Chapter 280 Driverless Technique Matures

After reading the company, Anjing also learned about the current products of the group’s major subsidiaries.

Deep Blue Car side.

Automotive test site in Rongan.

The relevant tests of driverless technology have ended.

All vehicles that were supposed to test driverless technology at the test site have been withdrawn.

Even the road tests on the road have ended.

Since this year, Deep Blue Automobile’s new cars have been launched one after another, all of which are equipped with assisted driving functions.

This is a castrated version of driverless technology, but it has been well received by many car owners.

Assisted driving technology is much easier to use than the assisted driving functions of many other car companies on the market.

Even better than Tesla’s assisted driving function.

Users praise and are willing to use, and Deep Blue can collect more data.

Plus testing at the test site, as well as road testing… The driverless technology used by Deep Blue cars is already very mature.

Next year…… It can be said that this year.

Driverless technology will be officially launched!

“5G networks and related technologies, after more than two years of development, have covered most cities, and 5G netizens are more stable and fast.”

“We have ordered our own satellites and will use our own navigation in the future…”

“Now we are working with the Tanuki Group and using the navigation provided by the Tanuki Group.”

The new cars launched this year will be equipped with official driverless technology; ”

“The new car launched last year, after updating the car system, can also use the driverless function!”

Deep Blue Auto’s new car launched last year, the components used, as well as all aspects of software and hardware, also support driverless technology.

It’s just that because unmanned driving is not mature enough, castration is carried out, and users can only use assisted driving functions.

With the maturity of driverless technology on the Deep Blue Automobile side, this year’s new car will be officially equipped with driverless technology.

The model launched last year, after the owner update, can also use driverless technology.

Of course…… Whether it is driverless technology or assisted driving functions, there are all on board the car, and it needs to be authorized by the owner to use it.

Anjing at the test site, sitting in a navy D-1 sedan.

There was no one in the driver’s seat, the car drove on the test site without any problems.

This level of testing has long been tested countless times for today’s driverless technology.

It’s really not challenging at all.

An Jing’s computer skills have reached the god level.

After the driverless technology matured, An Jing also took a look and there was no problem.

If there is any problem, it is that the hardware is not up to the requirements.

If the hardware can be improved, driverless technology will be smarter and easier to use.

As far as the hardware in the world is concerned, the driverless technology used in the car is already the best in the world.

The hardware you use will not be better than the Deep Blue car.

Under the same hardware, even the hardware used by Deep Blue cars is better than other car companies.

Other companies’ driverless technology cannot be more powerful than Deep Blue cars.

Even the driverless technology jointly created by Internet companies and car companies will not work.

Jing said: “It seems that many products will be updated next year, so hold a press conference to announce these products.” ”

Deep Blue Group… It seems that there has never been a serious product launch.

At most, when the company is established, or when the order is signed, there is a signing ceremony.

Zhuang Xiaoguang also said: “Driverless technology is officially opened, and product launches can indeed be held for promotion; ”

“Next year, our car will also do an update, and the material company will also update the materials, which is worth holding a product launch meeting…”

He is also a member of the Deep Blue Group.

Zhuang Xiaoguang also knows that the laboratory has authorized Deep Blue Materials Group’s new special alloys, new carbon fibers, conforming materials, polymer materials and other new material technologies and patents.

This year, Fortune announced the world’s top 500, and Deep Blue Group airborne the first place.

$860 billion in terrorist revenue;

Super high profit of 230 billion US dollars.

Countless companies around the world are hot in their eyes.

Major material companies around the world have increased relevant investment and want to grab relevant orders from Deep Blue Materials Group.

There are also many companies, laboratories and research institutions in the world that have developed some relatively good new materials.

Deep Blue Labs also licenses the technology stored to Deep Blue Materials Group.

This year, Deep Blue Materials Group will update various materials and launch a new generation of materials.

By that time… The world’s major material companies will definitely vomit blood and feel the fear of being dominated by deep blue.

As a manufacturer of special alloys, new carbon fiber materials, and other materials, as a research and development personnel of related technologies… How can there be no relevant reserve technology in hand?!

Other companies want to catch up with Anjing if they want to win the Nobel Prize based on Anjing’s research results?

Catching up with Deep Blue Materials Group?

It’s just a dream!

Deep Blue Automotive, and Deep Blue Materials Group as sister companies.

Deep Blue Materials Group has not yet announced relevant news, Deep Blue Automobile’s next year’s car has been confirmed to use a new generation of materials.

Other car companies may not be able to start ordering until Deep Blue Materials Group holds a press conference.

It is expected that the new generation of materials will not be used until the second half of the year or even next year.

Many foreign automobile companies have signed a supply contract with Deep Blue Materials Group, and the period is actually not long.

It is thought that in one or two years, two or three years, other companies will break the monopoly of dark blue materials in special steel and new carbon fiber, and then use materials from other companies, which are not applicable to the products of deep blue material group.

At that time, the price of materials will also come down.

When Deep Blue Materials Group releases a new generation of materials, these foreign car companies are slow.

According to the cooperation standards of Deep Blue Group: sign the order first, deliver first.

Many foreign automobile companies may queue up and do not use the new generation of materials so quickly.

At that time, the product will not be competitive, the market share will decline, and all aspects of revenue may be affected.

Anyway, Zhuang Xiaoguang is not panicked, which is a good thing for Deep Blue Auto.

Almost half a year in advance, you can once again occupy and expand your market share by virtue of the advantages of using a new generation of materials.

In addition to Deep Blue Materials Group, a new generation of materials will be launched;

Deep Blue Auto will launch a new car, driverless technology;

Deep Blue COMAC will also launch low-altitude aircraft;

Calculate it, the Deep Blue Group’s actions next year are really a lot.

Subsequently, An Jing went to the manufacturing center of Deep Blue Materials Group located in Rong’an New District.

As the head of Deep Blue Materials Group, Zhao Rui is not here.

At the beginning of this year, that is, after the new year, Deep Blue Materials Group will launch a new generation of materials, and Zhao Rui is adjusting the entire company’s industrial chain and related production tasks.

Also contact partner companies and invite them to come to the launch when the time comes. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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