Name: Liu Yifei

Age: 23

Face value: 93

Charm: 89

Strength: 50

Physique: 60

Agility: 70

Intelligence: 80

Favorability: 69

Skills: performance skills (level 3), singing skills (level 2)...

Well, even if Liu Yifei is not Ye Fan's food, he has to admit that she is indeed Liu Tianxian, and she can be said to be taller than many women in the entertainment industry in terms of appearance.

Even compared to Mu Qingyan, the most beautiful beauty Ye Fan has seen so far, it is only 2 points behind.

It's just that, what Ye Fan didn't expect was that Liu Yifei's strength and physique were much lower than that of other women, and it could be said to be weak.

It's no wonder that she always looks like she's not cannibalizing fireworks on the screen, and I feel pity.

Having said that, it is precisely because she still has some immortal energy remaining on her body, plus the last time I saw her and knew that she was an original product, Ye Fan didn't mind accepting her.

If it wasn't for Liu Yifei's weak physique, Ye Fan would even want to play for a few more hours and let someone next door wait patiently for half a day!

Annoy her!

As for the favorability?

It turned out to be only 69, 1 point lower than the reluctant He Linlin at the beginning.

Of course, these are not what Ye Fan will take care of.

After getting dressed, Ye Fan put a sad face on Liu Yifei and walked out of the room door. Then, he walked straight to the next room and knocked on the door.

"Ms. Liu, have you eavesdropped enough? Come out!"

Ye Fan said unceremoniously.

As soon as Ye Fan finished speaking, whether it was Liu Yifei, who had been tossed for hours, or Ms. Liu, who hid in the next room watching her daughter and Ye Fan’s movements, she was immediately dumbfounded.

Especially Ms. Liu, the mastermind of all this, was even more surprised.

Knowing that Ye Fan had recognized her, she was in the next room, suffering for several hours.

Wouldn't it be better to have a direct showdown when we first met?

In desperation, Ms. Liu could only bite the bullet and came out.

But she was also thick-skinned, and she didn't feel guilty after being exposed. Instead, she went straight to a showdown!

"Mr. Ye, you have done something like this to my daughter Feifei, so why are you responsible for her?"

However, she was also considered smart and did not say that she wanted to expose the matter to the media in order to threaten Ye Fan.

Otherwise, Ye Fan would probably just turn his head and leave.

He is also absolutely capable. After eating Liu Yifei, he patted his butt and left. He was not responsible at all, and even the media did not dare to report on it.

Ye Fan did not leave, but it does not mean that he has a good impression of Ms. Liu.

On the contrary, he was quite disgusted with such a force who would not hesitate to destroy the image of the pure fairy that Liu Yifei had run for many years at any cost in order to make his daughter become popular again.

Even if she is Liu Yifei's biological mother!

"Of course I will be responsible for her, I don't need to remind Ms. Liu!"

Ye Fan didn't give Ms. Liu a good face.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he took out his cell phone and directly called Chen Jie of Tianfan Entertainment.

Not long after the call was hung up, Ms. Liu, who was Liu Yifei's manager, was connected to two phone calls.

They were calls from two internationally renowned luxury brands, saying that they wanted to invite Liu Yifei to be their brand's spokesperson.

At this moment, both Ms. Liu and Liu Yifei were completely dumbfounded.

They know how much energy Ye Fan has in the entertainment industry, but they didn't expect that he has such a lot of energy!

After only a few minutes, two minutes later, I got two endorsements for Liu Yifei, and they are also endorsements for internationally renowned luxury brands!

This is no one!

After answering the phone, Ms. Liu was shocked and couldn't help but cast her eyes at her daughter with a smug look on her face.

It's like saying: "Feifei, what? It's correct to listen to my mother, right? I'll just say it, it's definitely not wrong to come to Ye Fan for help."

If this matter ends here, it will also end.

However, Ye Fan's next sentence completely shattered the trace of pride on Ms. Liu's face.

"Ms. Liu, make a price, how much will it cost you to get out?"

Ye Fan spoke bluntly without evasiveness.

"Mr. Ye, what do you mean!"

The complacency on Ms. Liu's face disappeared instantly, replaced by anger.

Does he treat her daughter as a commodity?

Liu Yifei was also angry when she heard this, but it was because Ye Fan actually spoke to her mother like this.

"What do you mean? Heh, do I have to clarify this? You don't hesitate to instigate your daughter to embrace me. Isn't the picture just a few endorsements? Not necessarily?"

Ye Fan said coldly.

Then, he added: "The paparazzi you arranged downstairs, let them go quickly, otherwise!"

"How did you know?"

Ms. Liu was very surprised, but she called these reporter paparazzi after Ye Fan and Liu Yifei entered the room.

But now, it doesn't seem to be the time to be surprised. She who was exposed is finally guilty, but she still quibble for herself: "I did this not for Feifei's good, for her future?"

"No matter how you argue, you want Tianfan Entertainment to sign your daughter, yes, provided that you have to get out! Otherwise, you mother and daughter will get out together!"

"I'm Feifei's agent!"

"Tianfan Entertainment will re-arrange an agent for her!"

Seeing Ye Fan did not let go, in the end, Ms. Liu couldn't help but gritted her teeth. In the end, she could only ask for 100 million, and she would transfer the rights of Liu Yifei's agent to Tianfan Entertainment.

Liu Yifei was completely dumbfounded when she heard Ms. Liu's offer of 100 million. She never expected that her mother, whom she had always loved so much, would sell herself for 100 million?

Ye Fan seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago, and did not say any nonsense, and directly asked Ms. Liu to report the bank card account number, and then transferred one hundred million.

After the money was transferred, Ye Fan couldn't help but said to her: "Ms. Liu, you are right to do this, and you don't want to think about it. Have you been Liu Yifei's agent for so many years, have you helped her? "

After dropping this sentence, Ye Fan took Liu Yifei's hand, as if pulling his personal belongings, and left without looking back.

Ms. Liu can only look at Liu Yifei apologetically, but unfortunately, her daughter is completely desperate for her, and she probably won't want to see her anymore.

After buying, uh, well, after letting Tianfan Entertainment sign Liu Yifei, Ye Fan naturally can't ignore her.

He asked Chen Jie to arrange some activities for Liu Yifei, a variety show or something.

As for the latter, whether she can become popular again depends on her own performance.

The fact that Tianfan Entertainment signed Liu Tianxian Liu Yifei naturally spread quickly, and once became the number one in the V blog search rankings.



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