Leaving the school, a few people took a ten-minute drive to An Jing’s mechanical processing factory.

In the processing plant, there is an exclusive site for Anjing.

A model aircraft 1.2 meters long, 80 centimeters wide and 26 centimeters high visited Anjing’s exclusive small studio.

“Wait for me to install something~!”

An Jing drove the forklift of the processing plant to the guard’s room to transport all kinds of high-precision parts by courier.

Most of them are engine’s.

Even if it is not very large, it is very heavy, and An Jing moves too slowly and drags it directly over with a car.

“It’s still a little big, and the processing accuracy is not very high…”

Unpack and look at the brand new parts.

An Jing could see at a glance that these parts were larger than he expected, and the processing accuracy was not enough.

There is no way around it.

The commissioned factory was indeed processed according to his dimensions and precision.

The accuracy and size of Anjing’s original design could not be processed by ordinary processing plants.

This did not hinder the assembly and take-off of the “J-20” model aircraft in Anjing’s expectations.

It’s just not up to the flight speed that was originally designed.

You don’t need to look much, with the god-level skill of “mechanic”, An Jing can assemble these parts with his eyes closed.

“It’s worthy of playing model aircraft, but can something so big fly?” How heavy is that! ”

“Real guy, metal!”

“This is an aero engine, right? Anjing can be assembled ?? ”

“That’s awesome…”

Don’t dare to say anything else.

Everyone gathered around the “J-20” model aircraft, and when they touched it, they knew that it was made of metal, not plastic.

Its weight cannot be shaken at all.

Too heavy.

Such a heavy model aircraft … Can it really fly?

However, Kan Jing skillfully installs various parts and assembles a set of engines.

Anyone who has seen the plane knows that this thing is a scaled-down aircraft engine.

Don’t dare to say anything else, just if An Jing can assemble this thing, it will be very powerful.

And such a large model aircraft is all created by Anjing himself, even if processing instruments are used, some parts are entrusted to other companies for processing… That’s awesome too.

This model aircraft made by An Jing is not the kind of remote-controlled aircraft.

“Tang Chensi, come and take the handle… Be careful, don’t slip your hands! ”

An Jing found Tang Chensi, lifted the assembled engine, carefully placed it in the reserved position, and reinforced it.

At the same time, An Jing introduced: “This model aircraft, installed with engines, the total weight is about one ton. ”

“It’s definitely okay to fly, I just don’t know how fast I can fly!”

If the engine designed by Anjing can be manufactured, after this model aircraft is assembled, the maximum speed can exceed 1000 kilometers per hour!

Because this is a drone, there is no need to think about the driver at all.

But…… Flying so fast, special fuel is also needed, and how far it can fly is unknown.

This is the limit speed of the design.

Now… The engine and some important parts, because the machining accuracy is not up to the requirements, is much larger than expected.

It’s not just the weight that has increased, but the power isn’t very adequate.

How fast it can fly, it is not yet known, it needs to be tested.

Install the engine, reinforce it.

After ten minutes, it was basically done.

It marks the complete completion of the “J-20” model aircraft.

Tang Chen Si clapped his hands and asked, “How to test this thing?” Need a runway, right? Surely it can’t be set up to fly anymore, right? ”

“Outside the city, there is a useless training ground over there in the outer ring, let’s go, I’ll let Uncle Zhang drive us over…”

An Jing carefully got the 1-ton model aircraft onto the trailer, and then threw a steel plate away.

Then let the uncle of the processing plant, driving a trailer, send the model aircraft to a useless training ground on the outskirts.

At the same time, a van was driven and all the classmates were pulled over.

More than forty minutes by car.

If it weren’t for the fact that Anjing’s model aircraft could fly, everyone wouldn’t be so bored and ran over.

There is a useless training ground on the outskirts side, and usually no one comes over, let alone a tall building obstruction, very empty.

The training ground still has a lane, although it is a little broken, but as an auxiliary model aircraft takeoff, there is no problem at all.

“Here it comes! Here it comes! Here it comes! ”

An Jing wasted his old strength, and a few male classmates got the model aircraft off the car, and then informed everyone: “If you want to video, quickly record it!” ”

Tang Chensi and Jiang Haiwei, who was with him, and a few others who were too tired to do it, said one after another: “Let’s play with us later!” ”

“No problem!” An Jing agreed.

This is no problem, isn’t the model aircraft made for play and cool.

What’s more, when the model aircraft was moved out of the car just now, it was really a waste of old strength, and Jiang Haiwei’s hand was still bleeding, but it was just a small wound, and it was not a big deal.

“Still young people can play!”

“The young people today are amazing, and their hands-on ability is really strong!”

The two uncles who came with him were both from An Jianguo’s processing plant.

The two knew that An Jing, the little boss, was tinkering with things in the processing plant all day.

I didn’t expect to make such a big toy!

Model fighter aircraft?!

It seems really interesting, as the people in the machine shop, they can see that this thing can really fly.

Refueled, ready to take off.

The two adults still reminded: “Stand farther away, don’t get too close, don’t stand in front of and on both sides of the model aircraft, pay attention to danger.” ”

After all, this is the first takeoff of model aircraft, and who knows if there will be some accidents.

The students present are all pillars of the future of the motherland, and their academic performance is very good, and it is not good if something happens to them.

“Everyone pay attention, stand in the back, I’m going to start the performance, the video is a little handsome, send me a copy later.”

An Jing moved a small seat from the car, put the laptop on it, sat far away, and reminded his classmates to come to his side to avoid any accidents if the test was too close.

At this time, everyone was videotaping.

Including the two uncles of the processing plant.

“Hurry up, real ink!”

“That’s it, handsome you’re big!”

Even Shao Jing and a few of the girls couldn’t stand it, urging An Jing to hurry up and not waste everyone’s time.

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