tianle is bullying the couple.

Zhang Tianle looked at the unreasonable couple in front of him and smiled: "Li Hegui, Mu Nianfang, since you said that we won't save your son, do you really know your son?" Zhang Tianle's

question made the couple questioned.

How did this man know their names

? And what did he mean by this

? When they were blindfolded, Zhang Tianle continued: "You all know that your son's girlfriend died because of the rich second generation, so do you know how his girlfriend was favored by the rich second generation, and even why he lost her life to the rich second generation and finally died tragically? Do you really think that the girl was killed by the rich second generation?"

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