So if you want to buy electronic products, here is a clear view, all the things are high-end goods.

Lin Tian and Smith walked in, and when they entered, there were already various decoration sounds in the hall.

Lin Tian didn't expect that Bai Kunsheng had really lost his blood this time, and he was directly in the hall, and he started to engage in the event scene.

The noise of various decorations was endless. Lin Tian looked at Smith's direction, and then said to him: "The two of us will look carefully to see where Bai Kun is born."

After all, it is really noisy here. If two people want to call Bai Kunsheng, it seems that Bai Kunsheng may not be able to get through.

Smith said to Lin Tian very loudly: "Okay, I'll go over there."

Then it was already gone, Lin Tian walked towards the right direction, and Smith walked towards the left direction, Lin Tian looked for a circle but did not find it, so he went around again and stood there waiting for Smith.

But waited and waited, Smith didn't come back either.

Lin Tian walked to the left direction again. These two people could not find one or two. Lin Tian searched for about five minutes inside, and saw Bai Kunsheng and Smith standing in a corner and talking.

Lin Tian didn't expect that these two people were really, and completely forgot about himself as soon as they met, he walked towards the direction of the two of them with his slender legs.

When he walked over, Bai Kunsheng looked at Lin Tian and walked to Lin Tian's side in a few quick steps. He stretched out his hands and gave Lin Tian a big bear hug, and then said to Lin Tian very loudly. : "I didn't expect that Smith and I could join hands in one day. The opening is really great."

Lin Tian didn't expect this guy to be so calm and calm. Today is actually like this. Looking at Smith with excitement, he is very helpless and said to Bai Kunsheng: "This is also for the good of you two, and I didn't have any strength for these things. , Then it’s up to the two of you to negotiate together."

Bai Kunsheng and Smith looked at Lin Tian, ​​one of them patted Lin Tian on the shoulder and said to him: "You are our friend, really very good."

Lin Tian laughed loudly, and liked the character of the two of them very much.

Lin Tian looked at Bai Kunsheng and said to him: "Is there any place I need help."

Bai Kunsheng shook his head and said: "No, the staff here have already been arranged. As long as the work of Smith is to send some people over in the follow-up, we can arrange our own place."

Smith looked at the scene set up in such a state, he really hoped to be able to cooperate with Bai Kunsheng two people, looked at Bai Kunsheng's direction and said to him: "This time I have worked hard for you, and I will trouble you."

Bai Kunsheng didn't care about it, after all, there were still many opportunities for cooperation between the two of them.

Bai Kunsheng looked at Smith and said to him: "When the two of us have cooperation again in the future, you can give me a little profit."

Knowing that Bai Kunsheng is a joking tone, two people get along very well together. Smith patted him on the shoulder and said to him: "Okay, well, you must remember this matter from now on.".

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