Wu Yumeng’s side directly contacted domestic investment institutions and the executives of Yi Sou and Yi Hu, and also knew that the acquisition would soon be exposed.

Yisou convened a meeting of senior executives to discuss how Yisou should deal with Anshi Technology and prepared to contact Anshi Technology for negotiation.

Yi Sou’s current situation is not a summary.

Although it is the search engine with the second largest market share in the search field in China, it has a share of less than 12%.

Anshi Technology wants to acquire Yisearch, that is, it wants a search engine access product.

Access to Anji Technology’s voice assistant.

This is totally cooperative!

Wouldn’t it be good to combine the voice assistants of Yisou and Anshi Technology and cooperate directly between the two parties?

Anyway, now Anshi Technology has easily searched shareholders, the proportion is not more than 0%, and Qianxun Group is a level.

Even higher than the shareholding of Qianxun Group!

That being the case, why not cooperate directly?

Cooperation is a win-win!

However, at this time, Anshi Technology submitted relevant reports on the US Stock Exchange and already held 35.26% of the shares of Yisou Company, which is the largest shareholder of Yisougong.

This announcement immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Special are companies in the Internet sector, as well as investment companies.

In the past six months, Anshi Technology has burned billions for promotion, and in more than half a year, it has accumulated more than 150 million users.

None of this is the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the technology, or product, of Anshi Technology is very good.

Anshi Technology’s artificial intelligence technology can be said to be at the forefront of many Internet companies.

Even Qianxun Group, Ah Tanu Group, Qiandu Group, foreign Google, and Amazon all pay attention to Anshi Technology.

Just because of Anshi Technology’s products, the technology used is indeed very advanced.

In terms of artificial intelligence architecture and algorithms, it is even better than these companies.

Both are Internet companies.

Such a technically powerful company suddenly appeared on the market.

In terms of artificial intelligence, it is the hottest investment field and development direction at present.

Major Internet technology companies are paying attention to Anshi Technology, and even proposed to invest in shares or propose acquisitions more than once.

In addition to major Internet technology companies, there are many domestic and foreign investment institutions and investment companies that have the same idea.

All want to invest in Anshi Technology.

However, a closer look at Anshi Technology will find that this company has burned billions and is still not short of money.

Because this company is the richest Chinese in the world, Anjing 100% owned company.

Not bad money at all!

All of the early developments were funded by Anjing’s private investment funds.

Financing will be opened later, and it will also be developed later.

This time, Anshi Technology issued an announcement that it holds 356 shares of Yisou, making it the largest shareholder of Yisou.

Everyone knows that Anshi Technology search engine field.

The field of search engines has also been a hot field.

However, all major countries are relatively sensitive areas in the field of search.

This field has long been mature, and the market has been divided.

When Anshi Technology entered the search engine field, it also intends to directly acquire a search engine company.

With the intelligence of Anshi Technology’s voice assistant, you can directly control various software by voice.

Users can ask questions to the voice assistant and get answers or search for the materials and items they want.

Anshi Technology’s voice assistant, combined with search engines, is simply a match made in heaven.

Many foreign Internet technology companies are concerned about the acquisition of Yisearch by Anshi Technology, and they are also thinking about this model of combining voice assistants with search engines.

Foreign investment institutions are more optimistic about Anshi Technology, and when Anshi Technology is opened for financing, they will go to the car.

The country is lively!!

Relevant media and news reports immediately attracted countless netizens to discuss and hotly discuss.

“Anshi Technology Acquisition of Easy Search”

“Anshi Technology enters the field of search engines”

Directly airborne headlines!

It is enough to see that in the field of Huaxia search engine, it has not been so lively for a long time.

Everyone’s tolerance for Thousand Degrees has also reached its limit.

Countless people want to complain about Qiandu.

This is “the world has suffered for a long time”, and I am very willing to see a new and better search engine.

“Anshi Technology acquired Yisou, do you want to enter the search field market?”

“Classmate An Jing, is this going to turn over a thousand degrees? I show my support with my hands and feet! ”

“I don’t use Yi Search at all, but if An Jing buys Yi Sou, I will still support it!”

“Easy search is not bad, if there are not so many push messages, it will be better if you don’t download it and give you a family bucket!”

“What company is Anshi Technology?”

“Anshi Technology doesn’t know? Go find out for yourself! ”

“An Jing’s company… However, this company is not managed by Anjing, but is just used by Anjing to develop some technology for the market… The result is such a cattle company! ”

“The Anxin voice assistant you use is Anshi Technology’s, understand?!”

“Without making a sound, he acquired 35.26% of Yisou’s shares and became the largest shareholder, which has long been prepared, right?”

“This acquisition should not be operated by An Jing, An Jing is still developing ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft, where will he care about this kind of acquisition!”

“The market value of Yisou is only 100 million US dollars, even if I buy 35.26% of the shares at a premium, for my An Jing classmate, there is not much money, and it is impossible for An Jing to appear in person.”

“It was An Jing’s girlfriend who led this acquisition, which is worthy of being a virtuous helper!”

“If nothing else, Anshi Technology’s technology is really strong, everyone has no opinion on this, right?”

“If Anshi Technology acquires Yisou and makes some technical improvements and increases the user experience, it is possible to dry up Qiandu.”

“Whether it is the products of Deep Blue Group or the application of Anshi Technology, in terms of user experience, it has done very well, and this has been continued, supporting quiet students!”

“Support An Jing’s classmate to turn a thousand degrees!”

“Inventory of the 10 deadly sins of Thousand Degrees!”

“Take stock of the crazy things that Qiandu has done…”

On the Internet, there is a discussion about Anshi Technology’s acquisition of Yisou and its entry into the field of search engines.

It can be described as in full swing.

99% of netizens support Anshi Technology’s acquisition of Yisou to provide better and more powerful technology and bring better user experience.

Remove the bad user experience of Yisou, and then kill the Qiandu Group.

Countless netizens are taking stock of the stupid and crazy things that Qiandu has done over the years, all kinds of black spots!

This really is: the three armies did not move, the fishing boat went first!

Here, Wu Yumeng and Cai Chen must admit that they also do some guidance on fishing vessels.

But more in the back, netizens spontaneously inventory various problems in Qiandu.

If nothing else, Anshi Technology announced that it held the shares of Yisou, and before it officially negotiated with Yisou, Li Chaoyang, and Qianxun Group, it had already won the support of countless netizens.

In this regard, when negotiating, it is a big bargaining chip. _

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