(It’s also busy near the New Year, everyone understands each other, and the author tries to ensure that five changes a day … Please collect support, please! )

At the end of September, Anjing’s military training ended.

“Su Jing, out of line!”

In line.

An Jing was called out by Wang Feng.

“Classmate Su Jing, your military training has officially ended from today!”

“Military training results: full score!”

“We will send the relevant performance back to Qingda, which will be entered into your personal information, and it will also affect your final grade.”

Of course, since it is a full score, it will naturally not affect Anjing’s final grades, which is a good thing.

“Let’s go!”

After saying this, An Jing was directly called away by Wang Feng.

Go back to the troops’ dormitory, change into your original clothes, and go downstairs and leave in a jeep….

“Where is this going?”

An Jing sat in the co-pilot of the car and asked with some curiosity.

It’s not 103, it’s not a way to send him back, it’s not even a way to the city.

Naturally, it is not to send him to the airport or station and let him clear the report.

Wang Feng said: “The carrier-based aircraft will test fly the day after tomorrow, and I will send you directly to the test flight site.” ”

“Already tested?”

An Jing was also a little excited and expectant.

Wang Feng also had a smile on his face and said: “The test has been carried out for half a month, all the tests and experiments have been done, let you go over and see, visit the test flight…”

Anjing provided very important assistance in the design and manufacture of carrier-based aircraft engines.

Even the improvement and optimization of manufacturing instruments is the reason why this carrier-based aircraft can be completed so quickly and complete the test.

The carrier-based fighter could be completed so quickly, and Anjing also contributed a lot and provided great help.

Let An Jing go to see, it may really be to see the test flight of carrier-based aircraft.

103 hundreds of researchers, countless precision instruments, since the tests have been completed, there will definitely be no problem.

Moreover, our country is recognized that everything is done prepared.

Almost 100% successful things are done publicly.

There is no 100% success rate, it is all secretly researched, secretly done, and will not be announced in a high profile.

For example, test flights of various aircraft, launching of aircraft carriers, launching of rockets … All are 100% successful.


Fighter test site of Shufei Industrial Group.

An Jing was sent here by Wang Feng, and soon joined Academician Wang, Academician Zeng, and other professors.

“Classmate Su Jing, this is a big change!”

“When it turns black, it is strong!”

“More mature!”

“More handsome!”

“Therefore, military training is still very exercised.”


Many researchers with happy faces greeted each other and greeted each other.

This happiness is also because carrier-based fighters have been designed and manufactured.

If this test flight is successful, followed by multiple tests and test flights, there are no problems at all, mass production will begin, and the aircraft carrier team will soon be equipped.

An Jing also greeted everyone with a smile and said: “The main thing is that people are handsome, how can they all look good.” ”


Everyone smiled slightly.

Finally, Academician Wang introduced the middle-aged man wearing a shirt, trousers and leather shoes next to An Jing:

“This is the chairman of Shufei Group, Mr. Liu Yuanguang!”

“This is Mr. Wu Ronghai, general manager of Aviation Industry Group!”

“Hmm… Liu Dong Hao! ”

“Manager Wu, hello!”

Academician Wang introduced, An Jing quickly greeted the two and shook hands.

Of course, the handshake is the initiative of two people to reach out.

Otherwise, An Jing would not shake hands, but might just nod his head.

Shufei Group is naturally a comfortable aircraft industry group.

The Aviation Industry Group, which refers to the Huaxia Aviation Industry Group, is funded and established by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Cabinet, is a wholly state-owned company, and is a super-large enterprise directly managed by the state.

It has aviation weapons and equipment, military transport aircraft, helicopters, airborne systems and auto parts, general aviation, aviation research, flight testing, aviation supply chain and military trade, asset management, finance, engineering construction, special automobile and other industries, with more than 100 member units, nearly 27 listed companies, and more than 450,000 employees.

The general manager of the aviation industry group is equivalent to the level of deputy department, and he is definitely a big leader.

Both of them shook hands with An Jing very happily and said

“An Jing has made great contributions to China’s aerospace industry!”

“China’s engine, but also because An Jing proposed an optimization and upgrade plan, the strength has gone further, shortening the gap between China’s engine technology and top engine technology in Europe and the United States!”

“The Linglong carrier-based fighter can be completed so quickly, and An Jing has contributed a lot.”

Anyway, it’s all kinds of praise and recognition.

“Where, where, the main thing is that all the researchers in the institute have long studied here, and I just made some suggestions that I am not mature.”

An Jing did not dare to take credit for this kind of thing.

When An Jing came to 103.

The development of carrier-based fighters where the 103 is located has been going on for several years.

There is also previous research and development and accumulation, it can’t be An Jing came over, said two words, oh… Carrier-based fighters are finished ?!

Modesty is also a virtue.

Moreover, An Jing does not understand the doorway here, but only knows that the successful development of carrier-based fighters concerns the interests of many people.

He was just an ordinary person, a young man, a child, who did not dare to say anything more.

Don’t get involved.

Afterwards, everyone visited the test flight site here

An Jing and the researchers looked at the plane’s data.

Wang Yuanshi and Academician Zeng knew Anjing’s strength in mechanical manufacturing and processing, and computers, so Anjing checked the situation of the aircraft and the operation of various programs.

“This kind of thing, so many people in the institute have checked it countless times, I don’t see it or not.”

An Jing said so, or looked at it carefully.

After all, the improvement, optimization and upgrading of engines, and the upgrading of fighter manufacturing equipment were all proposed and designed by Anjing.

In this regard, it is he who has the most say.

“No problem, the finished product is even better than I expected, much stronger than the engine I tested!”

When the combat engine came off the assembly line for testing, An Jing had not yet gone to military training, and he also saw the relevant tests.

It’s been less than two months since it was optimized.

From here, you can also see that there are hundreds of researchers in 103 institutes, all of which are very strong.

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