Chapter 258: Dean Zhang’s point

Public universities have financial support and do not need to consider the issue of profitability, and official financial allocation.

Private universities naturally do not enjoy these benefits, and the vast majority of their income sources are tuition and accommodation costs.

If private schools want to make a profit, they need to increase tuition fees and the number of students.

But…… Private universities are inherently at a natural disadvantage in universities.

Because private universities were established after 90 years, or officially ready-to-wear.

The fame in all respects is certainly inferior to the public universities that have been established for decades, or even centuries.

Social recognition is not high, there are restrictions on the number of enrollment in national policies, and tuition fees are enough to make many parents stop …

Will this also raise tuition fees?

Then it will be even more impossible to recruit students!

It is basically impossible to build a university and really want to make a profit.

There are profitable schools, even groups.

But most of them are educational institutions, training institutions, primary schools, secondary schools, kindergartens, etc… There are very few universities.

The formalities and the inspection of the school’s address were handed over to Yang Peng to handle.

When Yang Peng’s side is almost there, An Jing will go to check the address of the school, and it can be built if possible.

Building a school will certainly take time.

During this time period, An Jing can also actively contact tutors and professors, and various procedures are also completed during the construction of the school.

The first stop, An Jing must have come to Qingda.

Contact the dean of his own aerospace college – Zhang Yongzheng.

A university must have a president who can hold the scene.

An Jing himself, as the richest Chinese in the world, is a Nobel Prize winner, and has the blessing of Deep Blue Group… As the founder of the university, there is indeed a certain aura blessing.

But Anjing can’t be the principal!

Too young!

An Jing is only 20 years old, how can he be the principal of a school, or the president of a university?

Besides, Anjing has no experience in school management, so this kind of thing is still left to professional people.

An Jing wanted to contact a very capable and high-status person to serve as the future president of Deep Blue University.

This is important!

A principal can determine the future direction of a school, the teaching philosophy.

At the same time, a person with very high strength, ability, and status served as the principal.

When An Jing finds other mentors and professors to join Deep Blue University, it will also become easier.

“You won the Nobel Prize at the age of 19, and when you were 20 years old, Qingda hired you as a professor, you want to establish a university, you can be the president yourself, with your current status and influence, it is completely fine.”

At Dean Zhang Yongzheng, An Jing heard his own answer.

As a Nobel Prize winner, the richest Chinese in the world, and the founder of Deep Blue Group. Chairman……

Anjing’s influence is not only brought by wealth and enterprises, but also has a high status in scientific research and research.

It’s perfectly okay to be a university yourself.

“I’ll forget it!”

An Jing waved his hand, told Dean Zhang Yongzheng his thoughts, and even wanted to dig his own dean over: “Otherwise, your old man will come and be the principal.” ”

Zhang Yongzheng is 62 years old this year, and at this age, he served as the dean of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, in fact, because of this: the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Deans of other faculties, who may be younger.

However, the School of Aerospace and Aeronautics is more important.

Otherwise, President Zhang Yongzheng would have retired long ago.

Whether it is the status of the teaching field, academic status, and influence, Dean Zhang Yongzheng is very high.

“I’ll forget it, I’m old, I don’t manage much of the affairs on the college’s side, let alone manage a newly founded university?”

“There’s no more energy… If I were ten years younger, I would definitely take this job, and now…”

Zhang Yongzheng waved his hand, just shook his head with a smile.

I’m really old and don’t have the energy to run a newly founded university.

An Jing wanted to start a university, certainly not to make a profit.

At present, the establishment of a university may be to solve the problem of talent in the Deep Blue Group.

But the long-term development is to build Deep Blue University into a truly top private university.

In the United States, the top 2 universities are almost all private universities.

An Jing also wants to build a university that truly teaches and educates people, does research, and has a stronger learning atmosphere and research atmosphere.

To be a world-class university.

Very ambitious!

It is not an ambition, but a wish and expectation.

An Jing is now the richest man in China, his wealth is enough to rank in the top five in the world, he is only 20 years old!

With Anjing’s financial support, there is no need to worry about the university encountering financial problems, and the future development can indeed be expected.

This requires a brilliant principal to lead!

The principal of a school directly determines the teaching style of a university.

Zhang Yongzheng thought for a while and said; “I recommend someone to you, you go and talk to him well, he has more research in teaching, and he also has ideas about education reform…”

“I suggest you contact the Military Department, as well as the aviation colleges and universities directly under the Military Department, and jointly establish the faculties of aerospace majors.”

“This aspect of talent training, the military department is also very needed, but the resources invested are limited, you have to set up relevant majors, invest funds, but also to relieve their pressure, maybe they will agree to jointly establish a school with you…

In addition to recommending a candidate who can serve as the president, Dean Zhang Yongzheng has been in educational institutions for so many years, and he is also very experienced and insightful in teaching management and the construction of colleges and universities.

In fact, on the side of Qingda, it has also cooperated with Huaxia Air Force Aviation University to set up a “Qingda pilot class”

This Anjing also knows.

The “Qingda Pilot Class”, which is hung in the Aerospace and Aeronautics College of Qingda University, is also a four-year teaching; In the first three years, he studied at the Aerospace and Aviation College of Qingda University, and in the fourth year, he studied at the Air Force Aviation University, and awarded the double degree and degree certificate of Qingda and the Air Force Aviation University to the graduated flight cadets.

Students in the “pilot class”, who were ordinary college students in the first two years, enjoy an annual living allowance of 10,000 yuan; From the third year, become an official flight cadet, officially obtain military status, and enjoy all the benefits of pilots; After graduating from four years, he was officially awarded the rank of Air Force.

Pilots have always been a very weak place in the country.

There are 330 million people in the United States, and more than 600,000 people have a civil aviation pilot’s license.

Huaxia has a population of 14, the number of all pilots’ licenses … Less than 100,000 people!

Huaxia pilot vacancies are vacant every year.

The kind that is very lacking.

There is a shortage of pilots in both civil aviation and military pilots.

If Anjing wants to establish a university, it will be of great benefit to directly obtain authorization from the military department, or directly establish a department with a university directly under the military department.

At the very least, when students apply for schools, they have the title of joint creation of universities directly under the military department, which can attract many candidates.

Coupled with the relationship between An Jing and the military department, this is still to help the military department train talents, and there will basically be no problems. _

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