Chapter 292: How can you all be interested in the worth?!

“Principal Ji, and everyone, the school will be handed over to you, I need to go to see the low-altitude aircraft, and then I need to inform the above and make some planning… The school side, let everyone bother! ”

At the beginning of this year, the low-altitude aircraft made various improvements, and An Jing also helped to point it out.

Now it is completely settled and the manufacturing of test models begins.

Anjing needs to go back and see…

In addition to the follow-up test, Anjing also needs to report to the above and communicate.

Low-altitude aircraft is something that is not available on the market, it is a completely new product, and if it wants to be produced and marketed, it needs official permission.

At the same time, low-altitude vehicles are created, and they will definitely be put into use.

When it really goes to market, it’s flying over the city.

When doing relevant tests, the official definitely needs someone to follow.

At the same time, for urban transportation planning, aircraft route planning… According to the style of the Chinese side, a city does the pilot.

If it can, it will be rolled out to major cities across the country.

Relevant roads, flight routes, aircraft take-off and landing, and stopping stations, the relevant planning is not a small project.

You must first communicate with the above.

With Anjing’s current status, it is also very convenient to ask the cabinet, or this kind of important matter, it is inevitable that it will participate in the relevant planning and design at that time.

Deep Blue University will definitely not have time to care.

You may not be available until school starts.

President Ji and the professors present said with a smile: “The school’s affairs are left to us, the relevant rules and regulations are almost the same, the school’s faculty has also been counted, the faculties and majors opened have also been determined, the relevant documents have been submitted, just wait for the approval of the education department, and send people down to investigate… Just waiting for the listing, college entrance examination green admission students, and the start of school! ”

“An Jing, don’t worry, you are a busy person, there are many things to deal with, and the things on the school side are almost the same, you go and deal with your own affairs!”

“We’re waiting for the school to get the flying machine fit!”


School design and planning, the professors present know.

When I went to the school to see the progress of construction, a professor asked about the land reserved for take-off and landing of the aircraft, as well as the place to dock.

Not like a bus stop at all.

An Jing also explained to everyone that it is a low-altitude aircraft developed by Deep Blue Lab.

The specific information of the aircraft is not much to say, when the time comes, everyone will know.

And Deep Blue University will be the first to assemble low-altitude aircraft!!

This point will become an important publicity point of Deep Blue University at that time.

Deep Blue University itself uses a lot of high technology and is a smart university… What kind of experience it would be to replace the bus with a low-altitude aircraft directly on campus?!

Even many professors present couldn’t help but feel it.

However, Anjing did not disclose a little news about the low-altitude aircraft.

It will only be known until the school is put into use and the Deep Blue set releases the low-altitude aircraft.

When An Jing left Deep Blue and arrived at the airport, he was discovered.

When he arrived in Yanjing, got off the plane, and left the airport, he was surrounded by reporters.

Mainly when he was in the capital of Anjing Shu, he was discovered, and everyone knew his itinerary, and there were people waiting here.

In addition to media reporters, there are also many people watching the excitement.

An Jing’s car drove directly to the airport, got off the plane and got on the car directly, and this time he was also stopped.

An Jing looked at it, it was really wrong, and he could only get out of the car.

“Don’t be crowded, thank you!”

“Please don’t squeeze forward, thank you!”

Shi Zhixing, Wei Ran, and the four of them protected An Jing, and at the same time, the secret security personnel also surrounded him.

Anjing’s own bodyguards totaled 10 security guards.

Security guards inside the airport also followed, stopping journalists who wanted to get closer and people watching the excitement.

An Jing saw that the traffic was blocked and the car could not move, so he could only come down and say: “What do you want to ask?” There’s no need to chase me like this, right? I’m not a star? ”

“Let’s go to the open area, let’s give up the position first…”

“Little brother over there, the car will deduct points when it is parked on the side of the road, hurry up and drive away, everyone doesn’t have to make fun like this!”

After An Jing got out of the car, he found that the road was blocked by these reporters watching the excitement, and under the escort of security personnel, he walked to the parking lot outside the airport.

Seeing a driver stop the car because the road was blocked, it seemed that because he saw Anjing, he stopped the car directly, wanting to follow to see the liveliness.

Immediately said it!

Security guards on this side of the airport, and even nearby traffic police, followed to maintain traffic.

Let the surrounding drivers leave quickly, and cannot stop to cause traffic jams.

When we arrived at the relatively empty place of the parking lot, everyone was not crowded, and An Jing was obviously stopping for an interview.

“Well, it’s good that everyone doesn’t crowd, now if there is anything you want to ask, you can ask… Let me answer some questions right away. ”

An Jing’s voice fell, and soon a reporter asked:

“What do you think about becoming the richest man in the world?”

“Forbes’ valuation of Deep Blue Group and statistics on your worth, many people feel that it is inaccurate, what do you think?”

There were even reporters who complained about An Jing: “Who let An Jing never appear in public, nor do you accept interviews, and you can’t make an appointment to do interviews, everyone also wants to interview you and ask a few questions…”

“What has An Jing been busy with lately? The ultra-long-range continental airliner has completed its research and development, and the material group’s new product launch has not participated? ”


Twitter, if it were not for the strong brain, these questions would basically be remembered as soon as they passed the ears.

Another person may not hear what these reporters are asking.

In addition to reporters, there are even many ordinary people who are busy asking questions.

“Why are you all interested in my worth?”

An Jing asked rhetorically, and then said: “I have actually never paid attention to such a thing as worth, as I said before, this is all a nihilistic thing, and I can’t really come up with so much money…”

“Therefore, no matter what statistics of the rich list, I don’t pay much attention to it, and I don’t care very much, whether he counts my worth more or less, it doesn’t matter.”

“When people count my worth, my worth is not more, or less… Why care? ”

“If you care about this, you might as well do something else!”

“I don’t show my face in public because I don’t think I want to show my face in public.”

“I, like everyone, have my own things to do, have my own things to be busy, spit on the reporters I don’t accept interviews, let’s talk about it next time I have the opportunity…”

“I must have been busy with Deep Blue University recently!”

“It is also announced here that the president of Deep Blue University will be Professor Ji Zhongyuan; In addition, the school’s teaching staff has been counted, and when the school starts this year, there will be more than 300 teachers; ”

“Among them, there are more than 20 academicians (including dual-appointment academicians); 8 national-level famous teachers, more than 20 Changjiang Scholars Award Program (including young scholars); More than 40 recipients of the Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars; 3 members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences…”_

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