Chapter 157 Lottery

Deep Blue Industrial Group, taking advantage of the signing of contracts between Deep Blue Materials Group and major global automobile companies, began public relations and promotion.

Expand your global visibility.

The entry point is automotive safety.

It turns out that car safety, in all aspects of the world, is a concern for everyone.

Otherwise, the world’s major automobile companies, in determining that the carbon fiber of the dark blue material can improve the safety factor, can not imitate this material in a short period of time, avoiding patents.

Only dark blue materials can be purchased.

It’s also very fast!

It’s not just people in countries who care about car safety who are making suggestions… If car companies don’t use this material, they may lose a lot of potential users.

Other companies will also speed up and deep blue materials and do, purchase dark blue material carbon fiber, launch safer models, seize the market,

In this way, the major companies are not slow.

Deep Blue Industrial Group placed an advertisement around the world, and its popularity skyrocketed.

After that, the paper released by An Jing was also discussed by many foreign experts and scholars, believing that An Jing may win the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics.

An Jing is only 19 years old, and he has such huge research results, which have attracted attention from many people in major countries.

When Yang Peng is promoting, he will also bind Anjing and Deep Blue together.

When it comes to Anjing, if you understand a little, you will understand Deep Blue Industrial Group, learn about the orders signed by major global automobile companies and Deep Blue Materials.

After some understanding, Deep Blue Industrial Group, or Deep Blue Company, is a top company in the world engaged in special steel and carbon fiber materials.

In the F1 Championship, Deep Blue Team won the Australian Grand Prix, the 2020 F1 Championship opener.

Everyone knows about the Deep Blue Team, and soon contacts Anjing and Deep Blue Industrial Group, and then learns about Deep Blue Auto.

More than a dozen global automobile companies, including GM, Ford, Honda, Toyota, Daimler, Volkswagen, and other world-class automobile companies, have ordered special steel and carbon fiber materials from Deep Blue Materials for use in automobiles.

Deep Blue Industrial Group makes its own cars, which is also easy to accept.

Anyway, internationally, the brand Deep Blue has begun to show a certain influence.

The company’s positioning is also very clear: the world’s top materials company.

First leave this positioning in the minds of foreign people, and in the future… Slowly, everyone will understand better.

Deep Blue is not just making materials, it is an industrial group!

Materials, cars… These are just one of the products that Deep Blue does.

In the future, everyone’s positioning of Deep Blue is the world’s top industrial group.

Similar to Airbus and Boeing!


“Congratulations, Deep Blue F1 Team got off to a great start.”

Wu Yumeng, who coiled her hair and wore a women’s suit, returned to the hotel and also congratulated An Jing.

It was clear that the results of the Deep Blue team, she also knew.

It’s hard to know, this news is too hot.

What’s more, his boyfriend is still smoking 10 new cars around his neck, with a total value of more than 10 million, which directly makes the Deep Blue Team the object of national discussion.

“Thanks, sit down.”

An Jing patted the sofa beside him and asked, “How is it?” Still adapting? ”

Wu Yumeng sat down next to An Jing, “Fortunately, President Liu took good care of me, and the four companies have already negotiated the shareholding.” ”

“Two of them were Mr. Liu who took me to negotiate, and the remaining two companies, yes, “assistants”, let me lead the negotiation, and I gained a lot! ”

An Jing nodded, and could hear that Wu Yumeng was very happy and very motivated, proving that she had really learned a lot as Liu Su’s assistant in the past few days.

“Don’t be too tired, learn slowly, even if there are some failures in the early stage, it is a good thing, just accumulate experience…”

“I know, it’s not very tired.”

Wu Yumeng is a real scholar.

An Jing who did not open the hang was not as good as her.

As Liu Su’s assistant, she is like a sponge, constantly absorbing all kinds of knowledge to grow.

Here in Liusu, what you come into contact with is something that you can’t learn in school.

Liu Su also knew during this time that Wu Yumeng was a genius girl, and she also sighed that it was no wonder that she could become the girlfriend of An Jing’s little boss.

Under the age of 17, he can be admitted to Qingda University with the results of Shudu Liberal Arts Champion, learning very quickly, and more importantly, he has spirituality, not dead learning, and he doesn’t need to know how to adapt.

In terms of financial investment, it is useless to learn quickly and well.

And spirituality.

This is very important.

Spirituality can’t be taught, it can be said that you must be talented.

Wu Yumeng undoubtedly has talent in this area, and also chose the right major, and laid a lot of foundation in Qingda in the early stage, and learned a lot of things by himself.

Following Liu Su is practice, learning knowledge that cannot be touched in school, or cannot be learned, and the growth rate is very fast.

It didn’t take long for Liu Su to feel that she had nothing to teach Wu Yumeng.

After a few years of stability and more experience in the market, Wu Yumeng will be able to stand alone.

“The laboratory and Deep Blue Precision have sent people over to provide technical support to these companies, transform the production line, and it won’t be long before the products come off the production line!”

“Well, I’ll take a look then.”

An Jing and Wu Yumeng talked about the investment company and what Wu Yumeng learned during this time.

Mostly Wu Yumeng is talking, An Jing looks at his happy little girlfriend with a smile, listens carefully, and occasionally says two words.

It can be seen that Wu Yumeng is really very happy to help Anjing!

I worked very hard to learn from Liu Su and practice seriously.

Now the size of Anjing’s private investment fund has exceeded 100 billion, and at this time, Liu Su is still helping to take care of it.

In the future, this will be left to Wu Yumeng to take care of.

Liu Su joked with Wu Yumeng more than once, saying that Wu Yumeng would be Anjing’s money bag housekeeper and housekeeper in the future.

In the future, Anjing’s private investment fund will be even more terrifying, and if Wu Yumeng is not under pressure, it is fake.

During this period of study, she naturally worked harder, desperately absorbing all kinds of knowledge and improving herself.

“Okay, I’ll go cook, then take a hot bath and rest early!”

In top hotels, the suites are equipped with a dedicated butler, who can be greeted with a variety of fresh ingredients.

An Jing cooked his own food in the hotel and asked Wu Yumeng to call Liu Su over.

After eating, Wu Yumeng completed the recent summary in the study and the arrangements for tomorrow.

Around ten o’clock, I went to sleep with An Jing.

Well…… Sleeping together doesn’t mean you have to do something.

An Jing’s determination is still very sufficient.

At most, it’s just a hug, hug, and a high lift.


The afternoon of the next day.

An Jing, Wang Siyuan, Shi Bingwei, and He Rui are all drawing around the neck.

The whole lottery result is very topical.

Anjing lottery is a lottery plug-in written by yourself to set up the lottery.

The official side of the bib did not block the lottery plug-in written by An Jing, after all, the total value of An Jing’s lottery exceeded 10 million, or even reached tens of millions, bringing topicality, popularity, active users, and new users.

Let the bib dare not do anything at all!

What’s more, An Jing’s identity is there, what if you block this plugin and directly exit the bib?

Therefore, the lottery results announced by An Jing are truly random.

Wang Siyuan, He Rui, and Shi Bingwei all use plug-ins with neck bibs.

After the lottery was announced, everyone found that most of the winners were female accounts.

An Jing four of them raffle, more than 310 places, the result is only 107 male users…

In this regard, when Wang Siyuan chose the lottery, they all chose deep filtering to filter out some junk accounts, zombie accounts, and water armies.

If you don’t choose to filter, there will be too many trolls and junk accounts, which will affect the chances of ordinary netizens.

Even so, this odds of winning are low.

This is the lottery after the bib revision.

It used to be even more outrageous, in the past, Wang Siyuan drew lotteries, and among more than 100 people, there was only 1 male user.

In fact, the lottery of major platforms has this kind of downgrading operation, reducing the weight of male users.

At the time of the Shuning lottery, there were 15 places, and the winning accounts were all women;

When the shopping cart was emptied by Tanuki Mall, all 10 places were also women;

Zhifubao campus emptied the shopping cart, still all female accounts;

This is all too common.

Although this lottery still arouses many netizens’ discussions, it is relatively speaking, it is already very good.

The winning users have become the envy of everyone.

In particular, the 10 lucky ones drawn by An Jing are simply not too lucky. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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