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Rong’an New Area, Deep Blue Group Park.

The previously purchased reserve land has begun construction for the production and manufacture of low-altitude aircraft.

In the Deep Blue Group Park, there are also low-altitude aircraft that are as small as Deep Blue University.

At the same time, in Rong’an New Area and Yanjing, large, city-operated low-altitude aircraft are also in use.

It makes it easier to travel between Rong’an New Area and Yanjing, as well as other nearby cities, and the connection between cities is tighter.

Deep Blue Labs.

Operating system, chip semiconductor, big data, cloud computing and other related research departments, together with related research results and patents, have been merged into Anshi Technology.

However, it does not mean that relevant research will be moved to Shanghai.

Related research is still being conducted in Deep Blue Labs.

At the same time, Deep Blue Labs is also expanding.

The chairman and technical personnel of Qingda Holdings, Huaxin International, Hongwei Group, Rice and other companies arrived at Deep Blue Laboratory.

Anshi Technology completed financing and came up with relevant technical achievements, as well as related technologies and patents.

After these things were merged into Anshi Technology, the company’s valuation increased directly from $40 billion to $62 billion.

There are still so many companies willing to invest.

After the financing is completed, it is natural to come and take a look.

Enter the face recognition information, change into a dust-proof suit, disinfect and remove dust, and enter an ultra-high standard dust-free workshop in the Deep Blue Laboratory.

People who are familiar with semiconductor and chip manufacturing can see… The equipment here is used to produce chips.

Whether it is a lithography machine or an etching machine, many people think that it is a machine?!

A machine indeed!

But it’s a very sophisticated set of instruments.

Wrapped in its own hands, it is a very large instrument.

Just by looking at the appearance, you can’t see anything.

The etching machine is like a cabinet, wrapped in metal; The lithography machine is even more huge and can be seen as a huge container box.

In addition, there are developers, coating machines, injection machines and other equipment.

This is a small chip production line.

Chips such a high-precision thing, the processing accuracy is one ten-thousandth of a hair, is not at all what people can do.

Some people even suspect that integrated circuit chips are simply not something that humans can study … Well, maybe alien technology?!

The processing technology of integrated circuits is really too limiting… And it did.

Watching the production line run, eventually… A chip was taken out by the laboratory staff and handed to An Jing.

This is a 10nm chip.

Compared with the top mobile phone devices on the market, the mature 5nm process is already in use.

10nm is very poor!

However, for many electrical appliances, the 16nm process can be used.

Not to mention chips with 10nm process.

At present, the most mainstream chip used is still a 1nm.12nm 14nm chip.

Like 5M.3nm process sheets, only some of the most top-notch high-end equipment will be used.

Such as various high-end mobile phones.

In fact, for a chip manufacturing company.

The revenue and profit of 5nm cutting-edge chips are not high, accounting for less than 20%.

The real money is concentrated in 10nm 12nm.14nm chips, which account for more than 65% of revenue.

“It’s really a graphene chip!”

From the wafer of the manufactured chip, to the photoresist and other materials, and now to the chip production, everyone is watching.

This is not a silicon chip.

Graphene technology is used.

Compared with silicon-based chips, graphene chips have the advantages of extremely high carrier speed and excellent isometric reduction characteristics.

Graphene was discovered as early as 04.

In ’09, Andrei Geim and Konstantin Novoselov discovered the Hall effect in single-layer and double-layer graphene systems, respectively, and won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics.

IBM made the first graphene chip in 2010;

Intel also said in 2015 that when the chip process reaches 7nm, it will not consider continuing to use silicon crystals to make new chips, and will consider using other materials instead.

The best alternative: graphene materials.

China also developed graphene chips as early as 2016, but the relevant technology is not mature enough and has not been put into commercial use at all.

Another point is that the cost of graphene is relatively high.

One or two graphene chips doesn’t matter.

But large-scale commercial use, hundreds of millions of fast chip manufacturing, this cost increase is very terrible.

However, the silicon-based chip process technology now used has reached 5nm. or even 3nm. has reached a physical limit.

It’s very difficult to go further.

Even Moore’s Law will come to an end at this time.

The process technology is difficult to break through, so it can only be replaced by other materials under the current process technology.

Chips created by limited process technology can release more powerful performance.

The electron migration rate of graphene chips is 10 times that of silicon materials.

Theoretically, the main frequency of graphene chips can reach 300GHz.

The amount of heat dissipation and power consumption is much lower than that of silicon-based chips.

Research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that graphene can increase the operating speed of chips a million times.

Of course, this is just theory.

But it also shows that in the future development of chips, after silicon materials reach the extreme limit process, if you want to improve chip performance, you can only choose new materials.

At the same size, under the same process technology, more powerful performance is unleashed.

Graphene is the best material to replace silicon chips.

At least now, large-scale graphene materials are still difficult to manufacture, and the cost is also high.

If it is only used to create chip-sized graphene materials, the cost has been reduced to less than 0.5 yuan.

It is also possible to further reduce the cost of raw materials.

That is… Order volume!!!

All companies use your chips, using graphene materials, to drive down costs even further.

This is also why, when Anshi Technology is financing, the company’s own products have a circular ecology;

The shareholders of the introducing company are all held by other enterprises, not by investment institutions.

It is because all the shareholders of Anshi Technology can form an ecological chain of upstream and downstream industries.

“Can you test the performance?!”

The chip designer of Huasi Semiconductor, a subsidiary of Hongwei Group, took over this 10nm graphene chip from other bigwigs, and was also very careful.

With the naked eye alone, you can’t see anything.

If you want to really test whether this magic chip is excellent or not, you still need an instrument test.

An Jing said: “Of course it can be tested!! ”

In fact, when Anshi Technology raised its third round of financing and introduced these shareholders.

An Jing took out a batch of graphene chips produced by tape-out with a 14nm process.

These chips, the companies present are taken back for testing, and only after accepting a valuation of $62 billion will invest in Anshi Technology.

After completing the investment, the first time to visit the graphene chip project at the Deep Blue Lab.

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