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“Okay, let’s get down to business!”

After chatting a few words, saying two jokes, and bringing the relationship closer, Qian Shiyu said to An Jing: “You are looking for me, is there something wrong with the company?” You say directly, I’ll help you refer to it? ”

Q: Yes, asked!

In fact, to the extent of Zhang Yongzheng and Qian Shiyu, they still have a certain understanding of the deep blue material.

It can even be said that there has been research!


Experts of Qian Shiyu’s level will pay attention to the changes in the external market and companies, and study the situation of major companies.

The most direct explanation to students of the problems, solutions, and solutions.

More than a dozen large car companies around the world have been negotiating with Deep Blue Materials for so long, and those who should know have long known.

Many scholars are researching, and even the order amount can guess an approximate one.

An Jing also seriously asked Vice Dean Qian Shiyu for advice: “That’s right, my company has received a huge order, I hope Professor Qian will help me analyze how the company should arrange, how to respond, how to develop and expand…”

Anjing talked about some details of the total order of Deep Blue Materials with more than a dozen car companies around the world.

Even the deep blue industry as a whole, deep blue materials, deep blue automobiles, deep blue precision deep blue investment fund related companies have said.

“$123 trillion?!”

Hear An Jing say his company, and the total order amount counted by more than a dozen automobile companies around the world!

Wu Yumeng had already covered her mouth and was speechless!

Even though Zhang Yongzheng and Qian Shiyu expected something, they did not expect that this number would be so huge.

“There is a problem here, your worry is necessary!”

Whether it was Zhang Yongzheng or Qian Shiyu, hearing An Jing spit out 1.23 trillion US dollars, such a terrifying figure, they all felt that there was something wrong with this order.

An Jing is worried that some companies will provide a large order for Deep Blue Materials, and then obstruct them, so that Deep Blue Materials cannot deliver orders on time.

As a result, the company has to pay high liquidated damages, so that deep blue materials, and even the entire deep blue industry, fall into crisis, and then eat deep blue materials.

It’s entirely possible.

And these companies do the same.

“If a company wants to develop, it can never go it alone, deep blue materials or deep blue industry, or steady and slow development; Or find allies, make the market bigger, make the cake bigger, eat this big cake…”

Vice President Qian Shiyu, as a member of the national long-term development and planning policy team, has made his own achievements in economy and management.

Qian Shiyu not only studied economics and management, but also holds a doctorate degree in social sciences and mathematics, and has a good understanding of corporate management, economy, society, country, world… There are studies on the entire macro development.

He gave An Jing a detailed analysis of the development of the deep blue industry and the pros and cons of the two roads.

There are countless examples!

From some foreign companies in the 50s of the last century, to how some domestic and foreign companies were annexed after the New Era … How to annex others, how to deal with it, how to prevent it.

All kinds of data, all kinds of examples. And very rigorous.

He even helped An Jing analyze several companies and how to be more reasonable.

All very useful analysis and advice!

Full of dry goods!

Ordinary people, if they want to consult Qian Shiyu, they may not have such an opportunity.

Qian Shiyu said so much, first, Anjing is indeed powerful, and the future achievements are immeasurable… Secondly, it is also to give face to Dean Zhang Yongzheng, and also to his student Wu Yumeng.

He also talked a lot and seriously.

“You are the boss of the company, how the company develops, or you have the final say, what I said can only be used as a reference.”

Vice President Qian Shiyu did not make a decision for An Jing.

After speaking, let An Jing think about it for himself.

An Jing kept listening, and his brain was also running at high speed, and at the same time nodded and said: “I know!” ”

An Jing looked solemn and looked at Dean Zhang Yongzheng of his own Aerospace Academy.

Zhang Yongzheng was looked at by An Jing and said directly: “It’s useless for you to see me, I’m even less familiar with company management, and I can’t help at all.” ”

“I want the dean to help me get in touch, I want to take the route of the military industry!”

Deep Blue Industry is now the largest supplier of special steel to the official and military departments, and it is itself half a military industrial enterprise.

Since this is the case, it is better to simply turn it directly into a military-industrial enterprise!

If you want to become a military enterprise, you need to be approved.

This is very in line with the Chinese way!

Everything you do needs to be audited.

If you have that qualification, that ability, you can do it, and only then will you be licensed.

Otherwise, without that technology and qualifications, it will only disrupt the market, and it will not work without a minimum standard.

The standards of the military industry are naturally higher!

The first point must be the company’s personnel problem!

From the founder, the company’s employees, all should investigate.

This is still just a private military industry, which can only do some peripheral products of the military industry, core things … Not open at all.

Today, the military-civilian integration advocated by the government has opened up the civilian military industry.

But the core aerospace, aviation, not ordinary people, ordinary companies can play.

The manufacture of weapons, fighter jets, and missiles is also not accessible to ordinary companies.

An Jing wants to let the company go to the military industrial enterprise, in fact, he has long had such an idea, right?

Since when?

An Jing himself does not know…

Maybe when I was a child, I thought about becoming a scientist?

Or when playing model aircraft, you want to build your own fighter, soar on the territory of the motherland, and defend the country.

At this moment, An Jing suddenly had an enlightenment!!

Since there are such capabilities, why not directly enter the military industry? Make a contribution to the military industry of the Motherland?

An Jing has a large treasure chest and has opened a lot of skills, skill books, halos, items… Various cutting-edge manufacturing equipment, research instruments, experimental instruments.

Why is Deep Blue Industry an industry?

When Anjing founded the company, he wanted to do supercar, why didn’t he directly register “Deep Blue Car” or “Deep Blue Super Car”!

Do you want to use the name of the dark blue industry?

Maybe it’s because I miss it in my heart!

“Military industry?!”

Zhang Yongzheng and Qian Shiyu both looked at An Jing, obviously a little surprised.

This route… Qian Shiyu didn’t analyze it just now.

An Jing wants to do the military industry?

However, Deep Blue Industries still has such capabilities.

Least…… In terms of materials, Deep Blue Industry has such capabilities.

In addition, An Jing himself has also participated in the research and development of various fighter jets, aircraft carriers, aerospace equipment and equipment, and his research ability is also obvious to all.

Take the military-industrial route!

Private military industry!

Deep Blue Industries is okay!

But…… Hard!

The degree of official openness to the military industry is not yet large, and it is difficult to make it bigger.

Moreover, doing the military industry is also very limited to the development of the deep blue industry, and it will be more difficult for products to go out of the country in the future. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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