Chapter 348 accidentally drove car sales to soar

In addition to netizens.

There are indeed many people who congratulated An Jing on the bib.

After getting the news, many of them personally called An Jing to congratulate and inquire about the date of marriage.

Approaching the New Year, most people get married, that is, the year before and after.

Since An Jing has proposed to Wu Yumeng, marriage should not be far away.

Like Li Yun, Ma Tengyun, Mr. Lei of the rice company, and the chairman of Hongwei Group.

Even the dean of Anjing, the president of Qing University, and people who have been in contact with several research institutes.

At the same time, there are Shi Bingwei, Wang Siyuan, He Rui, and Qin Ren who An Jing met before at SCC.

All called and asked when he would get married.

As Anjing’s status continues to soar, although there is not much contact, they will still send a message or call to greet each other during the New Year’s holiday.

It is also often said that there is time to get together, although it is all kind words.

But if An Jing gets married, they must not be absent.

An Jing himself also knows that no matter how low-key he is when he gets married, there will be many people.

But today’s marriage proposal was also thought of after An Jing returned from Ryan.

When the wedding would take place, he really didn’t think about it.

An Jing’s parents and Wu Yumeng’s parents only came over today.

The marriage side still needs to be discussed.

An Jing’s reply is that the marriage date has not yet been officially set, and you will definitely be invited after it is decided.

Next, everyone found that An Jing’s phone did not stop until there was no power to turn off.

This is still an Anjing mobile phone stored in the number, can call in… You can’t call without a number.

After the phone was turned off, An Jing did not charge.

If there is anything, let’s talk about it tomorrow or in the evening.

In the evening, everyone played for a while, sang a birthday song for Wu Yumeng together, and then cut the cake.

At ten o’clock in the evening, An Jing arranged a car to send a few people back.

There are also some people who live directly on the quiet side.

There are not many other things on the side of Minghu Yuyuan, that is, there are many guest rooms, and ten people can easily live here.


A few days.

From An Jing being attacked, and then An Jing proposed to Wu Yumeng, the investigation point made the neck collapse.

On other social networking sites, there is also a lot of discussion about it.

Anshi Technology’s voice assistant has also entered the field of instant messaging and social networking, and many people use it.

Some details of Anjing’s attack and the results of the handling were also slowly announced.

Netizens also found a little.

That’s when silence is attacked.

The entire car he was riding in was strafed by various rifles, or several people with several rifles fired in turn, and the wheels were burst.

Even hit by RPGs.

It was all right, no overturn, no explosion.

It’s a super fortress!!

Such a customized, extended D-1 model attracted everyone’s attention.

Some netizens analyzed that the customized extended D-1 is made of the first generation of special type and special alloy.

Ordinary weapons simply cannot be injured.

Let alone…… Anjing’s car should be further deeply customized, and the materials used may be better.

Because the quality of the special alloy is actually not heavy, the whole vehicle is lengthened, or a bulletproof model, it is not too heavy, and the engine performance is more terrifying.

Starting and accelerating are not too slow in all aspects.

Such a car, even if it is attacked by missiles, will not directly blow up the car.

At most, the people in the car are shocked.

But…… The whole car also has a design for shock absorption, and the people in the car will not be too dangerous.

Many people may have watched too many movies and TV series.

Isn’t it normal to think that the car can withstand the shooting of bullets?

In fact, this is not the case.

If there is a shooting, or even a rifle shooting, hiding behind the door, hiding behind the car… Completely unfeasible.

Think about ordinary vehicles, just collide, what becomes of it?

It’s just a layer of iron, which can block bullets?!

Simply impossible.

Some foreign netizens directly tested ordinary vehicles and models under Deep Blue.

The ordinary car created without using the materials of the Deep Blue Group was directly beaten into a sieve in front of the rifle.

After testing, unless the bullet penetrates the body and lands on some of the forehead parts inside the body, it can be used as a bullet.


Whether it’s hiding behind a car door; Inside the car… Even the back of the car!!

Can’t stop the strafing of firearms!

And this kind of car, in foreign countries is the main product that everyone purchases.


Because Deep Blue Group’s materials, especially special steel, are very expensive to export overseas.

Many automobile companies do not purchase at all.

Only a small number of automobile companies have placed orders, and most of them are still used in the Huaxia automobile market.

Huaxia automobile market is huge, and Huaxia purchases materials from Deep Blue Group has natural advantages, and the price will be much cheaper.

Huaxia’s automobile companies all use Deep Blue Group materials.

Other automotive companies do not use it, and there is not much competitiveness at all.

In the Huaxia market, most cars use Deep Blue Group materials.

Overseas, only a small number of car companies use Deep Blue Group materials.

Cars made of ordinary steel are still mainstream products in foreign countries.

Many people can’t buy deep blue cars even if they want to buy deep blue group materials to build cars.

Only a few Japanese or local car brands have models made of Deep Blue Group materials.

The price is still sky-high!


When this foreign netizen directly strafed several models under Deep Blue with a rifle: from off-road vehicles, three sedan models, and even supercar models, customized D-1 extended version models.

Bullets hit it, all “ding” sounds and sparks … A bullet can’t penetrate a dark blue car at all.

Even the lowest end of the product!

Positioning high-end models, large-caliber firearms cannot penetrate the car god material, unless an anti-materiel sniper rifle is used to hit the side of the body.

These impact parts of the front of the car have a design to strengthen the impact protection, and the anti-material sniper rifle may not be able to penetrate.

As for the real custom D-1 long model, this car is a real bulletproof car.

Needless to say!

More than bulletproof!

RPG strikes are not any problems!

This foreign netizen tested on the spot and attacked the Deep Blue D-1 custom extended version with RP.

Even bombarded with grenades placed under the body!

For the Deep Blue D-1 Plus Custom Car, there was no problem.

At most, the wheels are broken.

This kind of car, even if the wheel is broken, there is still no problem and can continue to drive.

“The Navy D-1, this customized extended version, is safer than the US president’s car!!”

This is the conclusion reached by foreign netizens after testing.

In fact, the President of the United States has an Army One, and a Long Custom Edition of the Deep Blue D-1.

Which one is safer?

No one knows at all.

Because the president of the United States’ car, Army One, is custom-made.

Even when it is scrapped, it is directly destroyed, and no one knows the specific design and real performance.

But this test, for global netizens, is a direct proof of how safe Deep Blue’s car is.

Even the dark blue supercar made of carbon fiber is still very safe enough to withstand the blows of firearms.

The most direct embodiment is: the sales of Deep Blue cars have been greatly improved!

Especially in overseas markets, sales have soared!

This is especially true in some countries that do not ban firearms!

Countries where deep blue cars can’t enter, such as the United States …?

There are also many people protesting, let Washington pass the test of deep blue cars, they want to buy dark blue models! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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