There has been no news about Anjing’s neck, but the discussion of this among netizens has not been eliminated, but it has become more positive.

Not only because Deep Blue Materials Group obtained such a huge order, Anjing’s wealth has skyrocketed.

It is also because the few papers published by An Jing were only circulated among scholars and experts at first, and now even ordinary people know about them.

Even ordinary people say that they can’t understand what these papers are written about.

However, many domestic and foreign experts said that the papers published by An Jing are very important for the entire physics and materials science.

It is very likely that he will win the 2020 Nobel Prize for this.

Even if the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics is not Anjing, it is because Anjing’s age is underestimated, and he will definitely win the Nobel Prize in physics within ten years.

Unfortunately, the selection of the Nobel Prize is strictly confidential, and the Nobel Prize winners will be announced directly in October.

There will be no “nominations” during the period

The so-called nominations are actually many people speculate about the possible winners.

The list of nominees for the Nobel Prize is strictly confidential and will not be made public until 50 years later.

To know the list of nominees, it will have to wait 50 years to be determined.

The age of tranquility is indeed a disadvantage.

But this is also a test of the Nobel Prize.

Whether it is really fair, just, open, and the awardees are not affected by any nationality, ethnicity, ideology or religious belief, the first criterion for selection is the size of the achievement.

An Jing’s discovery this time is definitely one of the biggest discoveries in the past ten years.

It depends on whether the judges of the Nobel Prize will award the Nobel Prize to An Jing.


At this moment, An Jing seemed to have disappeared, and no one could be seen at all.

He did not appear in any public and did not give any interviews, and the reporter squatted on the side of Qingda for a long time, and did not see An Jing’s figure.

No way.

Deep Blue Materials Group signed trillions of dollars in orders around the world, and An Jing guessed that he would be pushed to the forefront.

He went straight into hiding.

When I arrived at Rong’an New District, the officially opened laboratory led the people of the laboratory to develop new models for Deep Blue Automobile.

The automobile production area of Rong’an New Area will be fully put into use by the end of the year.

At the same time, there are of course some supporting dormitory buildings.

Even the office building will be capped and delivered to Deep Blue Industrial Group in April.

With a total height of 169 meters, it has 1 floor, 38 floors above ground and 3 floors underground.

Although it has not yet been officially delivered, it has begun to be renovated from the ground.

In this way, it will be completed in April, and it is expected that in May, the entire office building will be directly completed and put into use.

This speed is very fast.

Deep Blue Lab is also located in Deep Blue Industrial Group Park.

The building of the laboratory is not high, only four floors, a total of three, with a total construction area of more than 80,000 square meters.

The relocation began in February and will be a variety of precision instruments.

It was officially put into use in March, and An Jing also came over, and when he added this time, he hid in the laboratory.

The lab is not all about developing new models of cars.

In addition, the research and development of special steel, carbon fiber, other materials, engines, energy, mechanical equipment, experimental instruments, gene sequencing, computers, big data, cloud computing and so on, are all advancing.

Computer materials, computer technology, big data, cloud computing are hot fields in the world, and if you want to become a world’s top laboratory, you must study this aspect.

Deep Blue Labs is not part of the Deep Blue Industrial Group, but exists independently.

Like Anjing Family Investment Fund, it is 100% owned by Anjing Individual.

The relevant patents and technologies developed by the laboratory are permanently and exclusively licensed to the companies of Deep Blue Industrial Group in the form of licensing.

Anjing’s goal is to build Deep Blue Laboratory into the world’s largest and strongest laboratory.

This goal is a long way to go.

“An Dong, what are your chances of winning the Nobel Prize this year?”

“I’m curious too!”

On the laboratory side, Anjing is not only on the automotive R&D laboratory, but also in other experimental departments.

In the laboratory, there are researchers, and everyone pays far more attention to the research field than ordinary people.

Many people have read An Jing’s paper and think that it is one of the greatest discoveries in recent years, and the possibility of winning the Nobel Prize is extremely high.

Or because of being too young.

Bold researchers have directly asked An Jing what chance he will be of winning the Nobel Prize.

Many researchers in the Deep Blue Laboratory were dug up by An Jing when he was in Qingda.

Ahem… It can’t be said that it was dug up, it was hired normally!

Normal employment!!

It is that Deep Blue Laboratory is well treated in all aspects, coupled with sufficient research and development funds, which not only attracts many new researchers.

Even some research bulls who are very focused on research and have little interest in politics, An Jing dug up two.

This kind of bull only cares about its own research and needs sufficient research and development funds to do research.

Qingda is indeed very good, and can get more than 5 billion scientific research funds every year.

But Qingda is so awesome, it is also because there are too many awesome characters, there are too many awesome laboratories, and there are so many academicians…

Some professors and associate professors are really capable, very thoughtful, and want to do their own research.

Limited research funding available!

In addition, they are not interested in selecting professors, vice deans, deans, presidents and so on.

Anjing has sufficient R&D funds and world-class research instruments, which impressed them.

It’s also normal to be poached.

Especially in terms of research instruments.

Some of the equipment in the laboratory, even Deep Blue Precision could not be built, was processed by Anjing’s own villa laboratory.

It belongs to the world’s top equipment and instruments.

This thing, for researchers, is even more attractive than R&D funding!

“I’m so young, I don’t care much about this, the Nobel Prize or something, just let it be, let’s do our own research!”

An Jing’s words are equivalent to saying that his age is a disadvantage, and the possibility of winning the Nobel Prize is not very large.

“An Dong will definitely win the Nobel Prize!!”

In this regard, many people in the laboratory think so.

Anjing’s age is a disadvantage and an advantage.

Young, proving that quiet can wait.

Even if you wait ten or twenty years, you will definitely get the Nobel Prize.

Scholars who make great achievements in their sixties and seventies cannot afford to wait.

Maybe, three or two years, or even tomorrow … Just burp.

“An Dong, when will our supercomputer be installed? I have been using Qingda’s supercomputing before, but now in Rong’an New District, it is not good to go to Qingda! ”

More precisely, now they have all been dug up by An Jing to the Deep Blue Laboratory, leaving Qingda, and it is a little difficult to go back to rub supercomputing.

An Jing said: “I have already ordered the supercomputer from Dawning, and it will be sent over after a while, it may not be enough in the early stage, and it will continue to expand in the later stage until it becomes the world’s strongest supercomputer!” ”

“Data processing center, I have placed an order with Hongwei Group, the relevant server will also be shipped over in the near future, everyone wait for a while, this time to use the supercomputing place, directly contact Shuguang, they will help us solve.”

This was the request that An Jing made when he placed an order to Dawn.

Before the supercomputing was installed, the computing tasks on the laboratory side were contracted by Dawning. _

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