
“An Dong!”

In the conference room.

Yang Peng and dark blue material

Before An Jing came, he had already sent the flight information to Yang Peng, it was already past four o’clock in the afternoon, and everyone waited for a while, but they didn’t wait too long.

“Okay, sit down, don’t be so polite!”

An Jing sat down in the conference room.

In the entire conference room, there were only four people plus him.

The main thing is that the order of Deep Blue Materials that was initially negotiated this time is too large, and not too many people know about it for the time being.

But even if the dark blue material is kept secret, it is useless.

Those who should know and have the ability to know have long known.

So many car companies, as well as the negotiators involved, there are more than a hundred people on both sides.

So it is impossible to keep the message completely secret.

After An Jing sat down, Yang Peng and they sat down.

At this time, An Jing said directly to Zhao Rui: “The order is too large, with our current output, it is impossible to complete so many orders.” ”

“These companies are reporting so many orders to keep the price of materials down, but this is definitely just one of the purposes!”

“In addition to this purpose, we must also want to see us pay high liquidated damages because we cannot complete the contract!”

“Formal contracts, contracts based on our capacity… No matter what company, anyway, pay first, priority delivery! ”

It is impossible to sign so many special steel contracts at once, and orders must be cut.

Even if it is to make less money, it is necessary to ensure that the company will not have problems.

“I see!”

Zhao Rui nodded very seriously, he also knew the problem here, the company’s special steel production capacity really could not keep up.

It’s just that the official orders have not yet begun to be officially delivered at this time, and only the small output on Yanjing’s side is not used at all.

Not to mention the orders of other car companies, the delivery will have to wait until the end of the year, and the factory in Rong’an New Area will be put into production.

Tens of millions of tons of special steel orders cannot be produced at all.

The carbon fiber material is slightly better, but the same has to be cut.

Carbon fiber materials don’t look at the order is not much, but this thing itself is much lighter than rigid iron, the order volume is not high, but this order is not small.

Dark blue materials can’t be done either.

Only orders can be cut!

“And then there’s the acquisition of companies and the investment company thing…”

“If you want to speed up the production of special steel, the acquisition of a smelting company is the fastest.”

An Jing called up the relevant materials of the steel company mentioned by Director Song of the Chuanfu New District in the conference room and sent them to Yang Peng, Zhao Rui, and Liu Su.

“You find someone to look at this steel company, which was also a well-known company at the beginning, and find someone to review and estimate.”

“If the price can be acquired, some companies in the market can also buy directly!”

“One thing must be noted: that is, the supply of ore raw materials!”

This is the key!

An Jing feels that the orders of these car companies are smashed down, and making money is definitely making money.

I am afraid that the orders of these car companies are to force the dark blue material.

It turned out for a number of reasons… For example, the ore raw materials are not supplied to you, so that you cannot complete the order, and finally the company goes bankrupt or even changes owners.

This must be ensured that there will be no problems.

Even on the raw materials of iron ore, when signing the contract, An Jing pointed out that it must be taken seriously.

The liquidated damages signed with these steel ore raw material companies must be higher than the liquidated damages signed between the automobile company and Deep Blue Materials.

Even if it is… When the steel raw material supply companies do not supply, Deep Blue Industry may also face huge trouble.

Take liquidated damages from these steel mining companies, or not? Dragged?

Then the automobile company that signed the special steel material contract with Deep Blue Industry began to sue Deep Blue Industry …

This must also be avoided.

Looking for steel ore suppliers, at least looking for world-class companies, or the best in China.

The official 700 billion orders, ores for steel, are provided by official state-owned companies.

This can strengthen cooperation.

“I have passed on the relevant information of carbon fiber materials to you, and you will hand it over to the R&D personnel to study it… This Yang Peng should have told you, right? ”

After talking about the problem of orders from the car company, An Jing said that he thought of carbon fiber materials before and the application of special clothes in the field.

This aspect can be touched upon.

You don’t need to set up your own company to produce and manufacture, you can invest in and invest in a company to produce and manufacture.

Zhao Rui replied: “President Yang has already passed with me, the relevant information, I have handed over to the people over there in the laboratory, they are researching, the problem is not very big.” ”

“Our carbon fiber material itself is excellent, plus the R&D information you gave, the R&D direction is very clear.”

“Okay, that’s all that’s left is Liu Su’s side!”

An Jing nodded and looked at the head of the Deep Blue Investment Fund Company, Liu Su.

A 4-year-old woman who works as a general manager at Ping An’s investment fund was poached by An Jing to manage the company.

A very capable strong woman.

To be willing to come and help Anjing is to see Anjing’s potential.

In the future, Liu Su may control most of Anjing’s wealth and use it for investment in various aspects.

“The company does not seem to be involved in venture capital at the moment, nor has it invested in or invested in other companies… You can expand on this. ”

“Find a few good clothing companies, or special material production companies, invest in shares, or even buy!”

“Let them do this, and we won’t directly set up the relevant company.”

Venture capital institutions invest in a company, more to the company’s founder and team to manage, their own rarely intervene in management, at most supervision.

Deep blue industry should not be laid too large, that will appear very bloated.

Let the Deep Blue Investment Fund invest in a company, and have Deep Blue Industry provide technical support, so that a company can develop is not a problem.

This pattern is widespread!

For example, some companies that do cutting-edge technology may only operate one type of business, mainly responsible for the research and development and update of technology.

But there are many companies that the company indirectly invests in or even holds.

All are supported by a cutting-edge technology company.

This is not difficult to understand, Liu Su also said: “I will arrange for the establishment of a venture capital department to personally take charge of this matter.” ”

In terms of venture capital, Liu Su knows that the Deep Blue Investment Fund will enter sooner or later.


Because the source of funds of the Deep Blue Investment Fund is all quiet for the time being.

An investment fund of a wealthy person will definitely be used as venture capital to invest in some potential new companies.

I just didn’t expect Deep Blue Investment Fund to enter the venture capital field so quickly.

With the participation of Deep Blue Investment Fund, the technology and materials of Deep Blue Industry can ensure the success of investing in other companies. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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