Chapter 1 “Learning God Aura”, be the father of Xueba!

【You open this week’s chest】

[Congratulations on obtaining: “Aura of Learning God”


In his mind, a large golden treasure chest slowly opened.

As the golden light rose, a golden aura appeared above the treasure chest.

“Xueshen Aura”: After wearing this aura, you will “learn endlessly” and become a true Xueshen and the father of Xueba!


I, An Jing, male, 18 years old, studying in the third year of high school in Shuduwai Chinese, in the third diagnostic examination, the city unified the papers, with a high score of 713 points in science, ranking first in the city.

As a strong competition for the top of Shu City and even the whole country, as a real scholar!

An Jing just wants to be a beautiful man quietly, indulges in learning on weekdays, occasionally tinkers with things like model aircraft, drones, machinery, and has no other hobbies.

When he was watching the news last night, the mobile phone in his hand fell and smashed on his face… When I woke up the next day, I had an extra golden treasure chest in my mind?

The prompt sound of mechanical moving constantly echoed in my mind: [Whether to open this week’s treasure chest].

It makes Anjing feel restless if he wants to study.

At the same time, curious … How can there be a treasure chest in your mind?

This kind of thing is a bit bizarre, and I can’t understand it at all, and I can’t explain it.

Some worried, some curious, a little expectant… Coupled with the constant reminder in his mind [whether to open this week’s treasure chest], he couldn’t study properly.

An Jing can only choose to open the chest.

And then….

Open a “God Learning Aura”?

“Aura of Learning God”: Is there an end to learning? Be a top student’s dad?

Are you afraid you don’t know that I am a top student?

Am I going to be my own dad?

“Come on, you tell me, how to be my own daddy?”

An Jing complained in his heart, and after the treasure chest in his mind was opened, the “God Learning Aura” was automatically used, turning into a BUFF-like amplification ability.

The brain was cool for a while, and even a little squirming.

It’s like a three-volt day, someone poured a basin of ice water!!

Not just refreshing, but also a little stimulating.

Fortunately, this stimulus is very mild, coming and going quickly.

With that, it’s refreshing!!

That feeling… It’s as easy as equipping your own brain with a supercomputer and using it to calculate all kinds of addition and subtraction.

The knowledge in his mind was freely mobilized, and even the memories that had been silent for countless years in his mind, the memories that he himself could not remember, were all re-excavated.

This feeling made An Jing feel magical.

But he still has to learn!

Learning makes me happy!

There is no mechanical sound in my mind about whether to open this week’s chest.

An Jing can also seriously brush up on the questions.

Time has entered June, the college entrance examination will be held in a few days, and the school has no classes….

In other words, the third year of high school has no classes, and students are completely allowed to study and organize at home, adjust their psychological pressure, and prepare for the college entrance examination.

“This… Something! ”

Brushing the question again, An Jing found that his brain was really very powerful.

Topics that originally required multiple calculations and drafts can now be done directly by mental arithmetic.

Again, when you see the question, you can get the answer in the next second.

Moreover, when the eyes see the topic, a lot of relevant knowledge suddenly appears in his mind.

Formulas, algorithms, similar topics that have been done, a variety of problem-solving ideas!

“Awesome!” An Jing also had to admit a little: “This ‘Aura of Learning God’ is indeed very powerful. ”

What a fragrance!!

As a top student, An Jing has also played games, but he doesn’t read novels much.

A treasure chest suddenly appeared in my mind, which felt the same as opening a treasure chest in the game, which was a bit interesting.

Just open a “God Learning Aura”?

At first, An Jing expressed disappointment, which did not help him.

Because he himself is a top student.


Nature cannot escape the great philosopher Mr. Wang’s: the law of true incense.

It’s really fragrant.

“It seems that my college entrance examination results can be mentioned again!”

An Jingmeizi continued to brush up on the questions, not thinking about anything else at all.

Maybe this is the fun of Xueba?

At this time, it was already June 2, and An Jing thought that his score in this exam, if he played normally, should be around 700 points.

I didn’t expect to open a “God Learning Aura” this time.

The college entrance examination results are expected to improve somewhat, and really compete for the municipal college entrance examination champion and the provincial college entrance examination champion.

“I will accept the college entrance examination champion!”

After flipping through the book for a while, An Jing suddenly felt bored.

It’s too simple.

No more challenges!

An Jing opened the computer in the study, began to check other college entrance examination questions, and brushed it again.

I still don’t think it’s a challenge.

High school knowledge is completely unchallenging for An Jing’s brain at the moment.

Almost all the knowledge he has learned over the years is in An Jing’s mind.

Whether it is three years of high school, three years of junior high school, six years of elementary school, or even the knowledge learned in elementary school participating in interest classes and kindergarten, you can clearly remember.

You can also move at any time!!


It can be called up at any time.

It feels like the brain has become a huge reservoir.

All knowledge, or memory, is classified and stored so that a single thought can be accessed.

Even the textbook can be memorized word for word, the knowledge points are applied and understood, and there is strong computing power.

High school knowledge points, what is the difficulty?!

However, An Jing did not start to study for university knowledge.

The college entrance examination and examination are the knowledge points of high school.

It is best to use high school knowledge points to solve problems, and you can also use college knowledge points to solve problems.

Some teachers think that you have understood it yourself and just used it.

But some grading teachers think that you are overclass… Or in other words, deliberately using university knowledge points to solve problems may have a bad impression.

It is better to use high school knowledge to solve problems.

Many students will indeed go beyond the syllabus and learn the knowledge points of the university on their own.

An Jing himself has also taught himself the knowledge points of the university.

Now he can well avoid the knowledge points of the university, and only use high school knowledge to solve the problem.

Some questions, even if you use high school knowledge points, have multiple solutions.

The previous Anjing did not have such ability.

“Aura of Learning God” is really fragrant!

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