Chapter 197 Powerful Deep Lab!

“Are Deep Blue Labs so arrogant?”

“This supercomputing is much stronger than the supercomputing in our laboratory, right?”

“We haven’t calculated it yet…”

“Deep Blue Lab’s supercomputing, the running speed actually exceeds 45,000TFlop/s? That’s enough to rank in the top 10 in the world, right? ”

“The key, the computing system that mobilizes supercomputing seems to be optimized, and it is very fast to use!”

“This should be customized, used to do calculations and simulations of aircraft, fighter jets, engines.”

“No wonder Anjing’s design ideas are so perfect, supercomputing is customized in this aspect, it seems that it really began to prepare for a long time…”

“I heard before that the equipment and research instruments of the Deep Blue Laboratory are very advanced, and many professors from Qingda University have resigned for this reason and joined the Deep Blue Laboratory… I was still wondering how advanced the equipment in Deep Blue Lab could be? But now that I look at it, I also want to come over! ”

On the side of the Deep Blue Lab, not only the supercomputing and server are powerful, but also the various research equipment is very advanced.

Many of the researchers present have spent time in state key laboratories.

In terms of the precision of the research equipment, and the type… The Deep Blue Laboratory is actually more complete and advanced than the national key laboratory.

It is no wonder that Deep Blue Group can do what Huaxia Commercial Flying cannot, and manufacture the strength of ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft.

For many researchers, the appeal of Deep Blue Labs is really too great.

Wang Jian’an, Zheng Kaiyuan, and Tao Chengguang all met at the Military Research Institute and An Jing.

They were visiting Deep Blue Lab for the first time.

As an academician-level existence, they have been to too many laboratories, even the top foreign laboratories they have visited.

Came out of the conference room and walked around the Deep Blue Lab.

Finally knew that An Jing just said, “Deep Blue Laboratory has very powerful equipment”

How powerful is it exactly.

To put it bluntly, Wang Jianan and the three of them all wanted to directly move the “treasures of the town store” of the Deep Blue Lab.

It’s so hot for the eyes!

This is a second device that cannot be found in the country!

Wang Jianan knows that it is difficult to put forward a fighter iterative upgrade plan in 103 institutes, which is so radical, that is, he wants to OEM fighter engines!

This is confident!!

“An Jing-san…”

“An Jing, can you give us a whole thing for this thing?”

“Give me the whole one!”

“It’s really not okay, it’s good to lend us to use it!”


Is this an academician?

What about temperance as an academician?!

An Jingcha turned around and left, ignoring the three old professors.

The three of them followed An Jing.

In this regard, An Jing can only say: “This family knows, it will be scrapped if it moves away, it is okay to borrow it, and I want the whole one… I can’t help it! ”

To say that there is no way is fake.

This equipment is the “treasure of the town store” of Deep Blue Laboratory

They are all created by Anjing using the precision equipment opened from the big treasure box in the villa’s private laboratory.

Of course, because the equipment opened in the big treasure chest is too much ahead of the world, An Jing sometimes goes out and will directly put it into the inventory.

The inventory can only store the things that come out of the big treasure chest, and other things can’t be put in.

High-end equipment that happened to be opened out of various large treasure chests placed by An Jing.

Of course, because the grid is limited, there are only 20 grids.

Anjing just put some really, really top-notch and important equipment back into the inventory.

Although some ordinary equipment is very advanced, even if it is opened by a large treasure chest, it is placed in the private laboratory of the villa.

The security measures of private villas, with deep blue security increased manpower, and the safety factor was increased by several levels.

Not to mention that there are official people to look after, so don’t worry too much about someone being able to move all kinds of equipment.

If only the research equipment could be moved silently… That’s really awesome.

Sneaking into Anjing’s villa is not bad!

The possibility of entering the laboratory is zero.

Unless blasted!

Don’t underestimate Anjing’s advanced computer skills and mechanic’s god-level skills.

The private laboratory of Anjing Villa, almost only he can enter, and even if others sneak into the villa, they can’t enter.

Blow up?

When the villa security personnel are vegetarian?!

It’s impossible to help build another set of these devices in Deep Blue Lab.

Without advantages, how can Deep Blue Group enter the core military industry?

Wang Jianan also knows, that is to say, it is already very good to be able to borrow these equipment.

It seems that it is indispensable to run this way in the future!

Anjing is not a loss… These academicians often run this way, which is also a good thing for the Deep Blue Lab.

Invisible status promotion!

Moreover, come over often, how can you leave it unused, right?

Deep Blue Commercial Flying’s aircraft design and development, orderly progress, pit stop is very fast.

It’s incredibly fast.

The most impressive expectation is that after the completion of the upgrade of the aircraft manufacturing center … Deep Blue Lab has completed the relevant design and development of ultra-long-range passenger aircraft and put it into use directly.

Even if it’s slow, it’s not too slow.

The time has unconsciously entered January.

The atmosphere on the side of the Deep Blue Lab was high.

The speed of advancement of ultra-long-range intercontinental technology is very impressive.

Meantime…… In mid-October, the Nobel Prize will be announced, and whether An Jing can win the prize has become a matter of idle conversation when everyone is okay in the Deep Blue Lab.

After the number of people, the Deep Blue Laboratory also became lively.

After doing research, everyone sits together, blows air conditioning, drinks tea, and relaxes.

It’s all okay.

As long as the mission is completed, OK!


October 1.

Three of Deep Blue’s sedans were officially launched.

At the end of September, researchers at Deep Blue Lab found out.

The big trailers coming in and out from the Deep Blue Group have not stopped.

All of them come to the Deep Blue Automobile production plant to transport the cars to 4S stores or warehouses across the country in preparation for the launch of new cars.

As of October 1, Deep Blue Auto has received a total of 73,000 online and offline orders from all over the world


The maximum total orders for the Deep Blue B-1 are: 51,000 units;

The navy C-1 turned out to be the second, but the least, only: 6800 units!

The navy D-1 is positioned at the high end, starting at 1.08 million, and the total order actually exceeds that of the C-, with 15,000 vehicles.

The navy D-1 is bound to be a luxury car, with 9,800 of the 15,000 orders being domestic; More than 5,200 vehicles were ordered from overseas.

It is not only the domestic rich who placed orders to pay for the safety, driving comfort, exterior design of the Deep Blue C-1.

Even foreign tycoons are willing to pay for Deep Blue, a car brand that has been established for a year.

The navy D-1 positioning luxury car, the materials used are all provided by the navy material group, is the world’s safest car.

The domestic price starts at 1.08 million, and if it is exported overseas, if tariffs are included, some places may start at more than 2 million.

Even so, there are still foreign customers who are willing to pay for the new brand of Deep Blue. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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