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The scissor door rises.

An Jing got out of the car and looked around.

The SCC Supercar Club is not remote, and within the third ring road, the construction site is very large.

After all, it was built in 05, when a piece of land was taken and the current headquarters of the Supercar Club was built.

Maybe the National Day holiday is coming soon, and many people come to play.

Outside the club, all kinds of supercars were stopped, which was just like a supercar showcase.

An Jing closed the car door and walked into the club.

At the reception, someone is in charge of reception, offering coffee snacks and some simple refreshments.

An Jing stepped into the club, and inside the club, everyone sitting here drinking coffee all fell on An Jing.

They’re all thinking, who is this?

Never seen it at all!

Too strange!

In the supercar circle, or the second generation, everyone knows each other more or less and knows some.

Even abroad!

An Jing, this new face, everyone has really never seen.

“I think I know who he is!”

On the side, the author and the two young men of coffee, one of them took out his mobile phone and opened the bib.

You can also find news about Anjing.

After Anjing’s college entrance examination, and the college entrance examination results were announced, they all made headlines.

At that time, Anjing’s hair was still very long, which was different from the round inch now.

However, after the release of “Linglong Battleship in Fighter”, photos of An Jing Round Inch can also be found.

This head shape, plus An Jing is in front of him at the moment, it is easy to determine the identity.

“Hello, I’m here to join the supercar club.”

An Jing walked to the front desk and found the reception sister paper to apply to join the supercar club.

“Okay.” The sister at the front desk answered and asked, “Please provide your vehicle information and your referrer!” ”

Of course, there is no problem with vehicle information, and Yang Peng has also done it in terms of recommenders.

Yang Peng has served as an executive in SAIC, Mercedes-Benz, and Geely, and has a wide network of contacts, and it is very simple to find someone to recommend An Jing to join the supercar club.

“Already registered, welcome Mr. An Jing to join our SCC Supercar Club!”

Registration is very fast.

Make sure that the car is owned by Anjing, and there is a recommender.

There is no need for proof of worth, and the supercar under your name meets the requirements for joining the SCC supercar club, which is basically OK.

“Thank you!”

An Jing thanked him, and then prepared to drive a supercar into the club.

SCC was founded in 05, when 14 founders gathered and invested heavily to build the top supercar club in China.

Directly took a very good piece of land and built the first F1 track in China!

At that time, the cost of the track alone was as high as more than 80 million US dollars!

This is only the cost of the track, not counting the land, and other investments.

Later, this F1 track also hosted F1 world events, which is enough to prove that this F1 track is world-class.

It is precisely because of this that SCC can establish its dominance in the domestic supercar club.


Seeing An Jing driving into the club track, the two young people sitting at the front desk for a coffee break also entered the club, driving their own super car, waiting for An Jing on this side of the track.

They also want to see it, Rafa Aperta.

Of course, the Rafa Aperta, which is actually no different from the Rafa, is the convertible version.

There is not much difference in power performance in all aspects.

Even so, the Rafa Aperta is the world’s top supercar.

I just don’t know how Anjing has car skills.

Just looked at the information on the Internet, only 18 years old, or living in China, how powerful are the car skills?


SCC Supercar Club F1 track.

The track is usually not open to the public, and it is basically only open on weekends or holidays every week, when the number of people applying to use the track is sufficient.

Otherwise one or two people go to the track, open every day … Maintenance alone is not a small amount.

Even so, each member, as well as the members who use the track, pay part of the membership fee to keep the club running, and part of the fee for the use of the track.


On the track, two supercars are already galloping.

Ferrari and Lamborghini, the price is around 50 million to 7 million.

Then, with the sound of engines and waves, a red Rafa drove into the track and instantly joined the race. “Finally there is room for me to play!!”

An Jing skillfully drives the vehicle, and after entering the track mode, he keeps accelerating!



The regional track is all about acceleration, experiencing the speed and passion of supercars.

Since getting the “Driving Skill Book”, he has even driven the god-level skill “Car God” later.

An Jing also drove the army’s cart for a wild test when the troops relied on their driver’s licenses.

Other than that, there is little room for play.

Today, this is an F1 track, and there is finally room for tranquility.

Fast and Furious!

The supercar enters the track mode, the floor begins to decrease, increasing the grip, and the lines on the body begin to play the role of guiding the wind resistance.

The design, performance and power of a top-of-the-line supercar is almost completely unlocked.

“Buzz !!!”

Super sound and engine sound continue to sound on the track.

An Jing was driving the Rafa Aperta, and within ten seconds, the speed had increased to 270km/h.

Moments later, entering the corner, Anjing began to slow down, followed by a perfect drift into the corner.

Almost extreme cornering.

Then another foot on the accelerator was pressed, and the speed increased again.

Instantly caught up with Ferrari and Lamborghini in front!

“Hold the grass!!”

“Which professional driver is this?!”

Lamborghini and Ferrari owners were taken aback by the quiet speed!

Too wild!

Too limiting!

Too fast!!

At the same time, the two young men who were drinking coffee in front just now and saw An Jing had already driven their own super cars to this side of the track.

Looking at the track, it is like a rainbow of light constantly galloping, constantly accelerating, constantly drifting around corners…

That line of cloud-like hype stunned two people.

Opening the car window, the two looked at each other: “Can you join in?” ”

“Forget it!”

As far as the car skills that An Jing has shown, where is there anything wrong with them?

Join in, you may not even see the taillights of the Rafa Aperta!

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