Chapter 251 An Jing Boss Warning!

After receiving permission from above.

Deep Blue Group has Yang Peng in charge, and An Jing went to the Pinggu Aircraft Manufacturing Center by himself.

The aircraft manufacturing center of Deep Blue Commercial Shipping Company, although from the time of the upgrade, was ready for the production of fighters.

But the associated equipment needs to be debugged.

In addition, ultra-long-range intercontinental airliners are now being produced and manufactured, and the related production distribution also needs to be adjusted.

While taking into account ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft, it is also necessary to allocate part of the production capacity to produce a new generation of fighters.

“An Dong!”

On the aircraft manufacturing center of Deep Blue Commercial Flying, the relevant upgrades have been completed since March.

With more than 3,700 acres of grounds, the core research is certainly still in Deep Blue Labs.

But here, there are still supporting scientific research office areas.

After all, testing, flight tests, and data collection also require a laboratory and related research equipment.

It is impossible to say that all of them are put in the Deep Blue Laboratory over there in Rong’an New District.

That would seem inconvenient.

When An Jing arrived at the Pinggu Aircraft Manufacturing Center, Meng Xin, as the person in charge of Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company, came to greet An Jing.

Meng Xin was a manager of an aircraft manufacturing company in the military department, and later transferred to the general manager of a listed airline.

Later, Deep Blue COMAC was established, and he was recommended as the head of the company.

Successfully hired.

“Let’s go to the production workshop and take a look!”

An Jing and Meng Xin said hello and got in the car to leave.

The entire aircraft manufacturing center began to transform itself since the signing of an agreement in September last year to establish Deep Blue Commercial Aircraft.

In more than nine months, the upgrade and transformation has long been completely completed and put into use.

This time, you don’t have to wear a hard hat.

An Jing did not go to the laboratory or office area here, but directly took the car to the production line of ultra-long-range passenger aircraft to check.

On the car, Meng Xin introduced the company’s development during this period and the production progress of ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft for Anjing.

The entire production schedule is not just on the side of Deep Blue COMAC.

There are more than a dozen suppliers, Meng Xin has to grasp the progress, need to coordinate and understand, have any problems, report to the group company.

Equipment problems and technical problems will be sent to deal with them.

Meng Xin didn’t use any manuscripts, and dictated the situation of Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company throughout the process.

It is enough to see that he knows the situation of the company very well.

An Jing sat in the car and listened to Meng Xin’s words before nodding and telling Meng Xin: “President Meng, the cabinet announced today that the overall manufacturing of the new generation of fighters will be handed over to the Deep Blue Group to be responsible, and the follow-up related documents should be sent to you…”

“The ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner supplier on the side of Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company is also the parts supplier of the new generation of fighters, and you should also bother to follow up in this regard, so that he can supply parts for the two.”

“Coordinate the creation of ultra-long-range intercontinental airliners and next-generation fighters to avoid mistakes…”

“In terms of manpower problems, just go directly to the Fei Group, as well as the aerospace industry and aerospace science and technology groups!”


Whether it is a fighter, a civil airliner, or an ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner, the automation efficiency is not very high.

Even on the side of Deep Blue COMAC, the manufacturing equipment used is very advanced.

Automation efficiency is still not very high.

All parts need to be assembled manually.

Especially on the side of ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft, because it is a super-large aircraft, all kinds of parts are very large … Just the parts of the aircraft engine, all need to be assembled manually.

Even if it’s just a screw that hasn’t been assembled, or even something goes wrong… The whole engine is scrapped!

Natural…… The entire aircraft could also be scrapped.

The requirements for workers are high.

It is normal for Deep Blue COMAC to have a shortage of manpower.

After all, it is a company that has just been established for less than a year, does not have enough background, and does not cultivate its own talents.

The relevant talents are all handled by Huaxia COMAC.

“When Huaxia COMAC Group invested in Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company, it was to provide technical and personnel support as a resource, invest petite funds, and occupy most of the shares, which is the contract they need to perform, all written in the contract!”

“No one? Why take that shares? ”

“Tell them that if no one will give the shares to the aerospace industry group and the aerospace science and technology group, they will definitely be interested, and there are also people!”

Meng Xin did not know the news that the new generation of fighters had been taken down by the Deep Blue Group.

This was only told to Deep Blue Group by the cabinet in the morning.

The relevant approvals have not yet been issued.

After An Jing got the news, he came to Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company and negotiated with Meng Xin to let him prepare.

The military industry is something that Anjing has always attached great importance to.

This, as the top of the company… Even if Meng Xin has just joined the big family of Deep Blue Group, he knows the company’s development plan and positioning.

What’s more, the listed airlines were also companies in the aviation field, and they all knew that Deep Blue Group wanted to enter the core military industry.

It’s no secret.

What’s more, An Jing’s proposals at the political session all said about strengthening military-civilian integration …

When Deep Blue Commercial Flying upgrades and transforms, it is to take into account the production and manufacture of fighters.

If Meng Xin didn’t know the company’s positioning, then he wouldn’t be the general manager of Deep Blue COMAC.

An Jing said that the Deep Blue Group won the manufacture of a new generation of fighters, and it must be the Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company to produce and manufacture it.

This matter must be taken seriously!

Meng Xin immediately said: “I will contact Huaxia COMAC Group to convey your instructions and fill the vacant manpower in the company as soon as possible.” ”


An Jing nodded slightly and asked: “The production and manufacturing progress of ultra-long-range passenger aircraft is not bad, and the aero engine strives to be tested off the assembly line within a month, there should be no problem, right?” ”

“A month later, the General Council of the Cabinet came to visit.”

“In terms of the new generation of fighters, it is impossible for those suppliers to keep up, and the engine of our ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner is off the production line, and there is something to show to the Prime Minister.”

Meng Xin assured: “Going offline within a month is not a problem!” ”

Deep Blue COMAC completed the upgrade and transformation in March and put it into use.

Various equipment entered the site one after another, debugged, and basically officially started production in April.

How long does it take to make an aircraft ?!

If it is a mature manufacturing process, skilled workers, supporting suppliers… In less than 10 days, one can be produced!!

A certain aircraft manufacturing center of Boeing, which can produce 4-5 aircraft a month!

Deep Blue COMAC certainly couldn’t be that fast.

After all, it is the new aircraft that completes the design, there is no mature technology; The suppliers also have no relevant manufacturing processes and equipment, no experience… Even the manpower is not very adequate.

All need to run in!

However, from 4 to months, three months, just to build the engine of an ultra-long-range passenger aircraft, there is still no problem.

After all, there is experience in the production and manufacture of engines for a new generation of fighters, and the production and manufacture of ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft, for three months, just the production of one engine, is completely fine. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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