Chapter 382 Anshiko listed

“Anshi Technology has reached a cooperation with Apple;”

“Because of Apple’s actions, the technology semiconductor companies in the United States have launched our standard products.”

Minghu Royal Garden.

Wu Yumeng told An Jing the latest news.

During this time, Anjing returned to his normal life.

I usually go to the laboratory in Rong’an New Area to participate in various researches.

Point to the researchers in the lab.

Or in the private laboratory of the villa, tinkering with some of your own ideas, some advanced technology.

It will be used in the future.

For the development of foreign companies, Anjing is to take time to understand, check the company’s statements every quarter, and review them.

Competition and standards battle between Anshi Technology and American Technology Company.

Of course, An Jing also knew, but he just didn’t pay attention all the time.

Many of Anshi Technology’s graphene technology, the core of CSL operating system, and holographic technology were made by Anjing himself.

After that, it was handed over to the researchers at the Deep Blue Laboratory to replenish.

For the standard of graphene chips, Anjing certainly knows this competition, and from the beginning, Anshi Technology has won.

Not to mention that there is such a big killer as holographic technology in the second half of the year!

In the first half of the year, graphene chips and CSL systems were announced.

Very mature holographic technology will be released in the second half of the year!

It is a mature technology that can be used directly on mobile phones… This should be something that no company expected.

The outside world was shocked by the holographic technology displayed at the Anshi Technology conference, thinking that the holographic technology that Anshi Technology would release in the second half of the year, that is, the kind of holographic technology used in large-scale occasions.

At most, it is used in cinemas, or in companies… Research aspect use.

No one expected that such a mature holographic technology could be directly integrated into mobile devices.

As a direct result, Apple, Qualcomm, and Google fell into passivity… Android system, Apple’s iPhone, iOS, etc., Qualcomm’s chips…

If they do not use the technical standards of Anshi Technology, it is impossible to develop their own technical standards in three or five years.

Holographic technology can be used on mobile devices.

The related hardware requirements are very high, and the promotion of this aspect is naturally fast.

Three or five years from now?

They may all be swept into the trash can of the times like Nokia and Motorola.

The only thing that can be done is to follow up as soon as possible, use the technical standards of Anshi Technology, and let yourself survive.

In the future, in the technical standards of Anshi Technology Technology, we developed our own technology… Slowly surpass Anshi Technology, become a leader, and take the standard into your own hands.

“Something to be expected.”

An Jing said: “However, laboratory ink semiconductors still need to work harder, and the next is a long-term competition.” ”

If nothing else, Intel, Qualcomm. MD, IBM, Apple and other companies, in terms of conductors, have a deep history, the heritage is there.

In terms of semiconductor talents, Huabian is indeed not as good as the United States.

In the research and development of semiconductor chips, so many companies in the United States have joined forces, and the progress of research and development is very fast.

After getting the patented technology of Anshi Technology, it is not difficult to develop their own technology according to these technologies.

Anshi Technology released graphene semiconductor chips in the first half of the year, and holographic technology in the second half of the year… Part of the reason is that they are calculating these overseas technology companies, forcing them to use Anshi technology in a short period of time and without developing their own technology.

Now what Ainz Technology is going to do… It is to constantly maintain its leading position in graphene semiconductors and consolidate its position.

In this regard, when applying for a patent, the patent barriers created and the patent trap will play a big role.

It can limit the research and development of graphene semiconductors by overseas companies and technology companies.

But that’s just a limitation.

To stay ahead, you need more talent.

Overseas technology companies: Intel, Qualcomm, AMD, IBM, Apple and other companies have united to form a big alliance.

This alliance has the best talent in the world.

It’s still a lot!!

More mature experience!

Anshi Technology wants to stay ahead in technology, and the cultivation of talents is indispensable.

An Jing attaches great importance to this.

In this regard, the state also attaches great importance to it, and major universities also have resources in semiconductors.

An Jing in the laboratory, not to dominate everything, but also to cultivate and guide.

Anyway, An Jing, who has god-level computer skills, is there.

Coupled with the current status of Deep Blue Lab, it can continue to attract talent.

Open and hang + top laboratories in the world, even if there are not many talents, they are not very powerful… It’s okay to stay ahead of the curve in technology.

“But the laboratory still needs to be strengthened!”

“Rong’an New Area has also undergone a round of expansion, set up a deep blue laboratory on the side of Deep Blue University!”

The overall construction of Deep Blue University has been completed, and the faculty has increased by hundreds this year.

Today, the number of teachers has exceeded 1,000.

This is just the faculty, nothing else.

This year’s college entrance examination has been 10,000, and the enrollment of Deep Blue University has risen to more than 1,000.

Qiangzhou is a pilot city for low-altitude aircraft, and now the pilot has ended, but it is the first city to be put into use as a low-altitude aircraft.

The development of Qiangzhou has accelerated, and Shouling County is even more so.

As one of the top 100 counties in the country, Deep Blue University was established, and it directly entered the eyes of the highest level.

It is about an hour’s drive near Shudu, and the low-altitude aircraft can arrive in less than half an hour.

The withdrawal of counties to establish cities, or the division into Shudu, has been put on the agenda.

Future development!

and the status of Deep Blue University in Anjing’s mind.

It is very suitable to build a deep blue laboratory in Shouling County.

Deep Blue University also has many research projects, all of which are Anjing, or invested by Deep Blue Group;

Deep Blue Laboratory is Anjing’s personally owned laboratory, set up in Shouling County and Deep Blue University echoes each other, and can also bring many practical opportunities for Deep Blue University.

Many laboratory talents can also serve as mentors at Deep Blue University.


Wu Yumeng wrote this matter down.

The land around Deep Blue University is developing very quickly.

Deep Blue University settled down and signed a contract, and all the surrounding land was auctioned out.

But the official also reserved a batch of land!

It is for Deep Blue University.

Deep Blue University has pilot training courses and is also an aircraft license training institution.

In addition, some supporting facilities are also needed around Deep Blue University, and some land is reserved to buy and build a laboratory, which can still be discussed.

After Wu Yumeng took note of this incident, he also said to An Jing: “Anshi Technology has completed the restructuring, accounting statements, asset appraisal, land appraisal, and securities underwriting institutions have also been determined, the company’s shareholders’ meeting, board of directors, and board of supervisors have been formed, and the materials for listing declaration have been prepared…”

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