“I’m afraid I didn’t wake up?”

“You can deny it if you ask the US Securities Regulatory Commission to deny this acquisition?”

“Look at your own company, as well as your worth, and then look at who the backers of Anshi Technology are, you know who the US Securities Regulatory Commission helps!”

“Whether it is Sohu or Yisou Company, they are half-dead companies, and people wish that these two companies were acquired by Anshi Technology, and in disguise they were listed as companies under Anshi Technology!”

“Grip the grass… Was it only I who noticed Li Chaoyang’s words? Anshi Technology not only acquired the shares of Yisou, but even the shares of Yihu?! ”

“This is the reason why Li Chaoyang sent a neck bib, right? The company he founded and his subsidiaries were acquired with a large number of shares! ”

“I heard that Wang Chuan of Yisou and people from Qianxun Company directly bypassed Li Chaoyang and negotiated with Anshi Technology about Yisou’s shareholding!”

“It stands to reason that Yihu and Qiandu combined, holding 55% of Yisou’s shares, and even owning 60% of the voting rights, have a lot of initiative…”

“I guess Yihu, as the parent company of Yisou, may have been directly acquired by Anshi Technology, and the shares held by Yihu are also Anshi Technology’s!”

“An Clan Technology is so troublesome? Secretly acquired the shares of Yisou, and even the parent company of Yisou was also acquired?! ”

“Let’s just say it’s thoughtful!”


Li Chaoyang did file an objection with the Nasdaq and asked the SEC to intervene.

Anshi Technology also directly “raised” Yihu Company.

Officially announced that it holds 71% of the shares of Yihu Company;

67% of the shares were acquired by the team in the US circulation market and in the hands of major investment funds;

The remaining 4% of the shares were purchased by the team from domestic investment institutions and executives when they returned to China.

71% shares!

Directly crushed Li Chaoyang to death.

Nasdaq also believes that the Ahn Technology deal is not problematic and will not prevent the acquisition.

The reason is also simple.

Yihu has been listed for more than 20 years, except for the first few years of good market value, and has been half-dead since then.

Now it has been losing money for 15 quarters, and it is good if it has not been delisted.

No one will care if it is acquired!

What’s more, Yihu is Huaxia’s company.

It was Huaxia Company that acquired Huaxia Company, and it was not Huaxia Company’s acquisition of the search engine company on the American side.

The overseas search engine market is Google’s world.

Even if there are some other search engine companies, if Anshi Technology wants to acquire, the relevant departments in the United States may review it, and if necessary, they will refuse to buy.

It’s just that Anshi Technology acquired a local Chinese company, naturally it will not interfere too much.

Although this acquisition method of Anshi Technology is not very common in the United States, it is also common.

It can only be said that Yihu Company is too unfavorable.

There are too many outstanding shares in the world.

Yihu Company itself did not handle the repurchase, the stock price has always been, the investment bank is not optimistic, sold the shares in its hands.

It’s normal operation!

What’s more, Anshi Technology has great prospects in the future, Yihu and Yisou are acquired, if they are not delisted, it is equivalent to the direct listing of Anshi Technology’s subsidiaries, which can bring a lot of benefits.

Let alone…… The US official serves capital.

Even the president of the United States is a businessman; The central bank of the United States is all joint-stock and in the hands of capital.

After Anshi Technology acquires Yisou, it will be open for financing in the future.

Many investment institutions, investment funds, and even Internet technology companies are optimistic about Anshi Technology, which will also promote the acquisition of Anshi Technology Yisou.

Li Chaoyang’s influence is too small!

Compared with the power of capital, it is simply insignificant.

It is impossible for him to shake the US Securities Regulatory Commission.

After Anshi Technology raised the brand Yihu company.

The next day, a general meeting of shareholders was held in Yihu and he settled on the board of directors of Yihu Company.

Then directly kicked Li Chaoyang out of Yihu Company.

Yihu company was listed in 2000, the shares are not AB share structure, Anshi Technology holds 71% of the shares, there are corresponding voting rights.

Plus Li Chaoyang is really not very popular in Yihu Company.

Li Chaoyang does not deal with the company’s affairs, and there is no good development plan for the entire Yihu company, and he is not optimistic about the development plan proposed by his subordinates.

Since 2000, the golden age of the Chinese Internet, how many opportunities have Yihu Company missed?!

As the first company in Huaxia to achieve profitability and be listed on NASDAQ, the market value has developed to less than $4?

The executives of Yihu Company are not optimistic about Li Chaoyang.

Anshi Technology settled in, and Yihu executives took the initiative to respond to Anshi Technology and put their founders forward to the company.

This is not the proposal of Anshi Technology, it is the proposal of the entire Yihu company, all the executives.

It is enough to see how low Li Chaoyang’s recognition in the company is.

On the side of Yihu Company, we also hope that there will be new leaders and capable people to lead the company to glory.

Li Chaoyang completely lost!

What he didn’t expect was that Anshi Technology would hold more than 71% of Yihu’s shares.

At one point, he thought Ainz Technology only held more than 51 percent of the shares.

During this time, he is also increasing his shareholding, as long as it exceeds 25%, it is impossible for Anshi Technology to forcibly acquire Yihu Company.

However, there are no more outstanding shares in the market.

The shares of major investment institutions were purchased by Anshi Technology.

Even…… What Li Chaoyang did not expect was that the executives of Yihu Company, his subordinates, would stand on the side of Anshi Technology.

Yihu’s executives voluntarily sold their shares to Anshi Technology.

Let Anshi Technology hold more than 75% of the shares, and can directly forcibly acquire Yihu Company.

Li Chaoyang also knew that the general trend was over, and took the initiative to sell all of his 22% shares in Yihu to Anshi Technology, completely leaving the company he founded for more than 20 years.

In just two days.

Anshi Technology announced that it already holds 97% of the shares of Yihu and officially applied to NASDAQ for delisting.

As for the remaining 3% of the shares, when applying for delisting, they will be directly repurchased.

It all came so fast!

Two days ago, Li Chaoyang also publicly stated that he did not agree with Anshi Technology’s acquisition of Yisou and Yihu.

It’s only been two days.

Anshi Technology is still talking with Wang Chuan and Qianxun Group about the shareholding of Yisou Company.

On the other hand, Anshi Technology raised the brand of Yihu Company, directly acquired Yihu Company, and directly delisted from NASDAQ.

The company, which has been listed on NASDAQ for more than 20 years, was officially delisted from NASDAQ.

As for whether it will be listed again in the future?

Then I don’t know!

Anyway, Anshi Technology directly privatized and delisted Yihu Company, and Yihu Company held 25% of the shares of Yisou, which also became Anshi Technology.

In addition, Anshi Technology originally held 35.26% of the shares of Yisou.

At this time, Anshi Technology already held 60% of the shares of Yisou.

Wu Yumeng previously proposed at the board of directors of Yisou that Anshi Technology increased its stake in Yisou to 51%.

It’s now done!

There is no need for Qianxun Group to agree! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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