Chapter 36: $60 billion, raising $10 billion!

The lack of profit in Yisou will have a certain impact on the market capitalization.

However, in the United States, many investment institutions and investors are optimistic about the future of Yisou.

Investment institutions and investors are still optimistic about loss-making high-tech companies, as long as they have core technology and market share…

Tanuki lost 6 years, lost 12 years, and Amazon lost 20 years.

But none of these companies have a low market capitalization.

Although Yisou has grown in terms of losses, market share and revenue, everyone has also seen.

In the future, Yisou will enter a profit period, and the profit will not be too low.

Although Yisou is losing money, it has core technology, and the search engine market has suppressed Qiandu, which is an important part of Anshi Technology’s assets, which is regarded as a core link.

It is a very high-quality asset.

Many investment institutions and investors are optimistic!

What’s more, this is a quiet company.

At this time, none of the companies founded by Anjing were really listed, at most the subsidiaries of its subsidiaries were listed.

I feel that if there is anything to do with Anjing, there will be a lot of blessings.

A dozen days.

Anshi Technology has also completed a restructuring!

Deep Blue Lab merges R&D departments such as operating system, big data, cloud computing, chip instruction set design and related technologies and patents into Anshi Technology.

At the same time, Anshi Technology once again introduced Qingda Holdings, Huaxin International, Rice, OV. OP, and other companies have become shareholders of this financing.

If you add Qianxun Group, Ah Tanu Group, Hongwei Group, and other companies that previously invested in Anshi Technology.

Among the shareholders of Anshi Technology, it can be said that most of the Huaxia Internet technology, mobile devices, software and hardware are gathered.

It has opened up a real upstream and downstream industrial chain ecology.

Anshi Technology’s third financing, the valuation is not only the previous said 40 billion US dollars.

It’s $62 billion!

This financing has also increased from the previous $8 billion to $10 billion.

After this financing.

Anshi Technology’s shareholding has also become very complicated:

Anjing Private Investment Fund: 28.6%

Deep Blue Labs: 21.6%

Qianxun Group: 17.3%

Tanuki Group: 10.6

Hongwei Group: 8.4%

Qingda Holdings: 4%

Huaxin International: 3.8

Rice companies: 2.6%



Anshi Technology is now the third largest instant messaging software in the field of instant messaging.

Instant messaging belongs to the hinterland of Qianxun Group, and every time Anshi Technology raises funds, no matter what conditions, Qianxun dies the same as following the investment and leading the investment twice.

This time, Anshi Technology took over the technologies of Deep Blue Lab, and its assets increased a lot!

Qianxun Group also continued to follow the investment and kept the large extent of its hands not diluted.

Anjing himself, together with Deep Blue Real Room, holds a total of 0.2% of An’s shares, and the voting rights are still more than 90%

This shareholding is very high for an Internet technology company.

That’s because Deep Blue Labs got on board.

If Deep Blue Labs is excluded, after three financings, Anjing’s stake in Anshi Technology is only 28.6%.

Now Anjing still owns half of the shares through its own investment fund, and Deep Blue Labs.

This shareholding is still quite large.

There should be another fundraising in the future, and a 40% stake or even 35% after the final listing is an acceptable figure.

Among the shareholders introduced this time, Huaxin International naturally needless to say, is the largest chip manufacturing company in China, and many domestic wafer fabs, most of which are Huaxin International;

And Qingda Holdings, listening to the name, you can know that it is related to Qingda!

As many people know, Tsingda University is the top university in China.

But I didn’t know that Qingda still has its own enterprise, that is: Qingda Holdings!

Qingda Holdings is a very powerful enterprise!

Total assets exceed hundreds of billions!

Just its listed companies, with a market value of hundreds of billions, there are three!

The main business of Qingda Holdings is high-tech industry;

In 2013, Unigroup, a subsidiary of Tsingda Holdings, acquired Spreadtrum and RDA at prices of US$1.8 billion and US$910 million respectively.

Directly ranked the top three companies in chip design companies and acquired two!

In 2016, Qingda Holdings subscribed for 480 million shares of TCL and acquired 21.52% of the shares of Fengtian Machine Tool; acquired H3C, a subsidiary of HP; 600 million US dollars subscribed to the chip “packaging and testing third brother” Licheng Technology; 24 billion subscriptions to Western Digital; $23 billion to receive Shangmei Technology…

In the field of chip design, chip manufacturing, memory, and semiconductors, Qingda is also very powerful.

It’s the predators hidden behind the scenes.

Speaking of which, An Jing himself is a person from Qingda, and he is still a professor of Qingda.

However, although Qingda Holdings was established by Qingda, it is 100% controlled.

But the two operate separately and do not interfere much with each other.

Anshi Technology introduced shareholders to integrate the upstream and downstream industrial chains of domestic semiconductors, mobile devices and so on, and Qingda Holdings saw this opportunity and directly contacted Anjing and expressed its willingness to invest in Anshi Technology.

This is also an opportunity!

Anshi Technology is indeed worth the investment.

Looking at the introduction of domestic Internet technology, mobile devices, chips, semiconductors, software and hardware upstream and downstream industries, it is obvious that there is a big move.

Look at Deep Blue Group’s bringing Huaxia industrial manufacturing and aviation fields to the top of the world.

Anshi Technology integrates domestic industries in this area, is also ready to make efforts?

Qingda Holdings does not say that investing in Anshi Technology makes a profit and makes money.

Supporting Anshi Technology is to support the development of this aspect in China.

Whether it succeeds in the end or not, it can!

However, there is An Jing, An Jing is only 21 years old, as a Nobel Prize winner, although he has been studying industrial manufacturing things before.

But everyone knows that Anjing’s attainment in computers is very high;

various control systems of ultra-long-range intercontinental airliners;

various control systems of fighters;

driverless technology used by Deep Blue cars;

The artificial intelligence technology used by Anshi Technology…

These are all by Anjing’s hand.

Therefore, in terms of computers, An Jing also has high attainments.

Genius Ru Anjing, who won the Nobel Prize at the age of 19, has stabilized Deep Blue Group in industrial manufacturing.

Nowadays, specializing in computer software and hardware, semiconductors, there will definitely be a lot of achievements.

Let alone…… Deep Blue Lab merged into the research department of Anshi Technology, related technologies and patents, everyone can see.

Otherwise, the total assets and valuation of Anshi Technology would not have increased so much.

Huaxin International, rice and other companies will not enter the market so simply and invest a lot of money, only occupying a few points of shares?

It must be optimistic about Anshi Technology, but also to become a link in the entire industrial chain.

In the future, you can directly use the latest technology of Anshi Technology.

“The faster the cooperation!”

“The faster the cooperation!”

“I didn’t expect that An Jing’s research in semiconductors has reached this level!”

“Over the years, everyone has only seen the rise of Deep Blue Group: Deep Blue Automobile, Deep Blue Materials, Deep Blue Commercial Flying Company, low-altitude aircraft… Unexpectedly, An Dong is still studying semiconductors! ”

“I have long known that Deep Blue Precision is very powerful in high-end instruments and equipment, but I didn’t expect that the lithography machine could also be built!”


On the side of Anshi Technology.

After more than a dozen companies signed the contract, it marked the official conclusion of the financing.

The relevant funds will be credited to the account of Anshi Technology in batches.

For this financing, as well as the restructuring of Anshi Technology, so many research results on systems, chip instruction sets, chip processing and manufacturing, and raw materials were taken out from Deep Blue Lab, and everyone saw them.

Although it was taken out by Deep Blue Labs.

In fact, everyone knows that many of them have been slowly researched by An Jing over the years. _

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