(5 sending, please order support… Today is five changes, can’t write, next week should not be recommended, every day to keep five more stable updates, by the way to save some manuscripts, the saved manuscript in the hand used a lot, the remaining two days are also released, these days are six changes, there is no saving in the hand worried that there is something to delay and it will be over, the heart is unstable. )

For Zhao Rui, Zhuang Xiaoguang is still very envious.

Zhao Rui became the executive director and CEO of a group company one step ahead of them.

Really fast.

Zhuang Xiaoguang also thought that his Deep Blue Car would develop rapidly, and in the future, he was confident that Deep Blue Auto would become an automobile group.

Unexpectedly, Deep Blue Material Group was directly established!

It’s fast enough, Deep Blue still has a long way to go before it can become an automotive group.

However, Deep Blue Auto became an independent subsidiary to operate independently, and Zhuang Xiaoguang was also satisfied.

At the moment after the formation of the Deep Blue Industrial Group.

Anjing does not own 100% of Deep Blue Industrial Group

China Investment Fund and China Kai Investment invested directly in Deep Blue Industrial Group.

Became a shareholder of Deep Blue Industrial Group.

10% each!

It is not invested by companies or investment banks in which they participate or hold, but directly invested by the two national teams.

Among them, it represents the determination of Deep Blue Industrial Group to officially develop into the military industry!

Today, An Jing and the company’s executives are waiting here in Rong’an New District.

Rong’an New Area is a newly established new area of the country, and the first stop of the Cabinet Prime Minister in the New Year is to visit Rong’an New District.

Yang Peng has received news that in the afternoon, after the Prime Minister has inspected the overall construction project of Rong’an New Area, he will visit some enterprises in Rong’an New Area by the way.

Deep Blue Industrial Group, of course, is among them.

Deep Blue Industry even if it is not collective; Dark blue materials, even if they are not combined vertically and horizontally, form a group.

It is only the special steel and new carbon fiber technology developed by Deep Blue Materials, and the results of Deep Blue Cars in the automotive field.

The Prime Minister will come to visit.

Today, Deep Blue Industrial Group is expected to invest more than 20 billion yuan in the entire Rong’an New Area.

As an industrial group, Deep Blue Industrial Group invested in Rong’an New District, and also brought other companies in the industrial chain to settle in Rong’an New District.

The land around the Deep Blue Industrial Group has been auctioned off.

Both industrial and commercial land has been snapped up.

Deep Blue Industrial Headquarters fell into Rong’an New District, and the future workers may exceed tens of thousands, or even… More!!

So many people, representing many families!

There are also some supporting companies around Deep Blue Industrial Group, which will also bring many workers.

There are people, there are various supporting needs.

Commercial land is definitely easier to auction.

Even Deep Blue Industrial Group has more than 500 acres of land from below, in addition to building company factories, office buildings, laboratories, but also can build buildings for its own use.

This kind of real estate cannot be sold to the outside world, but can only be used for your own use.

Give employees as dormitories, or buy them at the site price that they contribute, or even directly reward employees.

In short, it cannot be sold as a commodity, and the price is of course cheaper than normal commercial land.

What’s more, at that time, the Deep Blue Industrial Group was a wasteland, and the land price was very cheap.

It was also Anjing who chose to build the headquarters of Deep Blue Industry here, and later the company developed, and it needed to continue to expand, so as to drive other supporting companies in the industrial chain to settle in, driving the land price here to rise.

Deep Blue Industrial Group’s position in Rong’an New Area is definitely more than just a company.

Or with a very large industrial chain ecology, many supporting companies in the entire industrial chain have settled in Rong’an New District.

Today, Rong’an New Area is building an automobile industrial park around the deep blue industry.

This automobile industrial park has basically been decided.

It was past three o’clock in the afternoon.

They had already been informed that the Prime Minister was on his way.

The staff in charge of security even came a day in advance to set up and check.

A moment later, a black red flag car stopped at the factory area where Deep Blue Car was first built and already in use.

After waiting for a while, the prime minister, who had a face-to-face relationship, wore a black jacket and got out of the car.

Accompanying him was a photographer from TV One.

An Jing also has experience in this, he has also seen the prime minister once, he can be regarded as calm, and said with a smile: “Welcome the leader to visit and inspect~”

On the contrary, Yang Peng and them seemed a little excited.

Although Yang Peng has served as the executive general manager of domestic and foreign automobile companies, he has also dealt with many people in the officialdom.

The Prime Minister of the Cabinet was also the first time I met.

Fortunately, everyone stood beside the small boss of An Jing, and seeing that the small boss was so calm, he was naturally calmer, and said: “Welcome the leader to visit and inspect~!” ”

“Hello Anjing, I am very impressed with you.”

The Prime Minister was very accommodating, shook hands with Anjing and greeted him cordially.

Looking at the successive prime ministers of Huaxia, most of them seem easy-going, giving people a very cordial and cordial feeling.

At the time of the 103 Institute, the Prime Minister had seen Anjing.

At that time, among the researchers standing in the front row, the youngest were in their 40s, and there was a teenager in it… Can you not be impressed?

Later, An Jing also did a lot of important things, and the prime minister heard about everything, and further deepened his impression, which was even more profound.

Later, the Prime Minister shook hands with several executives next to An Jing and entered the supercar production workshop of Deep Blue Automobile.

Anjing is just an accompaniment.

Zhuang Xiaoguang, as the general manager and person in charge of Deep Blue Automobile, he is the person who knows the entire Deep Blue Auto Plant the most.

It was also Zhuang Xiaoguang who made the first introduction in front of the Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

“This is the production hall of our Deep Blue Supercar.”

“The total number of dark blue supercars is limited to 70 units, and the production is not very large, with a monthly output of 30 units.”

“Most of the parts of the supercar, starting from raw materials, are processed and manufactured by our group companies, and then sent here and fine-tuned…”

“All the processing processes of Deep Blue Supercar are the best in the world.”

“The processing equipment we use is all developed and manufactured by the group company, with independent intellectual property rights, which belongs to the world’s top!”

Enter the dark blue supercar production workshop.

Everyone changed into dust suits and brought masks and hats.

The same is true of the Prime Minister.

The production volume of the deep blue supercar is not high, the manufacturing speed is not fast, and it will use manual selection of parts, further tuning, and then use it on the supercar.

Most of the parts are manufactured with very high precision processing equipment and then fine-tuned.

So you can come in and visit.

If it is an ordinary highly automated production line, there are almost no people in the factory, all of which are processed and manufactured by robotic arms and robots.

This kind of factory area can only be visited through the glass… Of course, it is okay to go in and visit, but it is not necessary, there is nothing to see.

“Deep Blue Supercar complements our country’s deficiencies in the automotive market segment of Supercar…”

“Deep Blue, a car brand, also has its own characteristics, and it is deeply rooted in terms of safety…”

“I hope you can continue to maintain and continue this advantage, in order to shine in the highly competitive project of automobiles at home and abroad!”

The Prime Minister of the Cabinet spoke highly of Deep Blue Supercar and the car brand Deep Blue. _

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