It may feel very strange.

Lin Tian returned to his sofa, lay down slowly, then closed his eyes and contacted his own investment fairy system.

With a beep of the system, Lin Tian feels that the system is now in contact with him. Lin Tian said to the system: "I want to improve it. The helmet worn on the game warehouse I saw today makes it more It’s easy, is there a way?"

The sound of the system machinery came to mind in Lin Tian's mind, and said to Lin Tian: "There is a way, but I don't know if your current technology has reached that point."

Lin Tian didn't think so much, even if the technology is a bit advanced, then for Volguang Electronics and the people who study these electronic industries, they have their own breakthroughs.

Lin Tian said to him: "What kind of method can be transmitted to us."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he felt that the system seemed to be looking for materials suitable for Lin Tian's things, one by one mechanical flips, and then the sound of the system was transmitted mechanically.

The system said to Lin Tian: "You can make this thing like a helmet, but the line under the helmet can be changed to nothing. If you want to be simpler, then you are too far beyond your current technology."

Lin Tian thought about it for a while and just turned into a helmet. It was already very simple, and it was already very satisfied.

He said to the system: "It's fine."

Then Lin Tian said to the system: "Can I receive knowledge now."

The system dinged a warning, Lin Tian was very puzzled, why there was another ding, and said: "Warning."

Lin Tian said: "What do you mean."

The system explained to Lin Tian: "These things are completely beyond the scope of your current acceptance. Maybe your head will feel very painful, please prepare in advance."

Lin Tian nodded in agreement, and then the system began to say to Lin Tian: "The professional knowledge system has been bound, please accept the knowledge for the host."

Lin Tian felt that a lot of knowledge flooded into his mind at once, and then in just two minutes, he felt a very severe pain in his mind.

He covered his temples with his two hands, it was really very painful, this knowledge really seemed to have exceeded the premise of their knowledge now.

Lin Tian endured the intense pain in his brain and did not let himself shout out. It took 5 minutes to pour all this knowledge into his mind little by little.

Lin Tian felt his head slowly became clearer, and said to the system: ". "Now all of this knowledge is in my mind?"

A very mechanical voice came from the system: "Yes, these things are already in your mind, and you can use them now."

Lin Tian slowly opened his eyes, walked to his desk and turned on the computer, and then began to beat himself frantically below, and couldn't understand what those characters were.

But he knew that all the knowledge in his mind could help Bai Kunsheng to some extent.

The system is in Lin Tian's mind, from time to time there will be a voice saying: "This place should be done like this."

The voice of the system started to ring again, saying: "This place should be hit like this.".

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