(Thanks: [182***8538] tip 1000V!) )

Deep Blue’s contacts with these airlines began a few days ago.

After the first test flight of the ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner was exposed, there was an airline consultation on the same day.

The next day, companies came to the door.

Ask about ultra-long-range intercontinental aircraft data, performance, and pricing.

During this period, An Jing listened to the data reported by the group’s subsidiaries at the group company meeting.

Deep blue ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner, after the first test flight was exposed, only a few days.

An order for 146 Fei was received.

The country occupies 59 aircraft, only about 40%.

There are 87 left, all of which are orders placed by foreign companies.

From here, it is enough to see that the market demand for ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft is still very large.

UAE United in particular.

The airline, the largest buyer of the Airbus A380, ordered a total of 123 Airbus A380 aircraft.

Just because Airbus produced the Airbus A380 at a loss, as well as other problems with the aircraft, the production of the Airbus A380 was discontinued for long-term development considerations.

After discussions, Airbus and Emirates cancelled orders for 40 Airbus A380 aircraft.

This time, Deep Blue Commercial Flying has created an ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft, which is superior to Airbus A380 and Boeing 747 in all aspects, and has also advantages in price.

Plus this is made in Huaxia!

Globally, the quality, quality, speed and efficiency of Made in Huaxia are the most powerful.

Of the 87 overseas orders for ultra-long-range intercontinental aircraft, Emirates accounted for 1, almost half.

Of the 41 orders, one is still in the UAE, a prince’s private order: custom private jet!

I have to say that the UAE is really rich.

Left JAL, Qantas, New Island Airlines… As well as the day before yesterday, some countries, more than a dozen airlines ordered 47 ultra-long-range intercontinental airliners.

The order for 146 ultra-long-range intercontinental machines involves more than 30 billion Chinese dollars, or about 45.8 billion US dollars.

This is definitely a huge order for Deep Blue COMAC.

After this public test flight, orders should still be received in the future.

Nowadays, the tourism industry at home and abroad is booming, and the demand for such ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft, super-large passenger aircraft has also increased.

9:20 a.m.

On the runway of the airport on the side of the Pinggu Aircraft Manufacturing Center.

Prototype of the SL-001 ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner, docked on the runway.

The pilot and crew have already ascended the throne, and the plane is ready to take off.

The planes ran to the sides, separated by several runways, pulling the cordon.

Security personnel from Deep Blue Security and staff from the Yanjing Police Department are responsible for maintaining order.

Avoid dangerous actions or rushing into the runway.

There are licensed journalists inside, with members of the camera crew.

Even so, it is still far away from the plane, and there are security personnel around to protect it, live broadcast or shoot.

At 9:30.

The prototype of the SL-001 ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner taxied on the open road and then took off smoothly.

On the side, whether it is ordinary people, reporters are licensing licenses, videos, and explaining Guan.

With two takeoff experiences, this public test flight is already a familiar road.

The pilots and crew were at ease.

There is no one else on the plane except the pilot and crew, and the very spacious position allows the crew to rest casually.

The airline executives who came to visit the test flight this time, since they are airlines, must have a certain understanding of the aircraft.

Ordinary people may not notice that when the SL-001 prototype took off, it had a short taxiing distance on the runway and completed liftoff.

But as an airline executive, you can definitely notice.

What’s more, this time I came over to determine the data first.

The ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft built by Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company can complete takeoff at 1800 meters, which is the data given by Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company.

You can see it on the airline side.

This visit was an open test flight, and the airline confirmed this.

The ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft created by Deep Blue Commercial Aviation Company does not require a very long distance when taxiing and taking off.

Such super-large aircraft themselves occupy airport resources, and the taxiing distance is still long, which will have a certain impact on airport resource mobilization and resource utilization.

The ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft built by Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company is also an ultra-large aircraft.

Being able to take off over short distances greatly reduces these effects.

Other data on fuel consumption, cruising speed, range data, and so on, are certainly not deceptive.

After buying it back, you will know it as soon as you fly.

For transactions of this level, there is definitely a need to pay high liquidated damages.


“Hello sir, you are not allowed to approach here!”

“Sorry, I want to find the bathroom, I didn’t know I couldn’t get close here!”

“Turn left in front of the bathroom, and on the right…”

A man was stopped by security guards at the Pinggu manufacturing center of Deep Blue Commercial Shipping Company.

At the same time.

Inside the manufacturing center, it seems to be an uninhabited area.

A foreign man walked here very generously, not carefully.

There were not many people around.

However, a mechanical sound soon sounded.

At the same time, a camera also turned the lens to point at him:

“This gentleman, please note that you have entered an important area of the company in violation of the law, and you are not authorized to move forward…”

All those who have booked a tour of the public test flight of this ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner!

Whether it’s executives from other businesses

Journalists at home and abroad!

Even ordinary people!

At the time of booking, you will need to read the relevant treaties.

With artificial intelligence system monitoring, if the user chooses to skip directly, or pull directly to the end, it is impossible to make an appointment successfully.

I was afraid that I was fooling the past, and I didn’t look at the relevant terms, and when I arrived at the Pinggu Aircraft Manufacturing Center, there were also special people who reminded them that they could not walk around in the aircraft manufacturing center.

The entire aircraft manufacturing center, in some places may not be guarded.

But the security system covers the entire aircraft manufacturing center.

Except for the empty space between the factory areas!

Others, wherever they are close to a certain factory area, any building, will be found.

Without the relevant authorization, alerts will naturally be issued, and relevant images will be recorded and transmitted directly to the security center.

Soon, security guards drove over and brought the person back.

It is impossible to take away.

Because the other party did not do anything, nor did the petty thief come in, the other party also said that he was lost, and some curiosity was walking around here.

There is no problem with all aspects of identity, and it is naturally impossible to take it away.

Deep Blue COMAC and Deep Blue Group do not have that power.

Even on the police side, it is impossible to take him away without the other party doing anything.

This happened no less than 20 times.

Some may be really curious, go to the bathroom, get lost…

There must be some of them commercial spies, or other spy agents.

These people appear once, and they are recorded.

It’s not just entered into Deep Blue’s database.

Relevant data is also entered on the official side.

These people will even be focused on in the future, if they are really spies, either leave Huaxia after this time, or don’t show their horse’s feet in the future… Otherwise, it will definitely be caught. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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