(Thanks: [180***9887] 100V tip!) )

Deep Blue University was officially established.

Former leaders, deputy cabinet members, presidents of other universities, and others have only come today.

Princess Daisley and the president of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences also arrived yesterday.

Rest for a night.

Today I will go to the Deep Blue University to participate in the inauguration ceremony.

Only Li Yun and Ma Tengyun came to inspect for a few days, participated in some investments, and visited the school.

But…… The two must also accompany today.

An Jing and President Ji Zhongyuan led everyone to visit the university.


The low-altitude aircraft flew directly from the Deep Blue Group to the Deep Blue University for formal assembly.

With a diameter of more than 20 meters, it is also impossible to pull it over with a car.

Naturally, it flew over.

The relevant testing has been completed, and the procedures and qualified tests for various manufacturing have been obtained.

Low-altitude aircraft are commercially available.

Today, it’s not just Deep Blue University that is officially equipped with low-altitude aircraft.

in the Deep Blue Science and Technology Park;

Rong’an New District;

Yen Ching Restaurant!


All have begun to assemble low-altitude aircraft.

Due to production problems, only one or two low-altitude vehicles may be in operation in the early stage, and then they will gradually be put on the market.

In just two pilot cities, 50 orders were placed!

Deep Blue Precision that side increases the line on the hi must.

Otherwise, after the pilot, major cities across the country will be listed, and enterprises, individuals, foreign buyers…

With so many orders, where can they be processed?

The spare land of the Deep Blue Group Park has also begun construction to build a production line for low-altitude aircraft.

“Is this holographic projection technology?”

Walk around the Deep Blue University campus.

The various high-tech technologies used in Deep Blue University can be seen.

Even road forks have artificial intelligence recognition programs that provide services to people.

People who are not familiar with the school can directly ask how to go elsewhere in the school, and they can give answers.

There will even be a set of holographic projections directly projected, your current location, and a map of the entire university, showing the relevant walking route.

Holographic technology is actually not very difficult to achieve.

It is a mirror image formed by the refraction of the light source, which can be done in many companies and even some craftsmen.

It’s just that it requires a variety of light sources for projection, which is more complicated.

Deep Blue University is obviously much simpler, and there is no complex light projection device.

It’s just projected from a very small, sign-mounted pillar, which is very stunning.

“Some small means are just that, according to artificial intelligence algorithms and recognition technology, according to the questions raised by users, give answers and instructions…”

This is the relevant research that Deep Blue Labs is doing, which is not holographic technology in the true sense.

It’s about simplifying some devices.

The projected projection can be well in the line of sight, and the environmental requirements are so high.

It’s just that you can see it, and it’s impossible to touch it.

“That’s awesome too!!”

Many of the people present are academics, and of course they know that there are some technological innovations involved.

An Jing said simply.

It’s not that simple.

Deep Blue University is a smart university.

Various artificial intelligence and recognition technologies are widely used here.

In addition, everyone communicates here and talks about Chinese.

Princess Daisilei is a Huaxia Tong and can understand what everyone is saying.

But the entourage, the president of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and three academicians did not understand Chinese.

They carry translators, and the deep blue group provides simultaneous translators, which are very accurate.

Visited the school, compared to when he came over two months ago.

Many transplanted trees also grow a lot more luxuriantly.

I expect it to be better when school starts.

“This is a low-altitude aircraft.”

On the university side, the low-altitude aircraft that flew over only yesterday was docked at the landing station that the academy had already set up.

This is located on the side of the school dormitory building, where aircraft take off every day and fly around the school.

It’s like a school bus.

The deputy member of the cabinet looked at the obviously smaller low-altitude aircraft in front of him and said: “This aircraft seems to be much smaller than the last time I saw it in the Deep Blue Group!” ”

An Jing said: “If you use it in and around the school, you can’t use such a large aircraft, and a small low-altitude aircraft is more suitable for the school…”

Everyone moved inside the aircraft.

Three entrances and exits, and a lift.

The interior is very spacious, the arrangement is not very dense, even very spacious, there is even a counter on the first floor with some coffee machines, refrigerators and other things.

It can be seen that in the future, it may be made into a convenience store to serve passengers in the aircraft.

The side of the aircraft is also glass.

You can see what’s going on outside;

A staircase leads to the second floor of the aircraft.

The second floor is similar to the first floor, and now when docked, the view is better.

After the aircraft flies, the field of view of the first and second layers is similar.

Princess Daisilei found this flying machine very interesting and asked, “Can the flying machine take off?!” ”

An Jing said: “It can take off, if you want to feel it, you can let the pilot fly a circle, the takeoff of the aircraft is very stable.” ”

There is no need to say more about this.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to set up a convenience store inside the aircraft.

For the sake of safety, An Jing also said: “If you are unwell, afraid of heights, or have a heart attack, you can bring it up…”

Most of the people present came by plane.

Fear of heights, airsickness, motion sickness are basically absent.

Everyone wants to feel about low-altitude aircraft, and they are obviously interested in this aspect.

This time, there is a pilot on the aircraft.

Low-altitude vehicles have unmanned systems, and unmanned ones were used when testing, and later pilots were tested in tests.

Now that it is officially on the market, drivers are definitely needed.

In the event of an emergency, it is definitely the pilot who operates the aircraft.

After receiving the command, the pilot starts to start the aircraft.

It’s similar to a bus, put away the landing ladder first.

The whole action is fast and safe.

The design of the aircraft will not have the situation of pinching people when the take-off and landing brother is put away.

Everyone stood inside the aircraft, and the deputy cabinet member looked around and asked a question: “Is there no place to support except for the seat?” ”

Inside the aircraft, only the seats are fixed.

The interior of the aircraft does not have pillars or handrails that can be supported like buses.

An Jing has not yet answered, and many people have not even sat down, still standing.

At this time, everyone didn’t even feel anything, they saw the scene in the line of sight, and there were some changes!

The low-altitude aircraft is in the air!!

Very stable!!

I didn’t even feel the craft shaking.

Not even the sound of the engine was heard.

“Is it so stable?!”

“Is this really a flying machine? Are takeoffs and landings so stable? ”


On the aircraft, everyone showed expressions of surprise and shock.

This is also too stable, right?! _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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