Chapter 331 Military Training Exercise

From the end of August to the end of September.

The entire military training lasted more than 3 days.

The last day of military training is naturally a graduation ceremony, like a real army being tested.

One month, from platooning, military physical boxing, cross-country, camping training, live shooting, self-rescue and mutual rescue of war wounded, fire drills, anti-terrorism air defense evacuation drills and other disciplines.

Now is the time for review.

An Jing, Major General Wang Feng, Principal Ji, school leaders, Shudu City, Qianzhou City Education Commission, Military Training Office, and Shudu Military Commander.

Attend the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2022 of Deep Blue University.

In addition, this graduation ceremony is open to the outside world.

Parents and even journalists in Shudu, or in nearby cities, can visit.

Because Deep Blue University does not admit many students for the first time.

During the training of the Shudu military headquarters, it was divided into several companies.

However, at the closing ceremony, only four teams were divided into four teams to be reviewed.

The four teams will present all the leaders, guests, and other visitors what they have learned this month.

2:30 p.m.

The four square teams were assembled.

All guests in attendance, outside visitors arrived.

Major General Wang Feng, commander of the Shudu Military Headquarters and commander-in-chief of this military training, and Principal Ji.

On the training ground, the three inspected the four teams to review the assembly, and then returned to the summit platform to sit down and announce the start of the review.

Immediately, with the majestic “March” moving away, under the leadership of the military flag team, the four major teams took neat steps, every swing of arms and every kick was strong and powerful, and the movements were consistent.

Every step is so neat, out of the momentum of thousands of troops!!

When walking past the summit platform, loud slogans, look at the summit platform.

Four square teams is not much.

At the same time, it is very neat, plus the military training uniform on the side of the Shudu military headquarters, the regular army is about the same;

And the four teams, whether boys’ or girls, are all armed with weapons.

That kind of soldier’s fortitude and courage, that heroic and sassy temperament, with the whole, neat and consistent pace, the head of the Ao came to stand tall, and won everyone’s applause!

This is a regular army.

In addition to walking and lining up.

After that, the four square teams performed grappling fights, military body punches, dagger drills, formation changes and so on.

grappling fighting, flowing action, magnificent momentum;

The woman performed the dagger maneuver neatly, fiercely and boldly.

Even though the number of people participating in the military training of Deep Blue University this time is not large, the military training results shown by all the students in this military training exercise have also been recognized by everyone.

To be able to train like this in just one month is like a truly mighty and majestic division.

At least what is shown in front of everyone is very

For this graduation ceremony, all the students worked very hard and hard, this moment.

The audience burst into more than a dozen warm applause, which is the greatest affirmation of their efforts for more than a month.

After the parade, Major General Wang Feng, the general of military training, announced the commendation notice.

Commending outstanding collective and individual performance in the process of military training; All instructors were also awarded honorary certificates of military training instructors.

Major General Wang Feng made a simple speech.

The highest commander of the Shudu Military Department also sat down in a simple speech, saying that military training is the first lesson in college;

This is the first time that the Shudu Military Department has cooperated with colleges and universities in military training, and there are many deficiencies that will be actively corrected, and military training is an important opportunity to promote the deep integration of military and civilian to constantly create a new situation and make new progress.

During the military training, the students could also experience the spirit of enduring hardships and standing hard work, cherishing the collective, and being diligent and optimistic.

It is hoped that students can continue to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, strengthen their sense of mission and family and country, actively participate in collective construction, and grow in the collective;

Persist in self-improvement and meet various difficulties and challenges.

Finally, the commander of the Shudu Military Department praised all the students who participated in the military training and congratulated all the students on successfully completing the military training.

I would also like to express my gratitude to all the instructors, teachers, and counselors who have worked hard.

After the military training, all the students said goodbye to the instructors, carried their luggage, and gathered at the take-off and landing point of the aircraft.

Only one month of getting along, the classmates and the military training instructors, have formed a deep friendship, many people shed tears in this parting.

All students flew back to Deep Blue University to greet them on the eleventh long holiday.

After the long holiday, classes are officially held.


The final military training performance of Deep Blue University was uploaded to the Internet by everyone.

There are even live broadcasts.

The official blog of Deep Blue University often publishes some news related to military training, and the front looks relaxed, and students are shouting tired;

In the middle of the period, the students gradually got used to this kind of military training.

began to mingle with the instructors, and sometimes arranged Anjing;

The training in the later stage is really very hard and hard.

All kinds of positive steps, formations, really training according to the standards of military men, pulling a line, when kicking is in the position of that line, no more and no less …

Very hard!

But for the final performance, everyone is working hard.

At the final performance, the applause on the stage of the summit, as well as the applause of the parents of the students who came to visit, as well as the applause of other audiences and media, was the greatest affirmation.

For this military training, other students from the outside world, some expressed envy, some people said that the military training of Deep Blue University was really crazy, and some people said that they did not understand…

However, on the side of Deep Blue University, the students who participated in this military training have their own gains.

After returning to school, it is the eleventh holiday.

The classmates sorted out, they can take a good rest for a week, and then officially return to school.

It can be said that after most students go home during the holidays, parents can feel that their children have changed a lot when they come back this time.

On Anjing’s side, two courses are also opened at Deep Blue University!

Courses in materials and mechanics.

This semester after the long holiday in October.

An Jing teaches at Deep Blue University.

At the same time, Deep Blue University also has many research and development projects.

It is Deep Blue Technology, or Anjing’s own private investment fund, which is responsible for investing.

An Jing is at Deep Blue University, in addition to teaching, he will continue to do research.

Because Deep Blue University does not recruit graduate students, many professors come over.

Bring your own project… They also bring their own students.

Most of the researchers who bring them are graduate students, including master’s students, doctoral students… are from other universities, to the Deep Blue University, other universities will not object, after completing relevant research, submitting papers, you can also graduate successfully.

An Jing teaches very easily at Deep Blue University, and the research on the school’s side is also constantly advancing.

The company’s affairs, An Jing will also take time to take a look.

For the research of the Deep Blue Lab, Anjing will also help through remote meetings or emails.

Anyway, this year, An Jing will stay most of the time to teach at Deep Blue University.

Occasionally I will go to Yanjing, and I will take a look at companies and laboratories.

At the same time, it is also paying attention to the situation on the side of Anshi Technology.

Look at the research progress of other major shareholders on the entire Anshi Technology battleship in their respective fields? _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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