The research on the “Linglong carrier-based fighter” began several years ago.

Before the Anjing passed, he had studied for so many years and had a profound accumulation.

An Jing joined the 103 Institute, at most, to promote and speed up this process, solve the most core engine problems, as well as manufacturing and mechanical processing problems.

After the engine is upgraded, in the design and manufacture of fighters, there is naturally more room to play, and naturally faster.

Secondly, the upgrading of mechanical equipment, processing technology and precision improvement also allow researchers to be more open in terms of design.

The entire R&D process is naturally accelerated.

All this is because of the accumulation of previous ones.

The research of carrier-based fighters themselves has entered a later stage, but due to various restrictions, it has been delayed in advancing to the final stage of manufacturing tests.

The addition of An Jing is to solve the core problem, remove this limitation, let researchers have more room to play, plus the accumulation of previous years, in order to complete the development of carrier-based fighters so quickly.

This accumulation over many years is not even just the accumulation of carrier-based fighters … And where is the accumulation of other fighters, fighters.

Where is it said that An Jing alone can promote the entire fighter research and development, because of his joining, the “Linglong carrier-based fighter” can be developed.

The credit is not for Anjing alone, but for everyone in the entire institute!

It is also the accumulation and heritage left by countless researchers in the past that can complete the research and development so quickly.

“I just went to the big subordinates, and I didn’t dare to take credit… For more than a month, I was in military training in the army, and I didn’t help much, everyone said that it was because of me, the “Linglong carrier-based fighter” could be developed, it really looked up to me, don’t kill me… Just let me go and get a piece of credit! ”

Anyway, Anjing’s greater credit is the upgrade and optimization scheme of the aero engine.

This is what all fighters, aircraft, can use.

That’s the real credit.

Of course, it is impossible to say that Anjing did not have much credit for the “Linglong carrier-based fighter”.

If Anjing had not joined the 103 Institute, the entire R&D project might have been pushed back for several years.

Don’t underestimate the various solutions put forward by Anjing.

He is a god-level skill “mechanic”, and his perspective is completely different from that of others.

He is mechanical, but he stands in the realm of God!

At the same time, the greater gravity brought by the engine optimization god level and the upgrade of processing instruments allow researchers in the institute to have a greater role.

This is a fighter!

To put it bluntly, it may be just a screw that weighs too much, and the impact is huge.

Every weight must be calculated!

What does it mean for researchers to have improved engines, machining and precision?

The difficulty of the entire R&D process has dropped several times.

Anyway, outsiders don’t need to know this, and they don’t need to know what Anjing has contributed.

They’re just eating melons.

Those who know can understand the contribution made by Anjing.

But Academician Wang and Academician Zeng, as well as other researchers, all supported Anjing.

Anjing’s great contributions to the Linglong fighter and even the entire aerospace engineering are obvious to all.

These are all designed to be classified projects, and it cannot be said specifically.

But there are two academicians, so many experts and scholars support Anjing, and Anjing can’t keep a low profile.

At the same time, many people know that An Jing’s role in the research and development project of the “Linglong fighter” is definitely not low.

After a while of water, An Jing looked at the time, it was almost twelve o’clock?

“Hurry up and sleep!”

An Jing doesn’t want to “become stronger”, think about the scholars in the institute, who are half-bald at a young age, all caused by staying up late and working overtime.

Pulled the blanket over his body and quickly fell asleep.


The next day.

While eating breakfast, An Jing found An Jianguo: “Dad, I negotiated a technology buyout contract with the Aerospace Industry Group, they paid me a sum of money, I want to open a car manufacturing company, I want to go to Yanjing to study, so I am going to find a place to build a factory in Yanjing, do you want to come with me to see?” ”

An Jianguo: “??? ”

Zhang Ru: “??? ”

An Jing’s father and mother both looked at their son, the kind that stared.

What’s more, An Jianguo also opened a motorcycle manufacturing factory at the beginning, and then it declined step by step, and finally sold hundreds of millions of dollars even with the land… But he also knows the value of a car production equipment.

The poor car production line also costs tens of millions!

The better ones may cost more than a billion.

The son must have something hiding from them!

“Say, what’s going on!?”

Zhang Ru stared at her son and asked seriously.

Even An Jianguo was curious about what foundation his son had come up with and was bought by the Aerospace Industry Group!!

An Jianguo knows more than Zhang Ru, the aerospace industry group, but the top 50 central enterprises, is a hegemonic aerospace enterprise.

How did you buy your son’s technology?

What kind of technology can be bought by such a company?

“Oh… It is a technology in terms of engines, which has been sold to the aerospace industry group, that is, billions of dollars, I asked them to help me get a car production line, ready to open a supercar manufacturing company! ”

“By the way… When I was in the research institute, I designed it by the way. ”

“When I was in military training, the researchers of the institute built the designed car to thank me for my help during this time, and now park it in the underground parking lot!”

An Jing’s understated tone.

But for Zhang Ru and An Jianguo, they were very surprised!


You know, An Jing’s father, or An Jing’s family, has less than 1 billion in all his family property.

It was not very profitable to make motorcycles in the beginning, and they were all OEM … Later, battery cars and bicycles were also manufactured.

That is, the land was sold for several hundred million.

When selling land, those old production lines are not asked for by anyone.

Selling scrap iron is not worth a few bucks.

Didn’t I think my son went to the research institute and earned billions?

“Hurry, make it clear!”

Zhang Ru and An Jianguo felt that this matter was not simple and they had to ask well.

An Jing said: “There are some things that cannot be said, anyway, I sold a technology and made billions of dollars, and I want to open a supercar manufacturing company…”

An Jing spoke briefly.

To sum up: An Jing has a sum of funds in the account, also has technical reserves, and wants to start a business!

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